The use of didactic fairy tales in Russian language lessons in primary school. Lecture: The concept of morpheme. Types of morphemes dedicated to ... the anniversary of the Great Victory over fascism

Morpheme- the smallest meaningful unit of language. Unlike words and sentences, which can be used independently, a morpheme acts as an independent part of the word and word form: pi-sa-tel, hod-i-l-a. A word is a communicative unit, a sentence is a communicative unit, a morpheme is a structural unit of language.

Unlike phonemes, morphemes are two-sided units of language: they have 2 sides - semantic (content plane) and phonetic (expression plane). Note: the word "coat" coat– root and O– suffix. Suffix O the plane of expression has the phoneme [o], and the plane of content has a neuter meaning. To fully describe the structure of a morpheme, the concepts morphs And semes. Morpha– a specific phonetic variant of a morpheme. Sema– the smallest unit of the semantic aspect of a morpheme. Morphemes are monosemous (single-valued) and polysemous (polysemous). Those. suffix O in “coat” it has one seme – a neuter indicator. Note: village flexion O contains three semes:

1. gender (middle);

2. case (nominative or accusative);

3. number (singular).

Flexion– polysemous ending, suffix– monosemous ending.

There are also:

1. zero morphemes – morphemes without a morph, i.e. material (phonetic) expression. Example: Old Russian language slave ъ.

2. zero inflections of good (good, good)

Types of morphemes: according to their purpose in language, morphemes are divided into: 1) roots; 2) basics; 3) affixes.

Root– the common part of all related words that form a word-forming nest. Example: on table ny.

The basis- the general part of words and word forms that are in direct connection. The stem expresses the lexical and grammatical meaning of a given word.

Affixes– unlike roots and stems, they have only a grammatical meaning and cannot exist without them (roots and stems). According to their position relative to the root and stem, affixes are divided into postfixes And prefixes.

Postfixes– affixes located after the root or stem. They are divided into: suffixes And inflections(endings). Suffixes can be word-forming and form-forming. Eg: in Russian language suffix l occurs in words soap, musty, soapy. In the first two words (soap, musty) the suffix is ​​word-forming, in the word soaped– formative (soaps, soaps).

Prefixes– affixes located before the root or stem. The prefix in school grammar is a prefix.

The scope and application of intraverbal word formation is especially wide: walk - enter - leave - find - walk - go - go - leave, etc.

Prefixes are also used as indicators of grammatical meanings and as formative affixes. In Indo-European languages, prefixation during formation is rare. Eg: in Russian, prefixes express the meaning of the perfect form of the verb: do (deal), write (write). In German the prefix ge- serves to form the participle: gemacht (made) from machen, geschrieben from schreiben. However, in this case, weak verbs have not only ge, but also a suffix. There are polymorphemic And monomorphemic words. The noun pre-da-va-tel-ni-tsa consists of 7 morphemes. There are many polymorphemic words in the German language. Exist morphemes - repetitions: repetition (reduplication) of certain segments within words and even repetitions of entire word forms. Reduplication can act as a means of organizing a word or individual forms of a word. She may be full(repetition of a whole unit or morpheme) and partial (partial repetition). Let's look at examples: usually this is a repetition of a syllable or consonant: in children's words (mom, dad, baba, uncle, dad, nanny); in onomatopoeic words (woof-woof, ku-ku, ding-ding, ha-ha and derivatives from them, cuckoo, laugh, etc.). German: Mischmasch (mash), Wirrwarr (confusion). French: pele – mele (stuff), rififi (brawl). So morphemes are the “building material” for the formation of words.


A long time ago, in the distant land of Grammar, there lived small words PREPOSITIONS. They were big bullies. They managed to quarrel with all parts of speech. The words became offensive. They complained to Queen Grammar. She decided to sort out the quarrel and invited everyone to her place. And prepositions put on airs, don’t want to stand next to words-objects, move further and further away from them, finally moving so far away that you can insert a whole word or a question.

No matter how hard the ruler tried to reconcile the quarreling, nothing came of it. Then she offered excuses to live separately, and the quarrel grew stronger, so much so that it turned into a rule: Prepositions with words are written separately.


In a dense dense forest there lived a girl called Prefix. She had an old hut. The girl loved to wander for a long time in the forest, pick mushrooms and berries, listen to birds singing and play with animals. Sometimes the Prefix led lost mushroom pickers out of the forest.

This is how Prefix lived. In the summer she collected gifts from the forest, made supplies for the winter, and in the winter she knitted socks for small animals, darned clothes together with the hedgehog and told fairy tales to the animals.

One day, WORDS went to the forest where the girl Prefix lived. They decided to pick up more mushrooms and berries, so they did not notice how they climbed into the very thicket of the forest and got lost. The day was coming to an end. The sun has already set behind the hill. Evening fell on the forest. It was getting dark. WORDS sat down on a tree stump and cried. The squirrels heard their cry, jumped through the treetops to the girl Prefix and told her about the lost heroes. The girl listened to the animals and hurried to the aid of the WORDS.

It had already become completely dark in the forest. The console is in a hurry, running, holding its magic lantern in front, illuminating its path. I barely found the poor things. The girl led the poor mushroom pickers to their native village. She herself walks ahead, holds a magic lantern above her head, and WORDS follow her. Yes, the WORDS were so scared that they pressed themselves against the console, and some of them grew attached to the flashlight.

That's how we got home. The Prefix looks, and many WORDS have changed along the way. They stuck to the flashlight so tightly that they turned into NEW WORDS.

A lot of time has passed since then, but WORDS do not forget the girl Prefix and her magic lanterns; over time, they even learned to change these lanterns, but they do not want to part with them.

Friendship Morpheme.

In the wonderful land of Word Formation, morphemes lived and lived: Root, Suffix, Prefix and Root. They began to argue: who lives in which word?

We decided to bring up a word to check, and chose a doormat. They began to distribute.

POL is the root, OVIK, but there is no ending or prefix. The Root and Suffix became proud, the modified part was offended: “I always help you out! Made friends with all cases!”

And the console didn’t like it, but it remained silent.

We started looking for another word and found “CUTTING.” There is a root and an ending too. There is no suffix. He was offended: “I help you express your emotions, I can reduce it, I can caress you. And you?". And the modest Prestika, who had been silent until that moment, timidly said: “I, of course, don’t object, but I’m also forming a new word. Without me you can neither enter nor leave. But you won’t take me!”

Let's go morphemes to look for the right word. They walked and wandered until they saw the Base, to whom they told everything.

“I can reconcile you. You are all very important, even if you are not together in every word. Let's be friends, and I will always be with you."

Since then, the Base, Root, Suffix and Prefix have been strong friends, although the Ending is often offended by them. Do you guys know why?



How many suffixes we come across in life! But only this group can make words affectionate and kind; such suffixes are called diminutive. Imagine what would have happened if they weren’t there!

Everyone would communicate formally and strictly. Children would say no mommy, but only mother. Parents called their children not son And daughter, A son And daughter. Even the sun with such a suffix is ​​so warm!

Have you noticed how a kind word influences people? Such a word with an affectionate suffix becomes magical!

Zhdanova Natasha, 5B


Once upon a time there was a kind suffix in the world. One day he entered a village where many different letters lived. But an evil, despicable letter lived with them, which spoiled everyone’s mood. All letters suffered from this. And then they decided to ask the suffix to help them. Suffix agreed. He began to turn everything around into something small and affectionate. The house became a house, the flower became a flower, the grass became grass. And when the evil letter saw this, it immediately became kind!

Sheremet Alena, 5A


One day the suffixes K, NIK, ENK, ONK, OCCHK, ECHK, IK, CHIK, ISHK found their way into a huge city. Everything there was so big and unusual, and the suffixes were small and defenseless, that they were scared and uncomfortable. And they decided to act! And they began:

city ​​- town,

street - street,

square - square,

house - little house,

path - path,

road - path,

staircase - a ladder!..

Levina Lera, 5A


Once upon a time there was a kind suffix. He was tired of living between the root and the end. He wanted to visit the world of people. He turned into

He hit a chair - and the chair suddenly turned into a high chair. He began to eat from a spoon - and it became a spoon. I greeted Baba Masha - and she became a butterfly and flew away! The table turned into a table, and the house turned into a house... The cat was a cat... and now she is no longer a cat, but a cat1 The suffix really liked it in the human world, but he missed the root and ending. He flew away and returned to his homeland. And the human world became big again: the butterfly became Baba Masha, the kitty turned into a cat again, the fork, spoon, table, chair and house became big again.

All of them will never forget the beautiful good suffix!

Pulyaevskaya Vlada, 5B


Once upon a time there was a suffix. One day the suffix went to travel into the forest. He entered the forest - and the forest became a forest. He went further, saw a squirrel, and the squirrel became a squirrel, saw a hare, and he became a bunny, saw a chipmunk, and he became a chipmunk. As soon as the suffix came out of the woods, everything became normal. The forest became a forest, the squirrel became a squirrel, the bunny became a hare, the chipmunk became a chipmunk. The suffix went further. I went into the village. And the village became a hamlet. Suffix was surprised, scared and ran to his home. The suffix home came running - the house became a house! "What's happening? - I asked the suffix from my mother. “Why does everything around me become small?” “Because you are a diminutive suffix!” - Mom said.

Zuev Kirill, 5B


A long time ago, in the distant land of Grammar, there lived small words PREPOSITIONS. They were big bullies. They managed to quarrel with all parts of speech. The words became offensive. They complained to Queen Grammar. She decided to sort out the quarrel and invited everyone to her place. And prepositions put on airs, don’t want to stand next to words-objects, move further and further away from them, finally moving so far away that you can insert a whole word or a question.

No matter how hard the ruler tried to reconcile the quarreling, nothing came of it. Then she offered excuses to live separately, and the quarrel grew stronger, so much so that it turned into a rule: Prepositions with words are written separately.


In a dense dense forest there lived a girl called Prefix. She had an old hut. The girl loved to wander for a long time in the forest, pick mushrooms and berries, listen to birds singing and play with animals. Sometimes the Prefix led lost mushroom pickers out of the forest.

This is how Prefix lived. In the summer she collected gifts from the forest, made supplies for the winter, and in the winter she knitted socks for small animals, darned clothes together with the hedgehog and told fairy tales to the animals.

One day, WORDS went to the forest where the girl Prefix lived. They decided to pick up more mushrooms and berries, so they did not notice how they climbed into the very thicket of the forest and got lost. The day was coming to an end. The sun has already set behind the hill. Evening fell on the forest. It was getting dark. WORDS sat down on a tree stump and cried. The squirrels heard their cry, jumped through the treetops to the girl Prefix and told her about the lost heroes. The girl listened to the animals and hurried to the aid of the WORDS.

It had already become completely dark in the forest. The console is in a hurry, running, holding its magic lantern in front, illuminating its path. I barely found the poor things. The girl led the poor mushroom pickers to their native village. She herself walks ahead, holds a magic lantern above her head, and WORDS follow her. Yes, the WORDS were so scared that they pressed themselves against the console, and some of them grew attached to the flashlight.

That's how we got home. The Prefix looks, and many WORDS have changed along the way. They stuck to the flashlight so tightly that they turned into NEW WORDS.

A lot of time has passed since then, but WORDS do not forget the girl Prefix and her magic lanterns; over time, they even learned to change these lanterns, but they do not want to part with them.

Friendship Morpheme.

In the wonderful land of Word Formation, morphemes lived and lived: Root, Suffix, Prefix and Root. They began to argue: who lives in which word?

We decided to bring up a word to check, and chose a doormat. They began to distribute.

POL is the root, OVIK, but there is no ending or prefix. The Root and Suffix became proud, the modified part was offended: “I always help you out! Made friends with all cases!”

And the console didn’t like it, but it remained silent.

We started looking for another word and found “CUTTING.” There is a root and an ending too. There is no suffix. He was offended: “I help you express your emotions, I can reduce it, I can caress you. And you?". And the modest Prestika, who had been silent until that moment, timidly said: “I, of course, don’t object, but I’m also forming a new word. Without me you can neither enter nor leave. But you won’t take me!”

Let's go morphemes to look for the right word. They walked and wandered until they saw the Base, to whom they told everything.

“I can reconcile you. You are all very important, even if you are not together in every word. Let's be friends, and I will always be with you."

Since then, the Base, Root, Suffix and Prefix have been strong friends, although the Ending is often offended by them. Do you guys know why?


In ancient times, in the distant country of Grammar, the old wizard Suffix lived in a castle. The inhabitants of the country were very afraid of him. This sorcerer has long had a bad reputation. He could turn words from small to large or simply huge, and he could turn a good person into an evil one, or, conversely, turn an angry person into a gentle and obedient one. They didn’t know how the wizard managed to do this, and that’s why they were afraid of him.

One day a huge giant came to the city. He became a ruler, drove the king into the forest and began to rule everything and everyone. The residents were sad. How to live further? How to feed a huge giant if he ate a herd of cows at one time. What to wear if one of his shirts took a year's supply of fabric. And then the elder of the city suggested turning to the wizard Suffix for help. Residents were afraid to go to the old man. But there were three brave souls who ventured on this journey. They found the wizard's castle. They told him about the misfortune of the townspeople, and he promised to help.

The next morning, the wizard Suffix appeared in the main square of the city in front of the giant's palace. The new ruler was sitting on the balcony and drinking his morning coffee. Seeing the old sorcerer, the giant laughed and said: “So it’s you that my people are so afraid of? Cowardly people! Wizard Suffix didn’t answer him, but just waved his magic wand, and... the giant’s boots turned into boots, waved it again... And so the giant was gone, and in his place there was a little man left. He waved his arms, stamped his feet and ran out of sight.

The former king returned from the forest, and the people lived happily. The ruler generously rewarded the wizard Suffix and invited him to live in the city.

Since then, no one has ever been afraid of the old sorcerer.

Suffixes CHIC and SCHIK.

On the big planet Russian language in the country Morphology and Spelling in the wonderful city Noun there lived two brothers, suffixes CHIC and SCHIK.

H - honest

I – infantile

K - beautiful

Ш – generous

I - intelligent

K - capricious

And then one day two brothers argued.
- You can’t do anything without me! - said SCHIK. And CHIC did not like to quarrel and always dreamed of having friends.

I'll go and find myself friends who are not so rude and cruel,

The brothers went in different directions: CHIC to the left, CHIC to the right. They wandered for a long time and did not find friends, but suddenly CHIC met a group of letters D, T, Z, S and Zh. They became friends with CHIC. When SHCHIK found out about this, he took all the other residents of the town as friends.

This is how we distinguish the suffixes CHIC and SCHIK in writing.

In nouns the law

The suffix CHIC is very smart,

Friends only with D, T, Z, S, F,

The suffix SHCHIK later.

The roots of GOR- and GAR- managed

Select position:

We write O without accent

All of us, no doubt.

We need a console

For education

Already wise, beautiful

And, of course, very important.

We know the morphology

Because we study

We study parts of speech,

We are very happy about every meeting.

Two girlfriends.

In one huge state in the suburbs of the city of Word Formation, there lived two lovely girlfriends, two prefixes PRE and PRI.

PR always denoted joining, approaching, incompleteness of action or proximity. And PRE was friends with the word VERY, and she also had a sister prefix called PERE. So she always tried to separate her friends, and once she succeeded...

When PRE was walking in the letter garden and admiring nature, PERE said to her:

Your friend is leaving our beautiful state. She doesn't even want to say goodbye to you.

PRE was very upset and wanted to go say goodbye to PRE, but her sister dissuaded her, citing the fact that it was already late in the evening.

But she didn’t suspect anything, she calmly went to bed. At night, PERE arrived at PRI and cried:

Your good friend left town, You need to find PRE!

PRI sat down on the bed, cried and went to get her friend. Since then, the two friends have been looking for each other.


One day the root of a bush and the root of a word met.

“Hello,” says one, “I’m a root, and who are you?”

“And I, too, am a root,” answers the other.

“I live in the earth,” said the first. - And where did you live?

“And I live in words,” answered the second.

Well, what kind of root can live in words! – the first one grinned. - Here I am, a root! - Look: sprouts originate from me in the ground and a whole currant or hazel bush grows, or even a whole tree. What is growing from you?

“Don’t brag,” the second one answers with a smile. – From me and from other roots like me, valuable bushes also grow, but not plants, but new words. Look how many different words have grown from just one root “years”

Just think! – the first one doesn’t let up. - But on the bushes and trees that grow from me, delicious fruits and berries ripen that you can eat. But I can’t eat your words!

And without the words that grow from me, not a single plant of yours, no fruits, no berries, can even be named! – the second one doesn’t give up.

People heard their argument and said:

Don't argue, friends, we need both of you. We also need roots from which good plants will grow, and we also need roots from which new words can be grown.

Just as all branches of one bush have a common root, so all related words always have a common root - a common part for all, from which they all originated.


Once upon a time there lived many thousands of years ago an old man called Root forest. He had already lived a long time and during this time he became very rich. Everything was fine, but he was lonely. He was bored and sad. And there were many houses in his country, but there was no one to live in them.

And then one day the suffix passed by OK . He admired the unusual country and sat down to rest. And the old man-root is already running towards him, rejoicing at the guest. I greeted him and told him about my life. He took pity on the old man’s suffix and agreed to stay for a day or two. The old man, the root, brought him into the house, and they began to live amicably and cheerfully. Suffix OK to the root forest I went to visit and drank tea. That's how we lived forest Yes OK , forest And soon it became impossible to separate them. The old man liked the suffix so much that he stayed with him forever.

Meanwhile, a console passed by under. She walks and is surprised: she has passed by this country more than once, and it was always quiet and sad around, but this time laughter and jokes can be heard right from the border itself. She became interested and decided to look into the light. A forest Yes OK They are already coming out to meet her. These friends are always happy to have guests. They warmed up and fed the console. They invited her to stay for a while. And the prefix, seeing the affection and care, is glad to stay. And so the three of them began to live together: prefix under, root forest and suffix ok - undergrowth . The three of them live well. No one swears at anyone, there is complete peace and quiet. They lived happily ever after.

But one sunny morning the suffix appeared at the borders of the country Nick . I was surprised by the noise and fun. And when he found out what it was, he became terribly angry: “What is this? Why do some extraneous suffixes and prefixes live in my house when I am a close relative of the old man?” He stamped his foot and drove everyone out, and he stood next to him: forest nickname . Poor suffixes and prefixes wandered on their way. But the old root caught up with them and brought them back. “Aren’t you ashamed,” he said to the suffix Nick .-You kicked out your half-brothers. Both for you and for them I am an old root forest one, and therefore you are words forest, undergrowth, forester- relatives. And they are called in one word - the same root. The prefixes and suffixes made peace and began to live together. And then many other prefixes and suffixes came to visit them.


We met on a piece of paper Zero with an exclamation mark. We met and started talking.

“I’m in big trouble,” said Zero. - I lost my wand. Imagine the situation: Zero and without a stick.

Oh! - Exclamation mark exclaimed. - It's horrible!

“It’s very difficult for me,” continued Zero. – I have such mental work... With my scientific and life baggage, I can’t do without a wand.

Oh! - Exclamation mark exclaimed. - It is wonderful!

“You and I will work well together,” continued Zero. – I have the content, and you have the feeling. What could be better?

Eh! – Exclamation mark was even more delighted. - It's really wonderful.

And they began to work together. They made an amazing couple. And now whoever sees a Zero with an Exclamation Mark on paper will definitely exclaim: Oh! And he won't say anything more. Of course, if nothing else is written on paper.


Long ago, in ancient times, there lived tribes of letters. The world improved, but the letters still lived in tribal communities. Queen Linguistics had already appeared in the country, and the letters lived in tribal communities.

The queen called them to her. First she counted them, it turned out to be 33 letters. Linguistics tells them: “I want to improve the lives of your tribes. And they answered her: “Uu-wa-mm...!” They don't know how to speak. The queen sent them home, and she began to think about what to do. And I came up with an idea.

The next day she again called the letters to her: “Now you will live separately, they built 33 houses for you, and you will live in them in order. And walk in formation. We will soon learn your names. And in order for you to learn to speak faster, we will hire you a tutor.”

And from that moment on, Alphabet Street appeared in the country of Linguistics, which we so need.


A famous magician lives in the country of Grammar. His name is Soft Sign. As soon as he approaches some word, it becomes completely unrecognizable: the word “ate” turns into “spruce”, and the tin can becomes a warm bathhouse.

The Soft Sign boasted: “I am, they say, the most magical.” But some residents from the country of Grammar (second row vowels) began to laugh: “We can show tricks even without you. Look: there was a “bow”, it became “hatch”, it was “small”, it became “crumpled”. So the vowels of the second row put the braggart in his place.

Soft sign, soft sign -

You can't live without it!

You can't write without it

Thirty, twenty, ten, five.

Instead of six we get a pole,

Instead of eating, we get eating,

The hemp will become foam,

Corners - coals,

The bathhouse will turn into a jar.

This is what can happen

If we forget

Soft sign in words to write.

Day, ding, sleep, shadow,

Cheese, juice, elk, laziness,

Nose, carried, dig, whine

Horse, horse, noise, sew.

Tell me in what words

You can't write a soft sign.


One day they gathered in the magical land of words and began to have fun and dance. They invited punctuation marks, letters, sounds to their holiday, but forgot about the old wizard Accent. He found out about the holiday and was very offended. The wizard Accent decided to take revenge on the words. So he appeared in the midst of the holiday in the middle of the square where the guests had gathered, and declared that he was the most important and significant. How could they forget about him? Everyone present fell silent and thought. And then they told him not to be arrogant, which is not at all clear to the words, why is the emphasis so important?

Who you are? How am I not important? If I’m not in the words, they won’t be able to read you correctly! If I want, I can change you beyond recognition! Then instead of one word a completely different one will appear.

The words have died down, they stand and are a little afraid. The sight of the old wizard Accent is painfully scary. Maybe he was telling the truth?

But then a castle came into the middle of the hall.

I'm not afraid of you, wizard! How can you influence me? If I hang on the door, no one will break into the house. I obey only the key.

The wizard laughed and hit the castle with his magic wand, so hard that the emphasis jumped from the vowel O to the vowel A - the castle turned into an ancient castle. The words gasped.

Suddenly, carnations emerged from the crowd.

We are sharp studs. Sharp, strong and iron. We are holding huge logs. We can fasten bridges, house walls and parts of furniture. We are not afraid of you. There are many of us - you are alone!

The Stress Wizard grinned and moved the stress from the vowel O to the vowel I - the carnations disappeared and delicate red carnations appeared.

“Enough, enough, enough! - shouted the frightened words. “We believe, we believe you, wizard Accent, and we apologize!”

But the wizard did not stop. And so, instead of the atlas, an atlas appeared, the clock hands disappeared, and in their place brave hands appeared. They see the words - it’s bad! They took the wizard to a place of honor among the guests and promised never to forget about him.


One day the letter E ran into the forest. Suddenly a strong wind blew and the trees swayed. The letter E became scared and hid under a spruce tree. The spruce tree also swayed from the wind, and two huge cones fell from the spruce branch on the letter E. They hit the letter painfully on the forehead, so much so that two bumps jumped up on her head. And from this it turned into another letter - the letter E. This, it turns out, is why the letter E is always stressed and why it walks around with bumps on its head.

A fairy tale about how the letter H quarreled with the letters I and Y.

One day the letters I, Yu, A and U invited the letter Ch to play hide and seek. They counted and it fell out to look for the letter Ch. The rest ran to hide. The letters are sitting in hidden places, waiting for someone to start looking for them. Now the letter Ch has already gone around everything, found A and U, but still can’t find I and Yu. I searched and searched, but couldn’t find it; offended, I decided to go home. The letter H passes by the neighboring house and sees Yu and I sitting on the porch as if nothing had happened. Ch was offended and since then their friendship has been apart. They never stand together.

But with the letters A and U, the letter H has become friends.

Since then, CHA and CHU are written only with A and U.

Connecting O and E in compound words.

On the outskirts of the country “Word Formation” is located the city of Compound Words. People from all over the country wandered there to find out how to spell them correctly.

The words “beast” and “catch” came and they said that they did not want to stand next to him.

What letter do you want to connect? – asked the queen.

Your Highness, let it be your choice,” the words answered.

The queen had two favorite letters, O and E. She decided: “Let it be E.”

The letter O didn't like it:

“E does double duty,” she said. “When E comes after the hard one, it softens it, and now it will also connect the bases.” But not me! I also want to reconcile the roots. I want to be useful, let E and I have equal work!

The Queen thought and published a new spelling: O is written after hard ones, E after soft ones, and also after the letters C, Sh. O agreed to this.

This is how the spelling we know appeared: connecting O and E in complex words.

Why didn't the negative particle quarrel with nouns?

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, in a certain town, there lived many nouns and only one particle NOT.

They walked together, played, learned the alphabet. But one day they had a fight. It happened like this... I didn't invite my friends to play ball, but not all the nouns agreed. Those who are negative refused. Then she offered to play hide and seek, but they again refused.

Why do you always say NO? - the rest of the nouns were indignant.

We just don’t like your stupid games, we are serious people! - the negative nouns answered dismissively.

Then I’m no longer friends with you!” NE exclaimed proudly. After this quarrel, negative nouns did not meet with NOT and her friends, who knew how to be friends no matter what.

Kingdom of Nouns .

a) In one magical kingdom, which is called the Russian Language, there lived animate and inanimate nouns. One day they began to argue: who is more important? The animate ones shouted so loudly that they did not notice how the inanimate nouns left the kingdom. The animate nouns were delighted and decided that they were now in charge. But their joy did not last long. They wanted to eat, sleep, play, but there were no inanimate nouns. It was then that they realized that each of them was important. They went to the inanimate to ask for forgiveness. Since then they have lived together.

b) In one country there lived the words Who? So what? One day all the words ran away and began to have fun. They played and lost their names. Fluff began to argue with Fluff, and Ball with Sharik. They argued for a long time. Then we remembered that nouns can be divided into groups: animate and inanimate. The nouns divided into groups and made peace.

c) In one kingdom there lived animate and inanimate words. They were friends and never quarreled. And in this kingdom there lived a witch. No one saw her because she lived in a deep forest. She didn't like those who were friends. And she decided to quarrel between words: she sent them a curse. The words quarreled and the inanimate left this kingdom. The animated ones decided to return them. They searched for their friends for a long time, and finally found them in an old abandoned house, tied to poles. The witch was preparing a potion. But she didn’t have time to say the words. The battle has begun. The witch was punished for the curse. She liked that the words lived so together and she began to ask to live with them and never offend anyone again. The words accepted her into their kingdom.

In the country sounds.

Lived in a magical land of sounds. This country was very tiny. And there were only 31 inhabitants. No one saw them, since they were invisible.

But you could hear them. Six sounds were singers: A,Uh, Y, I, E, O. They were called vowels for their melodiousness and vocality.ThemYa [ya], Yo [yo], Yu [yu], E [ye] sang along.

The remaining 21 were also kind, with good sounds, but they could not sing. Listen here:BVGJZIKLMNPRSTFHTSCh Sh Shch.

They were very friendly, agreed with the vowels in everything, loved to stand next to them. And they were called consonants.

The sounds still live together, singing magical songs. You can also sing along with them, but to do this you need to be able to recognize all the sounds and pronounce them correctly.

Try it!

How sounds learned turn into letters.

A lot of time has passed since sounds settled in one magical land. They were invisible, but they loved to sing.

One day, a wizard from another kingdom appeared in that country. He liked it there so much that he wanted to get to know its inhabitants better. And when he found out that all the residents were invisible, he was very upset. But he was still a wizard, and a very kind one at that. And he decided to give each resident a magic dress. Each sound received a dress unlike the others. As soon as you put it on, the sound immediately became visible and turned into a letter. The letter could be seen, depicted, drawn, written. The wizard was very pleased. After all, now, having read or sung it, or whispered it, he called the sound by name. That's how they met.

Who more important?

One day, vowels and consonants argued among themselves: which of them is more important.

    Of course we are more important! - the vowels shouted. - Without us, no one will open their mouth!

    Well, we’ll see about that later,” those who agreed unanimously objected. - Try to pronounce us without opening your mouth even a little. Nothing will work!

    And here it will work! For example, M.

    Is it just one M, nothing else!

    And yet we are more important! Not a single word, not a single syllable can exist without us.

    What is true is true. But without us, those who agree, not a single word will be understandable. Come on, say something without our help! At least the name of the science that studies you and me!

    O...E...I...A,” the vowels sang and fell silent in embarrassment.

    You see! And if we say FNTK, then everyone will guess that this is PHONETICS.

-Let us suppose. Although we decided that it was FANTIK. But according to

try to say the following words without us: WINDOW, TREE, IF.

The consonants mumbled something unintelligible in response and also fell silent.

What do you guys think? Which one is more important and necessary?

Always together

One day the vowels and consonants did not get along and went in different directions. The consonants huddled together, wanted to talk - but nothing...

They coughed:

    Kh! Sneezed:

    Pchh! They chuckled:


For some reason they called the cat:

    Puss, puss, puss! And we got bored... Suddenly:


It seemed to them that someone was crying somewhere... They listened.

    Ah-ah-ah! Ooo! - the vowels shouted. They cried like little children:

    Wow! Wow! Aukali:

    Ay! Ay!

And the consonants shouted to them (or rather, they wanted to shout, but they only managed to mutter indistinctly:


And they heard a joyful, but also inarticulate:


They made peace, stood side by side again, and said clearly:


And since then they have never been separated again. They can't live without each other. Who then will form the words? It happens, it's true, that they quarrel a little, but then everythingI they make peace equally.

(according to A. Shibaev)

Letter dispute.

Recently the letters argued again. And it all started becauseI.

    “I’m the most important,” said the letter.I. - BecauseI - It's me.

    And you are not the main thing, - the letter screamedA. - You stand

at the end of the alphabet. And I'm at the very beginning. And I also sing: aah... I’m the most important!

    And we sing too, - the letters popped outUh, ABOUT, AND, Y.

    How important are you if only one word can be built from you - AU, - said the letterM. - But together with me you can construct the words MAMA, PAST, MU-MU.

But here comes a clear sign:

    I know that I am not the most important letter: I do not designate any separate sound. But sometimes I also bring benefits: I can separate sounds and prevent them from merging. We all do one common job: making up words. And in this work we help each other. What can you do, singers? - askedKommersant

    “We,” the letters answered in unisonA, ABOUT, Uh, Uh, AND, Y, - denote vowel sounds.

    What else are you doing? - Kommersant asked sternly.

    We also show that we have hard consonant sounds in front of us.

    And I, - squeakedAND, - showing soft ones!

    Clear! All of you are doing two jobs. Well done! And you, braggart, what can you do? - askedKommersant at the letterI.

    I show thatI “It’s me,” the letter answeredI.

    What kind of work can you do?

-I... work?.. I don’t know, - answered the letterI. Then three letters jumped out, holding hands -YU, E, Yo.

    This is our sister, but she still doesn’t understand anything,” said the letterYU and took the letter by the handI.

    What can you do? - asked Kommersant.

    We can do three jobs, said the letterYU.

    Which ones?

    First work - we designate the vowel sounds [a], [o], [u], [e], - said the letterYU.

    Second job, said the letterE, - we mean that we have a soft consonant sound.

    And the third job,” the letter interruptedYo, - we can denote two sounds at once: [ya], [ye], [yo].

-Well, you’re really great: you’re doing three jobs! - Kommersant praised them. Did not have timeKommersant that's to say, as everyone else started popping up

letters: M, N, L, R, B, P, V, F... They stood in a row and shouted loudly:

-What can we do?

-Let's figure it out, he said.Kommersant “Let’s start with you,” he turned to the letterM. - What can you do?

LetterM thought:

    I can represent two sounds, but only if I have a neighbor.

    And without a neighbor? - askedKommersant

    I can't live without my neighbor. My neighbors help me.

    But as? - askedKommersant

    If there are letters after meABOUT, A, Uh, Y, then I denote a hard consonant sound. And if there are letters after meI, E, Yo, Yu, I orb, then I denote a soft consonant sound.

    And we all do,” the letters denoting consonants shouted in unison.

    “Everything is clear,” said Kommersant.

    Not everything is like that at all, the letters saidAND, Sh, H, SCH, C, Y.

    We always denote only hard consonants, they saidAND, C, Sh.

    And we always denote only soft consonants, the letters saidY, H, SCH.

    Well, we figured out which of us can do what,” Kommersant said. - Only we can all form words together. All letters are main in their work.

Parade letters

All kinds of letters are important

All sorts of letters are needed.

When two brothers settled in the magical land of ABCKommersant Andb, there were exactly 33 residents. Each had their own home, but could not exchange it for another. There were such strict laws there.

One day, King Alphabet and Queen ABC decided to throw a party. All the magical sounds put on dresses, turned into letters and went to the main square.

The king gave the command to the letters to line up and take each one in its place, according to the number of the dwelling. This is the order in which the letters were: A, B, C, D, D, F, 3, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, F, X, C, Ch, Sh, Shch, b, Y, b, E, Yu, Ya.

Queen ABC really liked the structure of the letters. Since then, the structure of letters in this order began to be called by the name of the king - ALPHABET or the queen - ABC.

Anyone who wants to know the secrets of this magnificent country must, like a king, know the order of the letters by heart.

ABOUT large And little ones.

Once, during a storm, the sea washed a man ashore. This man lay on the sand for a long time before the letters found him. Yes, yes, those same letters that lived in a beautiful magical land. They warmed the man up and thereby saved his life. That man turned out to be a great scientist from a neighboring mysterious country. He wanted to get to know his saviors better - letters, but

I couldn’t even see them, they were so small. Then the scientist took out a bag of pills. These were amazing pills. Eat the blue one and you will immediately become tall and tall. And if you need to become small again, then white is used. The scientist left them many tablets in gratitude, and the letters willingly use them to this day. But only if there is a need for it.What could be the need for this, what do you guys think?

But what song did the capital letters come up with? They like it so much that they often sing it:

An ordinary letter suddenly grew

She became noticeably taller than her friends,

They look with respect

With the letter of a friend.

But why? For what merit?

The letter didn’t want to grow on its own,

The letter is entrusted with an important task -

Placed in a word

Not in vain and not just

The letter is so tall.

A letter is placed at the beginning of the line, so that everyone notices the beginning. The name and surname are written with it, so that they can be more visible and visible, so that your name, the name of the street, the city can sound loudly and proudly. A big letter is not a trifle at all: A big letter is a sign of respect!

(E. Izmailov)

But among the letters there were cautious brothers - the Soft and Hard signs. They flatly refused to eat the magic pills, and therefore never grew big. And here is the letterY - sometimes, from case to case. They kept themselves somewhat apart. Once upon a timeAND I even had to console my sister:

She said to her dear sister:

    Here you are, sister, neighbor, You are often in capitals, But I am terribly rare.

    Well, rarely - that's not a problem. Never other letters!

    And are there many of them?

    Yes, as many as three: A sister and two brothers with her. That's what they call...

    Don't say... Tell me, guys!

(Right, Kommersant, Kommersant Y.)

These are the interesting stories that happen in the magical land of Alphabet Science.

Funny rhymes.

Vowels - consonants

We are not letters, we are the sounds of speech.

Phonetics studies us.

We are not letters, we are the sounds of speech,

They pronounce and hear us.

Breathing freely in every vowel,

The consonants are interrupted for a moment.

And only he achieved harmony,

Who can alter them?

Air flows freely through the mouth,

There are no different obstacles

The voice is involved, the voice is calling,

The sound is obtainedvowel.

The vowels stretch out in a ringing song,

They may cry and scream

They may be afraid of the child in the crib,

But they don’t want to whistle and grumble.

And the consonants... the consonants

Rustle, whisper, creak,

Even snort and hiss,

But I don’t want to sing to them.

Sss... - a snake whistle is heard.

Shhh... - a fallen leaf rustles

. Zhzh... - bumblebees are buzzing in the garden.

Rrr... - the engines rumble.

(V. Berestov)

Krivoy Rog secondary school of І-ІІІ degrees No. 99

Russian language teacher and

foreign literature

specialist of the highest category

Lysyakova Tamara Nikolaevna,

school students s

Krivoy Rog-2017

Inguletsk district department of education

Krivoy Rog secondary schoolschool of І-ІІІ degrees No. 99

l literature, specialist highest category , senior teacher

Reviewers: Mladenova A.G., methodologist of RONO

Bulgakova N.Yu., director KZSh No. 99

І. Features of a linguistic fairy tale: 1
A linguistic fairy tale explains to us the laws of language.
It is characterized by fairy-tale elements, magical transformations, fairy-tale heroes. Of course, she took a lot from folklore fairy tales.
The composition of linguistic fairy tales consists of: a saying, a beginning, a fairy-tale action and an ending.

ІІ. The difference between a linguistic fairy tale from ordinary, folklore.
The linguistic tale is instructive.The plot is based on linguistic
concepts. She happens to bea kind of fairy tale.
Heroes are letters or words.The heroes are in a special place - a kingdom, a kingdom. All of themdifferent - strong, kind, capricious, unpredictable...
In linguistic fairy tales it is impossiblemake factual errors (knowledge
Russian language, knowledge of linguisticmaterial, all the conditions for writing thator other spelling is required.Otherwise, you will write the wrong fairy tale).

ІІІ. Writing algorithmnialinguisticallyOuchfairy taleAnd
* Determine who the fairy tale is intended for and in what situation will

* Select linguistic material, information about linguistic

* Think about what heroes will act.
* Think over the composition, come up with a plot.
*Make a plan.
* Write down the story. If necessary, do illustration.
*Check for logical or factual errors.
* Edit the text.
* Prepare for oral reproduction, think about what gestures

(body movements) will be appropriate, how the voice will sound.
* Rehearse your speech.

І V. Collectionlinguistic fairy tales (students’ works) 2

A linguistic tale about morphemes

In the kingdom of Morphemics there lived amazing significant units of language - the smallest ones, without which words in the Russian language cannot exist - MORPHEMES. Each of them had their own habits, their own character and even their own name. For example, that morpheme that always jumped forward and stood before the main significant unit in a word was called a Prefix. He was so proud, so inaccessible that no one was with him.

did not argue, and only the main significant unit of the word - the Root, considering the Prefix his friend, could make comments to him and stop his boasting.

The suffix was not always self-confident and often downplayed everything: it could turn a river into a small river, a hand into a little hand, a book into a little book. And everything would be fine, only sometimes the words became offensive, because with the advent of a suffix in this word, it radically changed its meaning; The suffix could give the word offensive a diminutive and affectionate meaning: a beautiful fence turned into just a fence, or a little fence, and a delicious big pie, which all the students in our class could eat, turned into a small pie, and not even one person could get enough of it. But sometimes the Suffix also began to brag and exaggerate, and then the eyes became scary and ugly eyes, the hands became little hands, and the wolf, which many literary heroes were already afraid of, became a wolf.

Because of its shyness, the Suffix never rushed forward and appeared in the word after the Root, and sometimes even after other Suffixes.

All Morphemes were already accustomed to the fact that when they all gathered together in one word, the small significant part of the word, which called itself the Ending, was always located at the end of the word, and sometimes the words pushed it away and said that it had no place here. So

unchangeable words came - Adverbs: equally, quickly, up and others, and the ending, without being offended, went to the side.

Couldn't make friends with another significant one 3

part of the word being modified - the Base. She did not want to stand next to the ending and when parsing a word she always separated all the morphemes of the word from the ending, underlining the part of the word without the ending from below with a solid bold line.

But for some reason everyone got used to it and didn’t want to change anything, and only sometimes turned to Root for advice, because he is the main significant part of the word, which contains the general meaning of all words with the same root.

This is how they still live in the kingdom.language all these little Morphemes,

each of which has its own name, its own place and its own meaning. They don’t argue, they don’t fight, they don’t offend each other, as if they want to tell us: “Live together, children! Remember! Each of you has your own role and your place on Earth and in life!”

Linguistic fairy tale “Who is in charge?”

Morphemes. Root.

Do you believe in miracles? Has anything unusual ever happened to you? But something amazing and fabulous happened to me recently, which gave me confidence that miracles happen in our school life!

Russian language teacher Tamara Nikolaevna gave us a task: to repeat for the next lesson All rules about morphemes of the Russian language and their meanings. I came home and started studying. It's your turnto the Russian language. I took a textbook out of my briefcase, put a notebook of creative works in front of me, in which we write down rhyming rules on the topics we are studying... And I had just opened the textbook on the right page when I felt that my eyes were closing by themselves, and my eyelids

stick together. I had no strength to fight the urge to take a nap, so I fell asleep

I woke up a few minutes later from some incomprehensible rustling: either small bells in the distance were ringing louder, sometimes dying out completely; or something was grinding. I listened and heard a quiet

talk. I looked closer and saw how on the open textbook 4

Russian language for 6th grade, with their little legs dangling in shiny boots, tiny people are sitting and having a conversation with each other, which sometimes turns into an argument. I carefully, so as not to give myself away with a single movement, watched them, and they continued the conversation.

Don't you know that Root is the main morpheme among us. It contains the general meaning of all related words. “We won’t be friends with the Root, and everything in our life will be disrupted,” said the strangest of all the little people that I managed to see. “Just imagine what you will do if the Root doesn’t stand behind you!” Take at least the words fly in, or fly in. Remove the root -YET- from them, and what remains? In the first case: come, in the second – stick. But there are no such words in the Russian language, they are not even words, because they do not carry any lexical meaning! And you, Prefix, keep bragging that you are the most important thing in the word, and it cannot exist without you. I’ll prove to you that it’s very possible, look: it can fly. This word does not have a Prefix at all, that is, you, but the word feels great without you. Another thing is that you, Prefix, can form new words, that’s why you are a Word Former.

I don’t know how their argument would have ended, but then the pen fell out of my hands, the little men shuddered and disappeared, as if they had dissolvedon the pages of the textbook. For a few more minutes I was at a loss. What is this? Dream or reality? But whatever it was, fairy-tale characters reminded me of morphemes, significant parts of a word, their role, meaning and place in a word. The rhyming rules that I had learned before began to ring in my ears:

The root is the main significant part, family ties give the root power,

Choose your line of kinship skillfully: choose words with the same root!

And another thing: Behind the root, the suffix warmed the place,

He pleased not with a word, but only with a word.

The big river turned into a small river,

The forest becomes a forester, but the stove is just a stove! 5

Oddly enough, the rules were remembered one after another easily. This is what it means to teach them confidently, seriously, consolidating and developing your memory!

The fairy tale was written by a student of class 6-A Antipenko Yulia

A linguistic tale about the root of a word

This fabulous story happened a long time ago. Not every person can determine in which country this happened, but only those who know the Russian language well and are friends with it. But you, my interlocutor, don’t worry, everything can still be fixed, and I will help you with this. I'll tell you a story. Listen and remember!

This fabulous country lives on the pages of a Russian language textbook, and its name is Morphemics. The word “morphe” itself, from which its name comes, was born in ancient Greece and means “form”.There are few kingdoms in this country, but each of them is ruled by its own kings and queens, who believe that only their kingdoms are the most beautiful, the most amazing, and the wisest and most unique inhabitants live in them.

This is exactly what King Root thought, whose kingdom was the largest in Morphemic both in terms of territory and number of inhabitants. And all this is because Morphemics called it the main significant unit of the language among other smallest significant units that make up the words of the Russian language. Without his participation, nothing happened in Morphemics, new words were not formed, much less related or the same root, because King Root was so able to manage his kingdom that he held all the power in his hands - the general meaning of related words. A"relatives"

there were a lot of him, he respected all of them and settled families of related words in separate cities, each of which was different from the others.

So in the Flower City lived Flowers, Flowers, Flowers, and they had colored houses and flower meadows near the houses. And the trees around had colorful leaves. And the paths in the gardens and squares were also colorful. And in the Forest City everything was fabulous: the forest, forest glades,

forest belts with tall green grass and small fluffy 6

Christmas trees, and in this Forest City lived unusual but friendly residents - the Lesoviki. Lesovichki, who loved to play and have fun.

In the Water City there lived Voda, Voditsa, Vodichka, various Vodyans, water lilies and water lilies grew, and in the backwaters there were mustachioed catfish, which sometimes looked out of the water. And the inhabitants of different cities in the kingdom, which was ruled by Root, never were at enmity with each other, but lived in harmony. You will ask why?"

Yes, because all the residents of these cities knew that the same kind heart beats in their chests, that they are all related to each other.

And some of them even had two hearts, two roots, for example, in words

PEDESTRIAN, PLANE, ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLE, CHAIR – BED. Such words are called complex in Russian.

I also want to tell you that words with the same root are often used as a means of connecting sentences in the text.

Now you know a lot about Morphemics and the Root, the main significant part (morpheme) of a word. If you want to know about others, I’m ready to tell you, but that will be the next time we meet.

The fairy tale was written by 6th grade student Alexander Tkachuk

Parts of speech

Ball of parts of speech

Once upon a time, long ago, there was an empire in the world called the Russian language. But the mighty empire fell apart as a result of internecine wars into separate principalities - kingdoms. Parts of speech lived in them - independent and auxiliary, but each lived on its own, without communication. And none of them dared to be the first to build a bridge of friendship.

Finally the Verb could not stand it. He decided that he would hold a big ball in his principality, to which he would invite all parts of speech. So he did. He really wanted to help the empire regain its power.

All parts of speech came to the ball. First to arrive 7

Noun, then Adjective and all other parts of speech.

The music started playing. The waltz melody captivated everyone. Verb invited to the waltz tour Noun. They were spinning around so merrily, smiling so sweetly at each other, that they didn’t notice anyone or anything. Touched the Name Adjective, slightly pushed the Pronoun. The Noun did not notice how it stepped on the Particle’s foot. She got angry and said: “Don’t offend the official parts of speech! Be civil and polite with us!”

And the formative particlesb And wouldadded: “If we weren’t at this ball, then you wouldn’t have had as much fun.”would».

Here the modal particles gave their voice: “How can independent parts of speech understand us, because they are so important. What a pity that there is no friendship between us. And all because we live in different principalities!”

Yes,” King Verb entered the conversation. - You're right. We all need to live in peace and harmony, only then will our empire of the Russian language be powerful.

And the interjection exclaimed:

Oh, how wonderful it is when you have friends!

And all the parts of speech at this ball decided that they would live in friendship and harmony together, and not in different principalities, because not a single part of speech could exist alone.

The fairy tale was written by Russian language teacher T.N. Lysyakova.

A linguistic tale about a noun

In the kingdom of Morphologylived different parts of speech. They often met each other, argued, talked, but most importantly, they knew how to be friends with each other.

The kingdom was ruled by wise and fair Morphology. One day she decided to hold a holiday in her kingdom so that the parts of speech could get to know each other better, study the customs, mores, and characteristics of each. She sent messengers with news of the holiday to each of their parts of speech.The messengers were the first to notify the Noun:

Queen Morphology invites you, dear 8

Noun, for a wonderful holiday of parts of speech. The celebration will take place tomorrow evening in the silver hall on the second floor of the castle, the messengers said.

Oh, how wonderful! - exclaimed the Noun. After all, really, without me this holiday will not be so beautiful and cheerful, because I am such a part of speech that denotes objects, people, animals... Everyone turns to me with questions: who? What? Only I am my own and a household name.

We, Nouns, love change very much, therefore we change according to cases and numbers, we can belong to one of three genders - masculine, feminine and neuter, and even be of a general gender; we are animate and inanimate. We are also fickle in other ways: we can be 1. 2,

3rd declension, as well as indeclinable and heterodeclinable.

There are more of us, Nouns, in speech than other parts of speech. Look, even in your invitation there are many more words - Nouns!

We are not arguing with you, dear Noun. Come to the holiday, and there you will understand and learn everything you need,” the messengers said, gave the invitation and left. And the Noun began to prepare for the holiday. The author of the tale is Lysechko Alexander, a student of grade 6-B

A linguistic tale about the combined and separate spelling of the particle NOT with nouns

A long time ago it was... In the kingdom of the Russian language, the parts of speech lived together and never quarreled. And no one will remember how this happened, but the parts of speech were divided into main ones - independent and service, and they began to live in different castles of the kingdom, rarely meeting each other. Each part of the speech understood that this could not continue for long, but no one took the first step towards reconciliation.

And then one day the Noun decided:

It is necessary to hold a general meeting of all inhabitants of the kingdom. Announce 9

about this on radio, television, in the press. And so it did. The meeting was scheduled for 12 noon on the average day of the week - Wednesday.

From all the castles, all parts of speech - independent and auxiliary - came out into the square. Noun stood up on the podium and began to speak:

In the kingdom of the Russian language there live different parts of speech. Each of us

has its own morphological features and its own grammatical role in a sentence, in speech. For some it is more important, basic, while for others it is a service issue.

“Here, here they are again offending us, particles,” said the Negative Particle Not. “We, particles, conjunctions, prepositions are small and distant.Don't consider us second-class! Where particles do NOT appear near

By you, Nouns, together with the conjunctionA, your spelling changes, because we, the particles NOT, are written separately with you if there is an opposing conjunction in the sentenceA.

- Sorry,” said the Noun, “I wasn’t paying attention to that.”

- Ignorant, said the unionA, you can’t tell a lie!

The Noun continued:

We would like to live with you, negative Particles, in friendship as we do

we live with those particles that have become prefixes or part of the root, because then we are one whole word with them, sometimes we cannot even do without each other, as, for example, in the words: ignoramus, scoundrel, slob, hatred; or we can exist separately, but we don’t want to separate. You can check this by replacing the word with a synonym withoutNOT: foe (enemy), bad weather (bad weather), failure (failure)

No, - said the negative Particle decisivelyNOT. That’s why we are auxiliary parts of speech, because we serve to negate the meanings of words in a sentence. And we will live in separate castles and be written separately with such parts of speech as Noun, Adjective,

Participle if there is a conjunction in the sentenceA, and with Verbs – 10

always separate!

This is how independent and auxiliary parts of speech still live in the Russian language.

The fairy tale was written by Tkachuk Alexander, a student of grade 6-A

A linguistic tale about combined and separate spelling NOT with nouns

A long time ago there was an empire in the world called the Russian language. But the mighty empire fell apart as a result of conflicts into separate principalities. Independent and auxiliary parts of speech lived in them

One day King Verb ruled the ball. He invited all parts of speech to attend. To finally decide how to live further and how to restore the former power of the empire of the Russian language.

The music started playing... The first round of the waltz The Verb danced with the Noun. They were spinning so happily that they did not notice how they touched other dancing parts of speech. The noun lightly stepped on the particle's foot. And the particle said, angryNot: “Don’t offend the official parts of speech! Be polite to us! We, particles, conjunctions, prepositions, are small and distant. Where we appear next to you

together with the union A, your spelling changes because we are particlesNOT, we write with you separately if there is an opposing conjunction in the sentenceA.

Sorry,” said the Noun, “I didn’t notice you.”

Ignorant, said the unionA, - you can’t tell a lie.

We would like to live with you, negative particles, in friendship, as we live with those particles that have become prefixes, or part of the root, because then we are one whole word with them, sometimes we cannot even do without each other, as, for example, in words: ignoramus, slob, hatred... Or we can exist separately, but we don’t want to part. You can check this by replacing the word with a synonym withoutNOT: foe (enemy), adversary (enemy),

failure (failure). 11

No, said the negative particle decisivelyNOT. - We are auxiliary parts of speech because we serve to negate words or their meanings in a sentence, so we will stay away from you and write separately.

The Verb never managed to combine independent and auxiliary parts of speech, which is a pity, because then spelling in Russian became much simpler!

The fairy tale was written by Sofia Pakhomova, a student of grade 6-A.

Linguistic fairy tale “How did parts of speech appear?”

Once upon a time, long ago, in the kingdom of Morphology, there lived Grandfather and Baba.

Grandfather - Russian language, woman - Morphology. And they had no wealth - no gold - silver, no relatives - loved ones.

One day Grandfather says to Baba:

Eh, Baba, you and I live alone, and no one asks us questions:WHO we are like that and WHATwe do everything in the world, and there is no one for us to answer them.

Oh, Grandfather, I myself would be glad to have at least a small Noun, but where can I get one?

And you scrape through dictionaries, take notes from encyclopedias, read textbooks, because you’re literate, maybe you’ll find something!

The woman checked the dictionaries, scribbled through the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, opened the textbook for the 6th grade edited by Balandina, read it, and now...

blinded by a certain Kolobok.

Grandfather and Baba were delighted and gave Kolobok a name - Noun.

And Grandfather and Baba began to teach the Noun to talk. The grandfather, pointing to the object, asks: “Who is this?” or “What is this?” Baba says the name of the object, and the Noun listens and remembers everything.

The name Noun grew up, and he became bored: they ask him the same questions, they name the same objects... Grandfather Russian Language and Baba Morphology noticed this and they decided to make other koloboks so that the name Noun would have friends.

This is how parts of speech appeared in the kingdom of Morphology - 13

name Noun, Adjective name, Numeral name, Verb, Pronoun, Adverb.

And soon the name Noun asked Grandfather and Baba to once again scribble through the encyclopedia, scrape through dictionaries and make new friends for them, which they so lacked - Service Parts of Speech.

But that is another story…

The fairy tale was written by Natasha Kopyl, a student of grade 6-A