Presentation on biology of the order marsupials. And this is a possum. Kangaroos are bright representatives of marsupials

“Animals 3rd grade” - Representatives of which group do you see? Zoology is the science of animals. Natural history lesson “Animal diversity”. Fish. Donkey. Snail. Piglet. Animals. Reptiles. Annotation. Amphibians. Wolf. Physical exercise. Lesson objectives: Sparrow. Birds. Beavers. Red Book. Giraffe. Insects. Crossword. Owl. Animals.

"Lesson Pets" - Wild Bull Tour. People feed and protect. They breed and care for their offspring themselves. Chickens. Pets. Boar. Horse. Cat. Dog. Domestication of animals. Tarpan is a wild horse. They protect themselves from enemies and bad weather. Cow. Wild animals. People are being scammed. Goats. They arrange their own housing. They get their own food.

“The marsupial wolf and the thylacine” - Lifestyle. Disappeared from the face of the Earth. Study of the marsupial wolf. The largest mammal from the group of predatory marsupials. It is considered the only representative of a separate family. Extermination. Extinct animals. Currently, the marsupial wolf is considered to have completely disappeared from the face of the Earth. From 1888 to 1909, the island government issued bonuses for each animal killed.

“Animal Development” - Postembryonic. Animal growth and development. Neirula. Embryonic. Gastrula. Blastula. A fertilized egg is a zygote. Indirect development. Crushing. Direct development. Animal development.

“Groups of animals” - Snakes, lizards, turtles belong to the group... Describe each group of animals and give your own examples. The world around us, grade 2. Toad. Horny scales. Frog. Scales. Bare skin. Wool. 2. What group of animals did you read about? Frogs and toads belong to a special group - ... Fish. Birds. 2 legs 2 wings.

4. Koalas, or marsupial bears (8,9).
5. Predatory marsupials.


Marsupials (lat. Metatheria, Marsupialia) - an infraclass of mammals, united together
with placental ones in the subclass. Different from
placental for a number of characteristics, in particular the fact that
are born underdeveloped and then grow into
mother's bag. At the moment there are about
250 species of marsupials.


Kangaroos have powerful hind legs
massive tail, narrow shoulders,
small, similar to
human hands front
paws that kangaroos use
dig up tubers and roots. IN
in case of danger kangaroo
transfers the entire weight of the body to
tail, and then both hind legs,
freed, alone
applied from top to bottom
terrible wounds to the enemy.
Pushing off with powerful rear
kicking, they rush in leaps to
12 m long and up to 3 m high.
Body weight is up to 80 kg.


Opossums (Didelphidae) -
mammal family
infraclass marsupials. It
includes the most ancient and least
specialized marsupials,
which appeared at the end of the Cretaceous
period and since then almost no
have changed. All living people
representatives of the possum family
inhabit the new world, although
fossil forms are known from
Tertiary deposits of Europe.
Most marsupials of the South
Americas are extinct
after the emergence of natural
bridge between North and South
America, along which from north to south
New species began to penetrate. Only
the opossums were able to carry it out
competition and even
spread north.

Koalas, or marsupial bears.

Koala (eng. Koala, lat. Phascolarctos
cinereus) - moving along
herbivorous marsupial to trees,
living in Australia. The only one
a member of the Phascolarctidae family.
The koala lives in coastal areas on
eastern and southern Australia, in the territory
from Adelaide to the south
Cape York Peninsula, as well as
Kangaroo Island, where they were introduced in
beginning of the 20th century. They also
common in regions with sufficient
amount of moisture to support
forests suitable for koalas. Koalas
South Australia were in
largely destroyed in
during the first half of the 20th century, but with
with the help of individuals from Victoria,
koala population in South Australia
restored. This animal does not live
in Tasmania and Western Australia

Marsupial anteater.

The dimensions of this marsupial are small:
body length 17-27 cm, tail - 13-
17 cm. Weight of an adult animal
is 280-550 g; males
larger than females. The head of a marsupial
anteater flattened, muzzle
elongated and pointed, mouth
small. Worm-shaped tongue
can protrude from the mouth almost
10 cm. Large eyes, ears
pointed. The tail is long,
fluffy, like a squirrel, not
prehensile. Usually nambat
holds it horizontally, slightly
tip bent upward. Paws
quite short, wide
stationed, armed with strong
claws. Forelegs with 5
fingers, back - with 4.
The nambat's hair is thick and
hard. Nambat is one of the most
beautiful marsupials of Australia: he
colored grayish brown or
reddish color. Fur on the back and
upper thighs covered 6-12
white or cream stripes. U
eastern nambats are single-colored,
than the Western ones. Black is visible on the muzzle
longitudinal stripe. Belly and limbs
yellow-white, ocher.
The teeth of the marsupial anteater are very small,
weak and often asymmetrical: molars
right and left may have different lengths and
width. In total, the nambat has 50-52 teeth. Solid
the palate extends much further than
most mammals, which is typical for
other "long-tongued" animals
(pangolins, armadillos). Females have 4
pacifier. The brood pouch is absent; there is only
a milky field bordered by curly wool.

Predatory marsupials.

Predatory marsupials - squad squad
Australian marsupials.
Most marsupials feed
meat belong to this order.
Many species are European
the settlers christened them
familiar placental predators,
living in Europe, for example
marsupial wolf or marsupial
marten. Of course no relation
between these species there are no
there are no European namesakes,
and external similarity is based on
convergent evolution.

This animal is the only marsupial living outside of Australia.

An opossum has 5 toes on each paw, just like you. And his hind legs are stronger than his front legs, just like your legs.

But unlike you, he has a tail with which he can cling to branches. The opossum feeds on amphibians, insects and plants.

Since the opossum is a marsupial, its babies live for some time in their mother's pouch, but unlike the kangaroo, the mother opossum's pouch closes tightly so that the baby does not fall out when the mother hangs upside down on her tail. As soon as the babies grow up a little, they move from the pouch to their mother’s back, where they sit tightly clutching their mother’s fur.

The sloth is also a resident of Brazil

The sloth has long and thin feet with 3 toes with very long claws.

The animal itself is not too big - about 50-60 cm in length. The sloth has a tail, but it is small - only about 7 cm.

And the sloth weighs very little - only 4-5 kg, but it can turn its head as much as 180 degrees, just like an owl.

Sloths live on the edges of forests and along river banks. They prefer to eat leaves, flowers and fruits of plants,

which is called cercopia.

But remember, at the zoo they happily ate fruits and salad.

These are capybaras - the largest rodents in the world. Outwardly, they are very similar to guinea pigs, but are much larger. Capybaras are excellent swimmers, divers and can remain underwater for up to 15 minutes. For this reason, the capybara was nicknamed the capybara.

Capybaras feed on a variety of aquatic plants.

In nature they have only one enemy - the jaguar.

The capybara is a fairly large animal. Its weight can reach up to 50 kg, and its height

– up to 1 meter. This is the size of a fairly large dog.

Capybaras are very friendly and very easy to tame. And living next to people, they enjoy playing with children and dogs.

This pussy is an ocelot. At first glance, she seems as cute as an ordinary house cat. But in fact, she is as much a predator as a jaguar. Just a little smaller.

The ocelot lives mainly on the ground, and not in trees, like most of its feline relatives, and therefore it can be found not only in the forest, but also in bushes. She hunts mainly at night. Favorite prey is monkeys.

This is a jaguar. He is also a member of the cat family and thrives in the Brazilian jungle, where there are quite a lot of different animals that he can hunt.

Do you remember the fairy tale “Where did armadillos come from”? According to its author, it was the jaguar that played the main role in the birth of such an amazing animal as the armadillo...

And here I am


The armadillo's body is covered with plates that protect its body from enemies. And in case of danger, an armadillo can curl up into a ball like a hedgehog.

The armadillo lives in burrows. It feeds on plants, small insects and worms. Living at the zoo, he enjoys eating fruit, pumpkin and salad. The armadillo has about 100 teeth, but barely uses them.

The armadillo is a mammal belonging to the order of edentates.

There are many different monkeys in Brazil




There are also amazing birds in Brazil. For example, this tiny hummingbird feeds on the nectar of flowers, just like a butterfly.

This bird is the smallest in the world - it is not much larger than a bean. And look how beautiful she is - she was even nicknamed “flying gem” for her coloring. This tiny bird has one very big record - it makes 80 wing movements per second. How many times per second can you blink?

And toucans with their funny beaks also live in Brazil. Did you know that the toucan’s nose seems to be specially created to break the nuts that toucans feed on? And although it looks very massive and heavy, in fact this is not the case at all - it is hollow inside and it is not at all difficult for the toucan to carry it.

There are also very special plants found in Brazil. This plant is used to make a very familiar product – chocolate. And the tree is called accordingly - chocolate tree. Its fruits are called cocoa beans.

Appearance and distribution

  • Giant kangaroo (Macropus giganteus)
  • Based on paleontological studies, marsupials were very common in Mesozoic, but subsequently them, like cloacal, supplanted placental from most continents. The time of appearance of marsupials, according to some estimates, is ~ 186-193 million years ago ( Jurassic period).The oldest fossil remains of marsupials are considered to be those found in sediments Cretaceous period provinces Liaoning, in northeast China, remains of a mammal Sinodelphys szalayi 125 million years old.
  • Most marsupials South America became extinct after the emergence of a natural bridge between the South and North America, along which new species began to penetrate from north to south (“ great inter-american exchange"). Only opossums were able to withstand the competition and even spread to the north.
  • Unlike South America Australian The world of marsupials, as a result of geographical isolation, has survived to this day, but after the appearance person 45,000 years ago and here it underwent significant changes. According to a widely accepted hypothesis, all species of large marsupials were extirpated by settlers soon after they settled in Australia. There are, however, studies that claim that large marsupials coexisted with humans until 15,000 years ago and became extinct as a result of the cold and droughts of the latter ice age. According to this hypothesis, the reason for their extinction was not humans, but their insufficient adaptive ability. The influence of man, as well as the species he brought, however, cannot be denied.

General information

  • Sugar Flying possum has a flight membrane
  • Marsupials occupy various ecological niches; there are species that lead an underground lifestyle ( marsupial mole), some animals, such as various opossums And koalas They climb well; there are also representatives that lead a semi-aquatic lifestyle ( water possum). Among marsupials there are insectivores , predatory And herbivores species. Depending on their lifestyle, animals have various adaptations to a specific habitat: a prehensile tail for climbing ( Virginia opossum), powerful claws for digging ( marsupial mole) etc. Also, their embryonic period is very short. The cubs are born small and poorly developed. Additional development occurs in the mother's pouch. The cub grabs the mother's nipple and hangs on it. By contracting special muscles, the mother periodically injects milk into the baby's mouth. The cubs are fed milk for about 2 months. And they stay in the bag for 9-10 months


  • Body sizes vary greatly: from 10 cm ( marsupial mice) up to 3 m ( big red kangaroo). Body temperature is lower than that of most mammals: 34-36 degrees.
  • One of the features of the skeletal structure of marsupials is the presence marsupial bones- special bones pelvis. They also have a different structure from other mammals lower jaw, the rear ends of which are bent inward. Based on the structure of the dental system, marsupials can be divided into two groups: two-incisor and multi-incisor. Quantity incisors largely depends on the animal’s lifestyle. For example, in primitive insectivorous and carnivorous forms the number of incisors is especially large - on each half of the jaw they have five at the top and four at the bottom. Herbivorous animals do not have more than one incisor on each side of the lower jaw.
  • Some species may lack a bursa ( marsupial anteater); can be expressed only by a small fold limiting the milky field. In some marsupials, the pouch can open backwards ( koala)

  • It's a different matter with kangaroos, which jump on their hind legs, using their tail to maintain balance at high speed, or on all four limbs, and then the tail serves as an additional point of support. In open spaces, large kangaroos can move very quickly: their speed reaches 65 km/h, and the length of their jumps is 7.5 m or more.

The sugar glider has a body length of 27.5 to 40 cm, with a bushy tail accounting for 15-20 cm of this length. In appearance and size, the sugar glider is similar to our common squirrel, although thanks to the flight membrane, it seems unusually wide. There is sexual dimorphism in size: males are larger than females. The weight of adult males ranges from 115 to 160 g, while the weight of females varies from 100 to 135 g. The head of the flying possum is relatively short and flat with a somewhat pointed muzzle, the neck is short and rather thick. The legs are small, the feet are five-toed.

The Virginia opossum, when threatened, first hisses and then secretes a foul-smelling liquid. But if these tricks do not scare off the attacker, the opossum falls into a kind of coma. He lies motionless, his tongue hanging out, his limbs become stiff and lose visible sensitivity, his breathing and heartbeat slow down so that they are almost unnoticeable. This happens in moments of danger, but even under normal conditions, the metabolism of opossums and other marsupials is less intense than that of placental mammals, the body temperature is lower, and the heart beats less often.

Wombats and moles

Wombats and marsupial moles dig holes with powerful front paws with spade-shaped claws. Tearing up the ground, the mole covers the passage behind itself with its hind limbs. Sometimes it travels across the surface of the earth for short distances. The stocky, badger-sized wombat digs tunnels up to 30 m long.

Marsupial anteater

  • The marsupial anteater feeds mainly on ants and termites, opening their homes with its front paws with powerful claws and sticking its long snout with a sticky tongue inside.

  • The gigantic marsupial marten with its long body and short tenacious paws deftly climbs trees, but sometimes descends to the ground. It feeds on small animals and eggs, and hunts mainly at night.

  • Marsupial mice, or mousebirds, feed on insects and other small animals. Thanks to their flattened heads, they are able to climb into narrow crevices.

Disappeared in 1934

  • Tasmanian wolf, the largest marsupial predator. In pursuit of prey, including kangaroos, he gained the upper hand not through speed, but through endurance.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Opossum The common opossum is the only marsupial in North America, but it also lives in South America. In fact, the homeland of the common opossum, like all marsupials of the New World, is South America. But in the past millennia, opossums rushed to attack the North American continent, and their campaign continues: in recent years, opossums have been spreading further and further north across the United States. Sparse forests and bushes, even around farms and among fields, suit them well.

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Possums' home and food During the day, they sleep somewhere in a hollow, on a branch or among stones. They carry leaves and grass for nesting, picking them up with a flexible, bare tail. When the evening dawn fades, possums go out to hunt. The animals are not capricious: they eat everything they can find - wild grapes, plums, juicy leaves, and corn in the fields. On the way, a beetle will be caught and eaten, a lizard will be caught, or a mouse will be caught and put into the stomach. Crayfish and crabs are delicacies for opossums. Bird eggs are also very fond of them and are not too lazy to climb high for them (although in general they are quite lazy). If the branch on which the nest is built is too thin and it is impossible to get to it, the opossum manages to rob the bird. It will crawl along the branch that grows above the nest, cling to its tail, hang upside down and steal eggs from the nest with its front paws.

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Thief's Paws And the possum's paws are almost like hands: with five dexterous long fingers. The front and rear are equally grippy. The big toe on the hind legs (it has no claw) is contrasted, as on our palm, with all the others.

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After lunch Having eaten a hearty meal (opossums are very gluttonous), the possums like to hook their back leg and tail (or one tail) onto a branch, hang upside down and sway, blissfully digesting lunch.

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Pretender In America they say “play possum,” that is, pretend. The possum is a great master at such things. An actor, of which there are few. When he feels that he is in a bad situation, a strong enemy is ready to grab him (or has already grabbed him), and there is nowhere to run, he pretends to be dead. He even falls from a tree like a corpse and lies as if dead, his glassy eyes rolled back and his paws spread out as if numb. Or he’ll stick out his tongue. It lies for a long time - as long as it takes to deceive a person or a predator who does not eat dead meat. The “dead man” can be kicked away or grabbed by the tail and thrown away, he will not give himself away “even by the trembling of his eyelids.” As soon as the potential death on two or four legs is removed, the opossum will immediately jump up and quickly run into the bushes.