Autumn holidays start from... Autumn holidays are approaching in Russian schools. Vacations in higher education institutions

School holidays in Russia, as probably in any other country in the world, be it autumn, winter for the New Year, spring or the longest summer, are a long-awaited time of rest for any schoolchild, both for junior schoolchildren, middle school students, and high school students.

Absolutely all schoolchildren, from the very first day of school, either from September 1 or upon returning from the next vacation, begin counting the days until the start of the next mandatory days of rest. After all, the holidays of the next school year for them are not just days of rest, a period free from studying, but also a time period filled with exciting games, nature trips, communication with their friends, trips with their family to visit their grandparents, or on vacation.

School autumn, winter New Year and spring holidays for the 2018 school year are determined at the beginning of the school year by the school director, who takes into account the decision of the Ministry of Education of our country. Although, in this case, the school director can take into account the current circumstances, making adjustments to the vacation schedule accordingly, shifting them in one direction or another.

Every year our schoolchildren are loaded with more and more educational information that they receive at school from their teachers. The number of compulsory subjects is also increasing, and with them the workload on schoolchildren.

Holiday calendar 2017-2018

Holidays 2017-2018 - in the academic year

Traditionally, school holidays in educational institutions begin before major holidays, such as New Year - winter New Year holidays and Easter - spring holidays. Schoolchildren should relax during this time, spend more time with their family, without thinking about schoolwork.

Proper rest with your family will not only strengthen the child’s relationship with his parents, but also directly, thanks to close communication, will contribute to the development of his feelings. This, in turn, is important, because it is well known that having a good, trusting relationship with parents, a child in the future will certainly create a prosperous family.

Academic holidays 2017-2018 - dates (schedule)

In the 2017-2018 academic year, our schoolchildren will receive 34 days of vacation (including days off). And the first holidays will begin in the fall, then New Year's and finally spring. It is worth noting that during the school year there will also be several long weekends for schoolchildren, which can be called short-term vacations - more on this below.

Speaking separately about the postponement of holidays, the day off from Saturday, January 3, is moved to Friday, January 9, Sunday, January 4, to Monday, May 4.

Autumn holidays 2018 academic year

School holidays in the fall - in the academic year 2017-2018 - will last nine days from October 28 (Saturday) to November 5 (Sunday).

Winter New Year holidays 2018 school year

School holidays in winter for the New Year - in the academic year 2017-2018, will begin on December 25 (Monday) and will last (most likely) until January 14 (Sunday) 2018.

Spring break 2018 school year

School holidays in the spring - in the academic year 2017-2018 - will last nine days, starting on March 24 (Saturday) and continuing until April 1 (Sunday).

In addition, schoolchildren will have several short-term holidays and weekends. They will rest from February 23 to 25, 2018 (Defender of the Fatherland Day), from March 8 to 11 (Women's Day March 8). website

Dates and schedule of holidays 2017-2018

What will be the dates and schedule of school holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year, what terms and schedules will they be held in most Russian schools? In recent years, we have already become accustomed to the fact that the schedule and dates of school holidays have become more “floating” than strictly defined terms. They no longer have exact dates for vacations that have been established once and for all, and almost every year they shift in one direction or another.

Let us say right away that the dates of the holidays are set by the schools themselves, and it is recommended to start them not from any day of the week, but from Monday, in order to thus add weekend rest days to them. Why is this necessary, first of all, in order not to “split” school weeks into parts, but also to increase the duration of continuous rest during school holidays.

The exact duration of school holidays is also not regulated by anything and does not obligate anyone to anything, but usually, throughout the entire year of study, from 30 to 35 days of school holidays are allocated (not counting the summer period), which allows students to fully complete the school course by the end of the spring month of May.

Schedule of school holidays in 2017-2018 - dates

So why is this happening, that the deadlines are being shifted, what it depends on, and also what the vacation schedule will be in the 2017-2018 academic year - we will tell you about this. According to the current Russian laws in terms of education and scheduling of school holidays, as well as a unified schedule and dates, there is currently no such thing in Russia.

In accordance with the decree of the Russian Ministry of Education, school institutions themselves must determine their own rest schedules for students, the timing of school holidays, including their duration.

The only exception is our capital, where all students undergo a course of study and relax during the holidays, according to one of two educational schedules, the first of which is traditional, in which the academic year is divided into four quarters, and the second is modular, in which five academic weeks are replaced by one a week of rest.

In other Russian regions, local education authorities usually issue their own recommendations on the timing of school holidays, in which they invite their schools to independently set the start and end schedule for the holidays, leaving each school administration to make the final decision taking into account their local conditions.

Despite the freedom granted to make decisions regarding the timing of school holidays, many school administrations adhere to conservative decisions on the issue of determining the schedule and timing of school holidays not only in 2017, but also in others - as a result, the majority of Russian schools go on holidays on the same and the same terms.

How to find out the dates of the 2017-2018 holidays at your school

As we have already said above on this page, the exact schedule, dates and dates of the 2017-2018 school holidays in each specific and individual Russian school (excluding our capital, Moscow), are determined by the school administration itself and may, taking into account local characteristics, differ from generally accepted ones schedules and dates.

Therefore, schoolchildren, in order to find out exactly about the timing of school holidays in the 2017-2018 school season, should go to the school administration or their class teacher and ask about this issue, they will tell you exactly about the timing of the autumn, winter and spring holidays of this school year.

Academic year 2017-2018

In conclusion, we will tell you how the school holiday schedule is formed not only for the 2018 school year, but not for any one. Usually, the start of school holidays is tied to Monday, i.e. always at the beginning of the school week.

School holidays in 2017-2018

School holidays in autumn 2017-2018

Typically, autumn holidays begin on the last Monday of October, and the duration of autumn holidays ranges from 7 to 10 days.

New Year's school holidays 2017-2018

Just like the autumn holidays, the New Year holidays begin on the last Monday of the first winter month of December and last from 14 to 20 days. site/node/3251

Spring school holidays 2017-2018

As a rule, spring break starts on the last Monday of the first spring month of March and continues with weekends of 7 to 10 days.

Summer school holidays 2017-2018

The most long-awaited and longest holidays are the summer holidays, and they begin in the spring, usually from May 24 or 25 and last more than 3 months (depending on the class of study), until the end of August.

The first year at school is the most exciting and difficult time for the entire family of a first-grader. The child is faced with a number of tasks that require the application of intellectual, physical and emotional forces on his part. At the same time, for parents this period becomes an equally difficult probationary period. In order for children to successfully adapt to learning, the school’s task is to correctly distribute the load, alternating them with proper rest.

In addition to the generally mandatory requirements of SanPiN for the organization of an elementary school, the Ministry of Education annually issues an order indicating the total duration of the school year and rest time. In addition, to minimize overload and stress, additional holidays are provided for first-graders. When will first-graders have holidays in 2018-2019?

Junior school holidays

According to the law, in a classic four-semester education, it is stipulated that in the period from September 1 to May 28, schoolchildren are allocated at least 30 days for vacation. The final decision regarding the beginning and end of vacation weeks rests with the school administration. All dates and duration in weeks are written in the annual schedule.

For Russian schools of all types, certain educational provisions are also valid, according to which:

  • the date cannot be shifted by more than 2 weeks;
  • students' rest should begin on Monday;
  • between quarters - at least 7 days off;
  • the summer break must be at least 2 months;
  • The school year cannot begin or end on Sunday.

It should also be taken into account that the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation makes adjustments several months before the start of the school year, so it will be possible to find out the exact dates of holidays for first-graders in 2018-2019 no earlier than the spring of the coming year. Although, based on the experience of previous years, it is already possible to put together an indicative schedule.

Holidays in a regular school

Educational institutions that divide the year into 4 quarters set a break after each. Moreover, in winter it usually lasts 2 weeks, and in summer – 3 months.

Autumn holidays

The first holidays for first-graders in 2018-2019 should take place in the last week of October and the first of November. Everyone will have one additional day off due to an important public holiday - National Unity Day, which is celebrated on Sunday, November 4. According to the draft on postponing holidays, it will be moved to Monday. As a result, primary schools will be able to rest from October 29 to November 6.

Plans for the New Year's weekend are not yet known, but the timing may differ from the usual 10 days of rest.

Winter holidays

New Year's holidays for first-graders in 2018-2019 will take place almost simultaneously with adults, so you can all go on a trip together or spend time at home with your family. They usually last 2 weeks, that is, they should start on Wednesday 12/26/18 and last until 01/08/19 inclusive. But a proposal is already being considered to start weekends for junior grades at 24, so the last day of school could already be December 21. Due to the fact that the New Year and especially Christmas holidays fall on the winter weekend, which must be postponed, then, presumably, all schoolchildren will return to school only on Wednesday, January 9.

Additional rest for first-graders

For first-graders who are just beginning to adapt to school life, the law provides for additional respite. Most likely, this will be the last week of February - the beginning of March. And although the dates 02/25/19-03/03/19 are tentative, 02/22/19 may well be the last school day for 1st grade. This week should help young schoolchildren regain their strength.

Spring break

After the most difficult and long third quarter, there is a long-awaited spring break. High school students will need to focus on preparing for exams, but for first-graders and their parents, this is a great opportunity to learn something interesting and new. Based on the experience of past years, the spring break will most likely take place from March 25 to March 31, 2019.

Summer holidays

This is the most long-awaited respite, which, as a rule, lasts at least 3 months. But according to the law, the minimum break between academic years can be 2 months. Due to the possibility of force majeure, the duration of summer vacation remains at the discretion of the school administration. If for a number of valid reasons the school was closed, then students study longer. Although in practice this does not happen so often. In 2019, first-graders, as usual, will be the first to go on vacation and, most likely, already on the 20th of May they will be able to finish their first year of learning the unknown and new.

According to the Law “On Education of the Russian Federation”, each school institution independently chooses a quarter or trimester education system.

Trimester holidays

For schools with a relatively new teaching method for Russia, where a trimester lasts 11 weeks, with seven-day breaks repeated cyclically every 5 weeks of school. Although the vacation schedule differs from schools with a traditional educational system, New Year's and summer holidays have the same duration.

In 2018-2019, the holidays for first-graders of educational institutions that have chosen modular training will take place between trimesters as follows:

  • I – October 8-14;
  • II – November 19-25;
  • III - from December 29 to January 9 (New Year holidays)

  • IV - February 18-24;
  • V - April 8-14;
  • VI - summer break will begin from the end of May - June 1 to August 31.

This educational method attracts many parents, as it makes it possible to make plans in advance. At the same time, all conditions are created for children to take a break from their intense schedule and return to their studies with a new impulse.

Of course, all vacation dates for first graders in 2018-2019. are speculative and based directly on the calculation of the total duration of the academic year and planned weekend dates, so they may be subject to minor adjustments by Knowledge Day.

Deviations from planned dates

The holiday schedule may be changed for a number of reasons. Thus, in winter, when the street temperature is below 25°C, classes for 1st grade are not held. Although if the temperature is higher, but the wind speed is stronger, which intensifies the frost, the school administration has the right to declare a weekend. The situation will be similar if the air temperature in the classrooms drops below 18°C.

During peak incidence periods, unscheduled days off may also be announced. This usually happens during an epidemic of influenza and acute viral infections. If more than 30% of schoolchildren are sick, the school must be closed for quarantine.

Why do ordinary people like scary movies so much? It turns out that this is an opportunity to pretend to relive your fears, become more confident and even let off steam. And this is true - you just need to choose an exciting horror film that will make you really care about the heroes.

Silent Hill

The story takes place in the city of Silent Hill. Ordinary people wouldn't even want to drive past it. But Rose Dasilva, little Sharon's mother, is simply forced to go there. There is no other choice. She believes that this is the only way to help her daughter and keep her out of the psychiatric hospital. The name of the town did not come out of nowhere - Sharon constantly repeated it in her sleep. And it seems that a cure is very close, but on the way to Silent Hill, mother and daughter get into a strange accident. Rose wakes up to find that Sharon is missing. Now the woman needs to find her daughter in a cursed city full of fears and horrors. The trailer for the film is available for viewing.


Former detective Ben Carson is going through hard times. After accidentally killing a colleague, he is suspended from the New York Police Department. Then the departure of his wife and children, an addiction to alcohol, and now Ben is the night watchman of a burned-out department store, left alone with his problems. Over time, occupational therapy pays off, but one nightly round changes everything. The mirrors begin to threaten Ben and his family. Strange and frightening images appear in their reflection. To save the lives of his loved ones, the detective needs to understand what the mirrors want, but the problem is that Ben has never encountered mysticism.


Kara Harding is raising her daughter alone after the death of her husband. The woman followed in her father’s footsteps and became a famous psychiatrist. She studies people with multiple personality disorder. Among them there are those who claim that there are many more of these individuals. According to Kara, this is just a cover for serial killers, which is why all her patients are sent to death. But one day the father shows his daughter the case of the tramp patient Adam, who defies any rational explanation. Kara continues to insist on her theory and even tries to cure Adam, but over time, completely unexpected facts are revealed to her...

Mike Enslin doesn't believe in an afterlife. Being a horror writer, he is writing another book about the supernatural. It is dedicated to poltergeists living in hotels. Mike decides to settle in one of them. The choice falls on the infamous room 1408 of the Dolphin Hotel. According to the hotel owners and city residents, evil lives in the room and kills guests. But neither this fact nor the senior manager's warning frightens Mike. But in vain... In the issue the writer will have to go through a real nightmare, from which there is only one way to get out...

The material was prepared using the ivi online cinema.

Studying is not entertainment, but work associated with mental, physical and psychological stress. Therefore, the educational process is divided by vacation time so that children can relieve stress and regain strength.

Knowing the start and end dates of vacations is important for all participants in the educational process. Teachers use them when planning teaching material. This helps children and parents plan family vacations together.

How are vacation dates determined?

The Law “On Education” gives the right to all educational institutions to independently set vacation dates, according to the schedule approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, now the Ministry of Education, annually. The total number of days of school holidays and the number of rest periods does not change.

During the school year, schoolchildren have 4 vacations - every season. Summer holidays last three months. At least 30 days must fall on the rest of the holidays: autumn and spring - a week, winter - two weeks.

School administrations can change the start and end dates of the holidays, guided by the curriculum. School management may reschedule vacations due to quarantine, weather, emergencies in the region and at the educational institution.

Autumn holidays 2018-2019

The first quarter will begin on September 3, because the first day of autumn falls on a Saturday. Some schools, paying tribute to tradition, may hold a ceremonial assembly on September 1.

After working for almost two months, schoolchildren will go on autumn holidays on October 29. Until November 5 inclusive, they will be able to sleep longer and enjoy the last warm days. Since the national holiday of November 4, National Unity Day, falls on a Sunday in 2018, the day off is moved to October 5. As a result, students will begin second quarter classes on Tuesday with an extra day of rest.

Winter holiday period 2018-2019

The 2nd quarter is the shortest and goes by quickly. Children look forward to the winter holidays with trepidation, as they coincide with the New Year holidays. They will have to be patient and study until December 28-29. The issue is the postponement of holidays at the state level. Monday, December 31st, has been declared a day off; adults and children will work for it on Saturday the 29th. Although it is unlikely that there will be lessons on the schedule that day.

The holidays will last until 01/10/2019. But it is possible that a number of educational institutions will give students the opportunity not to remember their lessons until the Old New Year.

Winter holidays 2018-2019 – 12/31/2018-01/10/2019

Additional winter holidays for first graders

Since the third quarter is the longest, additional winter breaks are provided for first-graders. Most often they occur in the second week of February. In 2019 this is from 11.02. until 17.02.

Spring break period 2018-2019

Not only younger schoolchildren, but also other students are the most tired in the 3rd quarter. It is the longest and is decisive in determining annual grades. The children try and study their lessons diligently. The reward is spring break and the first warmth of spring.

In the last week of March, from the 25th, young cyclists, skateboarders and roller skaters appear on the streets. The beginning of the last school term traditionally falls on April 1 - April Fool's Day. The last push before the end of the school year.

Spring break 2019 – 03/25/2019-03/31/2019

Summer holiday period 2018-2019

Another school year is over. The most long-awaited, beloved summer holidays are ahead. May 25, 2019 falls on a Saturday. Therefore, at the discretion of the school administration, ceremonies dedicated to the Last Bell will be held on May 24 or 27. Students will fly to children's camps, to the countryside and to the village to visit relatives. An important time for exams and further self-determination will come for graduates.

Vacations are a long-awaited time for every schoolchild. This is a period when you can take a break from studying and devote time to educational and entertainment activities: attend various events, concerts, museums, travel to other cities or countries.

The vacation schedule for 2017-2018 is of interest to both students and their parents, and here's why: they need the vacation calendar for 2017-2018 to plan vacations at work in advance. After all, many of them prefer to travel and relax with their children during their vacation. In addition, this is a great opportunity for the family to be together.

The 2017/2018 vacation calendar is formed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, and educational institutions - schools, colleges and universities independently choose the vacation period for the 2017-2018 academic year. When forming, the management of an educational institution may well deviate from the dates established by the Ministry by no more than 2 weeks in one direction or another. While universities and colleges, as well as private educational institutions, often deviate from these rules, most schools try to comply with the approved schedule.

Holiday calendar 2017/2018

The vacation schedule for the coming 2017/2018 year has not yet received confirmation from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, however, today, after analyzing the schedule of last year, it is possible to preliminarily determine the schedule for the coming weekend. For those who study in quarters and for educational institutions working in trimesters, the weekend dates will be different.

So, here is an approximate vacation schedule for the 2017-2018 academic year in St. Petersburg and Moscow for those who study at school on the quarter system:

  • The academic year will begin on Friday, September 1st. Autumn holidays will begin on October 30 and will last until November 7 (Tuesday). One day off is added to the week of vacation due to the fact that on November 4 the country celebrates National Unity Day. Therefore, the guys have an extra day of rest.
  • Winter holidays will last from December 25 (Monday) to January 9 (Tuesday).

Holidays for first-graders in 2017/2018 are additionally planned from February 19 (Mon) to February 25 (Sun). 26 first-graders will return to school again.

  • Spring break are planned from March 26 to April 2.

In the summer, schoolchildren will be able to go on vacation from the first of June for exactly three months, as always, until August 31 inclusive.

Primary school students are expected to be released early - as of May 25, they will be able to go on vacation.

It is worth mentioning that the management of each school has the right to shift the holidays by 1-2 weeks. Therefore, the given data is only indicative.

Holidays 2017/2018 for students by trimester

The vacation schedule in schools where the educational process is divided into trimesters differs from “quarters”. However, it is planned to combine winter holidays in them with winter holidays in traditional schools for the general convenience of all schoolchildren and their parents. So, vacations in “trimester” schools are divided by season, and each season is divided into two parts:

  • Autumn: October 2 - 8 and November 17 - 23.
  • Winter: as in other schools - December 27 - January 8.
  • Spring: February 21 - 27, and the second part from April 10 to 16.
  • Summer: traditionally May 31 - September 1.

This preliminary schedule for the coming school year will help schoolchildren and their parents plan vacations and leisure time in advance, which is very convenient, especially if long-distance travel and significant events are planned.