Continents and oceans on the surface of the earth. Which hemisphere is called the continental hemisphere? Geographical location and size of continents

They alternate on the surface of the Earth. They differ in geographical location, size and shape, which affects the characteristics of their nature.

Geographical location and size of continents

Continents are distributed unevenly on the Earth's surface. In the Northern Hemisphere they occupy 39% of the surface, and in the Southern Hemisphere they occupy only 19%. For this reason, the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth is called continental, and the Southern Hemisphere is called oceanic.

Based on their position relative to the equator, continents are divided into a group of southern and a group of northern continents.

Since the continents are located at different latitudes, they receive unequal amounts of light and heat from the Sun. In shaping the nature of a continent, its area plays an important role: the larger the continent, the more areas it contains that are remote from the oceans and not affected by them. The relative position of the continents is of great geographical importance.

Geographical location and size of the oceans

The continents that separate them differ from each other in size, water properties, current systems, and features of the organic world.

And they have a similar geographical location: they stretch from the Arctic Circle to. almost entirely in the Southern Hemisphere. It has a special geographical location - it is located around the Arctic Circle, covered with sea ice and isolated from other oceans.

The border between continents and oceans runs along the coastline. It can be straight or rugged, that is, having many protrusions. The rugged coastlines have many seas and bays. Protruding deep into the land, they have a significant impact on the nature of the continents.

Interaction of continents and oceans

Land and water have different properties, but they are constantly in close interaction. The oceans greatly influence the natural processes on the continents, but the continents also take part in shaping the characteristics of the nature of the oceans.

how many hemispheres are there on our planet and what are they called and got the best answer

Answer from TaSha[guru]

The Southern Hemisphere contains five continents (Antarctica, Australia, most of South America, parts of Africa and Asia), as well as four oceans (the southern Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and all of the Southern Oceans). The Southern Hemisphere includes the following countries: Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Peru, Chile, Bolivia and others.

About ⅔ of Africa, north of the Congo River
Source: there have always been only 2 hemispheres))

Reply from Maxim Korablev[guru]
2 hemispheres: Northern and Southern, separated by the equator

Reply from Yoman[newbie]
There are SIX of them!
In geography, the following hemispheres of the Earth are distinguished:
Northern Hemisphere
Southern Hemisphere
Eastern hemisphere
Western Hemisphere
Sushi hemisphere
Hemisphere of water
That's it, mathematicians!

Reply from Anzhelika Konovalova[newbie]
There are several answers to this question. There are Northern and Southern hemispheres, and there are also Western and Eastern hemispheres. If you look at the globe, we will see that most of the land is concentrated on one of the hemispheres, and the other is mainly
covered with water. Therefore, a distinction is made between the continental and oceanic hemispheres. Try to spin the globe very, very much, and it seems blue, because the color blue represents seas and oceans, more than others. And the rest of the colors will mix and be erased against this background.
You probably already guessed that the ocean occupies most of the surface of our planet (70.1%), while land accounts for only 29.9%. If you mentally wrap a rope around the globe at its widest point, then this line will be the equator. The equator is an imaginary line; in reality it does not exist. The equator divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
The globe is supported on an axis by rods. The places where this axis “pierces” the Earth are called the geographic poles - North and South. A conventional line drawn on the surface of the globe from pole to pole is called a meridian. In all areas lying on the same meridian, noon occurs at the same instant.
Conventional lines of different lengths, running perpendicular to the meridian and parallel to the equator, are called parallels.
Parallels and meridians are used to determine geographic coordinates: latitude and longitude, indicating the location of a certain geographical object.

Reply from Tatyana Bazhenova[newbie]
The Southern Hemisphere is the part of the Earth located south of the equator. Summer in the Southern Hemisphere lasts from December to February, and winter from June to August.
The Southern Hemisphere contains five continents (Antarctica, Australia, most of South America, parts of Africa and Asia), as well as four oceans (the southern Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and all of the Southern Oceans). The Southern Hemisphere includes the following countries: Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Peru, Chile, Bolivia and others.
The Northern Hemisphere is the part of the Earth located north of the equator. Summer in the Northern Hemisphere lasts from June to August, and winter from December to February. Due to the Coriolis force, low pressure areas and hurricanes in the Northern Hemisphere almost always spin to the left, that is, counterclockwise. The Northern Hemisphere contains significantly more land than the Southern Hemisphere. Continents are located: Asia (Indonesia is mainly located in the Southern Hemisphere), Europe, North America, a small part of South America, north of the Amazon
Near? Africa, north of the Congo River

Our planet is conventionally divided into four hemispheres. How are the boundaries between them defined? What features do the Earth's hemispheres have?

Equator and meridian

It has the shape of a slightly flattened ball at the poles - a spheroid. In scientific circles, its shape is usually called a geoid, that is, “like the Earth.” The surface of the geoid is perpendicular to the direction of gravity at any point.

For convenience, the characteristics of the planet use conditional, or imaginary, lines. One of them is the axis. It passes through the center of the Earth, connecting the upper and lower parts, called the North and South Pole.

Between the poles, at an equal distance from them, there is the following imaginary line, which is called the equator. It is horizontal and is a separator into the Southern (everything below the line) and Northern (everything above the line) hemispheres of the Earth. is a little more than 40 thousand kilometers.

Another conventional line is Greenwich, or This is a vertical line passing through the observatory in Greenwich. The meridian divides the planet into the Western and Eastern hemispheres, and is also the starting point for measuring geographic longitude.

Difference between the Southern and Northern Hemispheres

The equator line horizontally divides the planet in half, crossing several continents. Africa, Eurasia and South America are partially located in two hemispheres. The remaining continents are located within one. Thus, Australia and Antarctica are entirely in the southern part, and North America is in the northern part.

The Earth's hemispheres also have other differences. Thanks to the Arctic Ocean at the pole, the climate of the Northern Hemisphere is generally milder than that of the Southern Hemisphere, where the landmass is Antarctica. The seasons in the hemispheres are opposite: winter in the northern part of the planet comes simultaneously with summer in the south.

The difference is observed in the movement of air and water. North of the equator, river flows and sea currents deviate to the right (river banks are usually steeper on the right), anticyclones rotate clockwise, and cyclones rotate counterclockwise. To the south of the equator, everything happens exactly the opposite.

Even the starry sky above is different. The pattern in each hemisphere is different. The main landmark for the northern part of the Earth is the North Star, and the Southern Cross serves as a reference point. Above the equator, land prevails, which is why the majority of people live here. Below the equator, the total number of inhabitants is 10%, since the oceanic part predominates.

Western and Eastern Hemispheres

The Earth is located east of the prime meridian. Within its borders are Australia, most of Africa, Eurasia, and part of Antarctica. Approximately 82% of the world's population lives here. In a geopolitical and cultural sense, it is called the Old World, as opposed to the New World of the American continents. In the eastern part there is a deep trench and the highest mountain on our planet.

The Earth's Western Hemisphere is located west of the Greenwich Meridian. It covers North and South America, parts of Africa and Eurasia. It completely includes the Atlantic Ocean and most of the Pacific. Here is the longest mountain range in the world, the largest volcano, the driest desert, the highest mountain lake and deep river. Only 18% of the world's inhabitants live in the western part of the world.

Date line

As already mentioned, the Western and Eastern hemispheres of the Earth are separated by the Greenwich meridian. Its continuation is the 180th meridian, which outlines the border on the other side. It is the date line, where today turns into tomorrow.

Different calendar days are recorded on both sides of the meridian. This is due to the peculiarities of the planet’s rotation. The International Date Line mostly runs along the ocean, but also crosses some islands (Vanua Levu, Taviuni, etc.). In these places, for convenience, the line is shifted along the land boundary, otherwise the inhabitants of one island would exist on different dates.

  • The hemispheres of the Earth are two halves of the spherical surface of the Earth, which are distinguished according to certain characteristics. Usually the Earth is divided into:

    * Northern and Southern (along the equator);

    * Eastern and Western (along the Greenwich and 180° meridians, sometimes along the meridian of 160° eastern and 20° western longitude according to Greenwich), while Europe, Africa, Australia and almost all of Asia are located entirely in the eastern hemisphere, and America is located in the western hemisphere;

    * continental (centered in southwest France - land occupies about 47% of the area) and oceanic (centered east of New Zealand - land occupies about 9%).

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The Earth as a planet obeys the laws of harmony. Johannes Kepler considered harmony to be a “real formative factor,” and many inquisitive thinkers traced aesthetic patterns in the spherical shape of the Earth and in its regular movement in world space. Harmony also appears on the physical map of the world. As a rule, aesthetically organized structures on the earth's surface do not immediately catch the eye, but become clearly visible after a detailed analysis of the globe or map of the earth's hemispheres.
The English philosopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626), apparently, was the first to notice that all the continents of the Old and New Worlds are shaped like triangles, with their sharp ends facing south. Then it was noticed that all any significant islands and peninsulas also face the south or southwest with their ends. These are Greenland, California, Florida in America, Scandinavia, the Iberian, Apennine and Balkan in Europe, Hindustan, Indochina, Korea and Kamchatka in Asia.
Reinhold Forster (1729-1798), a scientist and observational companion of J. Cook's circumnavigation, pointed out three more similar features in the structure of the continents. Firstly, the southern ends of all continents are high, rocky and look like mountain ranges ending abruptly at the seashore. America ends with Cape Horn, Africa - the Cape of Good Hope with Table Mountain. In Asia, on the Deccan Peninsula, the chains of the Western and Eastern Ghats extend to the south, forming the huge cliffs of Cape Comorin. The South-Eastern Cape of Australia has the same character. Even Europe, which strictly speaking is not a continent, but a part of Eurasia, ends in the south with the rocky Cape of Gibraltar.
Secondly, to the east of the southern tip of each continent lies one large island or group of islands. In America these are the Falkland Islands, in Africa - Madagascar and the small volcanic islands surrounding it, in Eurasia - Ceylon, in Australia - the two large islands of New Zealand and the island of Tasmania. Some continents on their eastern edges are even framed by garlands of islands. In this case, island garlands form arcs, sometimes strongly curved. Their convex side always faces east. There are no such garlands on the western side of the continents. The Aleutian Arc in this regard is part of the East Asian islands, although it is classified as part of the American continent.
Thirdly, all continents have large bays in the west, protruding deeply into the land. In America, this is a deep bend of the western coast at the foot of the Andes in Bolivia (Gulf of Arica), in Africa - the Gulf of Guinea, in Australia - the Great Australian Bight. In Asia, this feature is less noticeable, but can also be seen in the outlines of the Arabian Sea. In the east, all continents, on the contrary, have protrusions towards the ocean.
In the mid-nineteenth century, the geographer Steffens pointed out that the continents of our planet are grouped in pairs, forming three double parts of the world: 1) North and South America; 2) Europe with part of Western Asia and Africa; 3) Asia and Australia. At the same time, all the southern continents seem to continue the northern ones. They are connected to each other either by an isthmus or a series of islands and at the same time separated from each other by deep Mediterranean seas. In addition, there is always an archipelago on one side of the isthmus, and a peninsula on the other. The southern continents are also noticeably shifted to the east of the northern ones.
The clearest example of such a connection is represented by North and South America, with the Isthmus of Panama connecting them. The archipelago in the east is the Antilles, the peninsula in the west is California. Europe and Africa are connected through Italy and Sicily. To the west of this broken isthmus lies the Iberian Peninsula, an archipelago to the east - the Greek islands. Asia and Australia are connected by a long series of islands, starting from the Malacca Peninsula and tracing through Sumatra, Java and other islands of the Sunda archipelago to Australia itself. The peninsula to the west of this isthmus is Hindustan, and the huge archipelago to the east includes the islands of Indonesia and the Philippines.
Chains of mountains form the framework of the continents. America is, as it were, attached to the chain of Cordillera and the Andes, just as Australia is attached to the Great Dividing Range. The same framework of Eurasia forms a vast mountain belt between 20 and 45° N. sh., from the Himalayas to the Alps. Where the mountain belts are wider, the continents are usually wider. In the ocean, mountain ranges often continue with islands.

Reason for similarity

The slenderness and similarity in the arrangement of the continents do not seem accidental, and R. Forster made a thorough attempt to explain their reason. If the western coasts of all continents are inclined to the southwest, steeply descend into deep water and are indented by many bays and bays, then there must be one common reason for this similarity. Forster saw it in the waves of a high flood that swept onto the continents from the southwest. A gigantic wall of furious ocean waters, hitting the barrier of the continents, dug deep bays off their shores and, tearing off all the light earth, left only the cliffs of the current capes.
In those days, scientists often associated the event of the global flood with a comet impact. This idea was first expressed by the English astronomer Edmond Halley (1656-1742). In 1694, he presented a report to the Royal Society on how the impact of comet fragments upon their collision with the Earth caused the Great Flood described in the Bible. Halley saw traces of the impact in large depressions on the surface of the Earth, one of which he considered the Caspian Sea.
The ideas of R. Forster were developed by Peter Pallas (1741-1811), a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He explained the origin of deep bays in southern Europe and Asia and the formation of vast plains in the north, especially Siberian, by the impact of a giant catastrophic wave. In his opinion, the soils of these plains were formed from rocks that were torn off by ocean waves from the continents of the Southern Hemisphere. Waves of a terrible flood, advancing from the southwest, carried these rocks to the shores of the continents facing the Arctic Ocean and deposited them there. This happened after the full fury of giant waves hit the Himalayas and Tibet.
As a result, according to Pallas, rocks were brought to Siberia from the southwest, from the Southern Hemisphere. Numerous corpses of elephants and other tropical animals and plants were buried along with them. The geological and tectonic maps of Northern Eurasia also clearly show that the main directions of rock strike extend mainly from southwest to northeast.
Pallas also drew attention to the disproportion in territory between the southern parts of Asia, south of the Himalayas, and the vast plains lying north of the main mass of the continent. This shows that most of the southern countries were washed away by the waters of a terrible flood.
Then Pallas applied these constructions to America, the entire part of which to the west of the Cordillera and the Andes is a narrow strip, while to the east of the Cordilleran-Andean chain almost the entire space of America is contained.
Although the distribution of continents and oceans, rivers and mountains on the planet does not look geometrically correct, in their outlines the great thinkers of the past discovered a rich history of catastrophes that once outlined the appearance of our planet. Now their traces are imprinted in the mysterious pattern of the earth's surface and decorate it even more. But the attempts of Halley, Forster and Pallas to explain the order in the structure of the Earth's surface were not included in the scientific constructions of the twentieth century. Everyone was forgotten. The harmony of grace and the purpose of the structure of the earth's surface still remain unsolved. Today, the reason for the wedge shape of the continents is intricately explained with phrases like: “the reason is the increase in oceanicity to the south and in downward movements in the equatorial plane of the earth’s lithosphere ellipsoid.”

Continental and oceanic hemispheres

Almost all the land on the earth's surface is concentrated north of the equator, while the seas and oceans are south of it. North of the equator, the ratio of land and sea is 1: 1.5, while south of the equator it is 1: 6. Using a globe, it is easy to see that the continents, as a rule, are opposed by the ocean, in other words, continents and oceans are antipodal. If you mentally draw a diameter across the globe through any point on the earth’s land, then the opposite (antipodal) point in 19 out of 20 cases will not be on land, but in the ocean or sea. Only the southern part of South America has land as its antipode in China and Transbaikalia.
You can mentally move the Earth's poles so as to outline the most continental and the most oceanic hemispheres. Only 1/8 of the total land will lie in the ocean. The most oceanic hemisphere forms the Pacific Ocean together with Antarctica. The total area of ​​the Pacific Ocean is only slightly smaller than the area of ​​the Atlantic, Indian and Arctic oceans combined. The Pacific Ocean occupies more space than all land and almost a third of the entire surface of the planet (32.4%).
The continental hemisphere contains 7/8 of all land. Although, no matter how you move the hemisphere on the globe, you will not get an absolutely continental hemisphere, that is, one in which land would predominate. The greatest possible “continentality” will not exceed 47% of the area of ​​any mentally delineated hemisphere, that is, more than half of its surface in all cases will be covered with water.
The division of the globe into continental and oceanic hemispheres characterizes the asymmetric structure of our planet. In the oceanic hemisphere there are only two continents, and the smallest ones at that - Australia and Antarctica. In most of the oceanic hemisphere there are no continents at all. The continental hemisphere covers a wide belt of land around the Arctic Ocean and the Indo-Atlantic half of the globe. It contains Europe, Africa, North America, a significant part of South America and almost all of Asia.
Almost the entire continental hemisphere is dominated by similar plants and animals that make up the Palaearctic flora and fauna. They are especially close to each other in the Arctic regions. The peoples here are similar to each other. In complete contrast to the Palearctic region, the South African, Australian and South American worlds of plants and animals look sharply different from each other. These same sectors exemplify the greatest contrasts on Earth and in racial terms. The consequences of the uneven distribution of land and water are also manifested in the cultural and political dominance of the Northern, land-rich hemisphere.

Young basalt rocks are developed over a vast area of ​​the oceanic hemisphere. The earth's crust here is devoid of the ancient granite-metamorphic layer, characteristic of continents and reaching a thickness of 15-20 km there. V.I. Vernadsky gave this phenomenon the term “dissymmetry (asymmetry) of the globe,” seeing in it the result of the influence of some powerful geological factor on the Earth, possibly the separation of the Moon. At the same time, V.I. Vernadsky believed that the Moon initially came into contact with the Earth, and called the Pacific Trench the place from which it came off. But the average density of the Earth is 5.5 g/cm 3 , and that of the Moon is 3.3 g/cm 3 . The formation of such a double system from the same material is not possible. The difference in composition and, most importantly, in the internal structure of the Moon and the Earth allows us to think that the Moon, alien to the Earth, most likely, on the contrary, once came to it from the black depths of Space.
It is more appropriate to explain the formation of the oceanic hemisphere not by the separation of the Moon from it, but by the collision of the Earth with a large cosmic body. Most likely it happened in the current area of ​​the Pacific Ocean. The entire Pacific basin resembles a colossal ring structure. Its surroundings are even called the “Pacific Ring”. Outwardly, it is very reminiscent of a giant, largely already destroyed crater, similar to those formed on other planets of the solar system during collisions with huge asteroids. It can be assumed that a powerful and colossal impact of such an asteroid on the Earth occurred in the southern and central parts of the Pacific Ocean. There is no land left here, with the exception of fragments of the Pacific islands. The main direction of the impact fell on the two American continents, along the western edge of which the grandiose chains of the Cordillera and Andes grew. The impact was so powerful that continents grew on the opposite side of the globe. Some features of the ring structure can also be traced in the Indian Ocean, to which North America is antipodal on the opposite side of the globe.
Global asymmetry in the distribution of low and high areas can also be traced on other planets of the solar system. The surface of Mars, for example, is characterized by an asymmetry in the location of plains, which make up 35% of the Martian surface, and elevated, cratered areas. Most of the plains are located in the Northern Hemisphere, while the continental highlands are concentrated in the Southern Hemisphere. The border between plains and elevated areas is in some cases represented by a special type of relief - flat-topped mesas.
The older the surface, the greater the number of impact craters it bears. Therefore, the ancient continental territories of Mars are heavily cratered, and on the young plains of the northern hemisphere of Mars there are either no craters at all, or they are very rare. The ancient craters here were destroyed by younger ones, which formed the flat region of Mars, similar to the oceanic hemisphere of the Earth. It is quite possible to assume that the asymmetry of both Earth and Mars is based on the same reason.

Slow drift or instant split?

The great naturalist Alexander Humboldt (1769-1859) also searched for patterns in the structure of continents. In the book "Cosmos" he demonstrated the remarkable parallelism of the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Throughout their entire length, the protrusion of the land of one continent corresponds to the concavity of the opposite. The protruding part of one shore corresponds to the depressed bends or bays of the other. For example, the part of Brazil convex towards the ocean corresponds to the Gulf of Guinea. The entire Atlantic Ocean thus looks like a giant valley. This correspondence between the continents is especially pronounced if we consider the outlines not of the coasts themselves, but of the shelves that outline them. Between them one can sometimes trace such geometrically regular forms that one involuntarily creates an idea of ​​their very recent unity.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the German scientist Alfred Wegener noticed that the Atlantic coasts of Africa and South America are composed of the same rock crystalline shields and overlying sedimentary layers containing the same fossils of plants and animals. Striking similarities in sedimentary layers can be traced between the northeastern United States and Great Britain, while completely different layers lie in the Atlantic Ocean separating them.
The idea of ​​the former unity of the opposite shores of the Atlantic Ocean is further strengthened when comparing organic life on the shores of the Old and New Worlds. The same freshwater fauna inhabits their lakes, separated by a salt ocean. Between its opposite banks one can find not only a huge number of common genera and even species of plants and animals, but also landscape consonance. The forests of Appalachia strikingly reminded the early settlers of the forests of their native Europe. The organic world of tropical latitudes turned out to be similar on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.
Moreover, striking correspondences were also found in the lives of the peoples inhabiting the opposing shores of the Atlantic Ocean. The African Hottenots turned out to be in many respects similar to the tribes inhabiting the Brazilian jungle. The life, way of life and way of life of the primitive population of Europe is believed to be reminiscent of that encountered by Europeans among the North American Indians. The cult of the pyramids among the Mexican Aztecs was practiced by the ancient Egyptians. Both in Egypt and Mexico they made stone sarcophagi, mummified the dead, and used similar hieroglyphic writing. On both sides of the ocean there was a separate caste of priests, the cult of the Sun was practiced, there was a similar system of reckoning time and a fairly developed astronomy. How the Aztecs, Incas, Mayans pointed to their teacher when Quetzalcoatl sailed to them from the east, and the Egyptians pointed to Osiris who arrived from the west.
So many similarities were discovered between countries on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean that the idea arose of a land that disappeared as a result of a gigantic catastrophe in the middle of the current Atlantic Ocean - the mysterious Atlantis. However, it did not so much arise as it was borrowed by atlantologists from numerous legends, tales, and historical sources.
Similarities were also found in the opposite continents of other oceans. Thus, the rocks of the ancient foundation of Madagascar turned out to be very similar to those of South India, although they also resemble those of South Africa. But the organic world of Madagascar and its Malagasy people have very little in common with the African continent. At the same time, the living world of Madagascar reveals many similarities with the organic world and the peoples of Southeast Asia. True, the inhabitants of Madagascar, according to modern views, are considered to have simply moved here from Indonesia.
Especially many striking similarities are found in various remote regions of the Pacific Ocean and the countries adjacent to it. Many geologists consider the Pacific Trench to be a very ancient formation. But a number of biogeographical and ethnogeographical data do not agree with this. In particular, for the distribution of some genera of endemic (not found anywhere else) palms and lizards on the Pacific islands, it is necessary to assume that the islands of Oceania were previously a single landmass. The flora of Polynesia contains a number of species characteristic of the southernmost part of South America.
There are so many similarities in the organic world of the Pacific countries that to explain them it is necessary to assume the existence in recent times of a wide continental bridge stretching from southern Japan to the Hawaiian Islands and through the Galapagos Islands to Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. According to some ideas, such a bridge also contributed to the settlement of ancient human tribes. In this case, it must have existed geologically quite recently, perhaps already at the dawn of the early civilizations of Latin America. Then this bridge collapsed for some reason. Only numerous chains of islands have survived in the form of its fragments.
And the Pacific basin itself then turns out to be quite young.
By the way, the youth of the Pacific Trench is evidenced by the extremely small volume of sediments accumulated at its bottom. The oldest sediments in the deep parts of the oceans are no older than the Lower Cretaceous. This means that the basalt layer underlying them everywhere was also formed no later than the Lower Cretaceous. But on the middle ridges, as well as on the ridges of volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean, the age of the basalts is Cenozoic, predominantly Neogene.

The recent origin of the Sea of ​​Japan depression is evidenced by the distribution patterns of freshwater fish, which were noted by biogeographer G.U. Lindbergh. Thus, in the rivers of the Amur basin, the Korean Peninsula and Eastern China, on the one hand, and Japan, on the other hand, there is a whole range of completely identical fish. How did these fish get from the mainland to the Japanese islands? If in relation to some species of animals and plants one can assume their accidental penetration through sea water, then in relation to freshwater fish this assumption disappears. For them, both sea and land are insurmountable obstacles.
Freshwater fish could penetrate from mainland rivers into the rivers of the Japanese islands only if these rivers were connected by a freshwater reservoir or directly continued each other. But this can only be imagined if, in place of modern seas, there was land on which rivers or other freshwater bodies were located. At the same time, the fauna of typical river fish of Japan did not have time to change any dramatically in comparison with the river systems of the Amur and Yellow Rivers and retained almost complete identity of species. This means that the break between them occurred recently. G.U. Lindberg explained the reason for the formation of such a gap as a catastrophic failure of the central part of the bottom of the Sea of ​​Japan, which occurred in a time close to us. His hypothesis is confirmed by the absence in the fauna of this sea of ​​typically deep-sea fish known in marine reservoirs adjacent to the Sea of ​​Japan.
Alfred Wegener hypothesized that 200 million years ago all the continents formed a single massif, Pangea, which was washed by a single proto-ocean Panthalassa. This supercontinent consisted of the northern part - Laurasia, in which present-day Europe, Asia and North America were united.
In the Southern Hemisphere there was another part of it - Gondwana, consisting of South America, South Africa, Madagascar, India, Australia and Antarctica. Between all these distant regions, many similarities are also found in the geological structure and ancient organic world.
About 150 million years ago, Gondwana and Laurasia split into American and Euro-African parts. Wegener believed that large blocks of the earth's crust diverged under the influence of tidal forces and the waters of the World Ocean penetrated into the resulting depressions. This is how the Atlantic Ocean came into being.
At first, Wegener's hypothesis was accepted with a bang. But it soon became clear that geophysical data contradicted the explanations of the processes that Wegener gave. The hypothesis was rejected as unscientific. However, since the 60s, the movement of continents was remembered in connection with the discovery of the gigantic underwater mountain system of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, about 1 thousand km wide. Its highest peaks form the islands: Bouvet, Tristan da Cunha, Ascension, Sao Paulo, Azores, Iceland. In the Arctic Ocean it continues with a number of ridges, including the Gakkel Ridge. On average, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge rises to depths of 2000-3000 m, having a height of 3-4 km, which corresponds to the highest mountains on the continents. Subsequently, it was discovered that a single global system of mid-ocean ridges, the total length of which exceeds 60 thousand km, encircles the entire globe.

But that's not all. Research has shown that along the tops of mid-ocean ridges, in their central parts, a giant underwater canyon stretches. It was called a rift, from the English word "rift" - crack. In some cases, rifts are represented by deep valleys in which there are no sedimentary rocks. In other cases, these are uplifts limited by ruptures and faults. The rift zone contains the youngest crust, and further along the slopes of oceanic ridges there are older rocks. The continental margins contain the oldest rocks of the ocean floor.
It also turned out that subparallel strip magnetic anomalies are located along the mid-ocean ridges. It is known that in the past the polarity of the Earth's magnetic field has been reversed many times. Therefore, different rocks in different areas of the oceanic crust were magnetized by fields of different polarities. As we move away from the ridges, the age of the strip anomalies, as well as the rocks of the ocean floor, increases, and the oldest rocks are located near modern continents. The aging pattern of magnetic field polarity change zones located in stripes parallel to rifts in ocean floor rocks suggests that the ocean floor was expanding away from the rifts.
An increase in the age of rocks and magnetic anomalies from the oceanic ridges to the margins of the continents gave rise to the idea that the material of the future oceanic crust floats up in the zone of the median ridges and spreads to the continents. According to one hypothesis, the continents with the underlying parts of the mantle form strong plates. The plates move apart as molten material from the mantle rises up into the space between the plates. The gaps between them are filled with expanding material rising from below, which, as it cools, forms a new crust of the ocean floor.
It was concluded that under the lithosphere, in the mantle, a kind of boiling of matter occurs. As a result of convection, a kind of giant lift is created, delivering molten basalts to the rift zone. Along the axis of the mid-ocean ridges, the intrusion, swelling and squeezing of basaltic material from the earth's interior onto the surface of the earth's crust occurs. This is where the youngest bark is found. Then the basalts spread in both directions at a speed of 1-2 to 10-15 cm per year to deep trenches on the margins of continents, where the crust sinks into the mantle. According to these ideas, the ocean floor is depicted as looking like a giant conveyor belt. This model of its formation is called the “theory of global plate tectonics.”
According to the theory of plate tectonics, when an oceanic plate moves under a continental plate or when two continental plates collide, mountain ranges are formed. For example, the Indo-Australian plate, colliding with the Eurasian one, gave rise to the Himalayas.
From a physical point of view, the concept of global plate tectonics looks completely unnatural. First of all, the question arises: why did convection in the mantle form such giant linear structures, and did not arise in the form of local foci or convective cells of different scales? To do this, it is necessary to allow, notes A.N. Romashov3 that the substance inside a certain linear “cauldron” boils without cooling for many millions of years, which obviously contradicts the second law of thermodynamics. Of course, it can be heated by the decay of isotopes of radioactive elements, but even in this case the heating should fade over time. And the processes of disintegration of the procontinent last, according to the modern theory of plate tectonics, 150-200, and according to some estimates, 400-500 million years.

Further, drilling of basalts adjacent to mid-ocean ridges has shown that a clear stripe structure of the magnetic field is not observed as it moves deeper. The magnetic properties of rocks change slightly at depth. The formation of such a magnetic field can occur during the rapid formation of basalt and its rapid magnetization reversal. Some American scientists believe that changes in the polarity of the Earth's magnetic field during the formation of ocean floor rocks did not occur as now, over tens of thousands of years, but with stunning speed.
Finally, is it possible to say that if today’s rates of continental drift are 2-15 cm per year, then over many millions of years the plates have been moving apart at the same speed? Obviously, if some cart itself is moving at a given moment at a speed of 2 cm per second, then a minute ago its speed should have been much higher.
Under the influence of friction, the movement of the “conveyor” pushing continents apart can only slow down. Computer modeling of the processes occurring during the movement of tectonic plates, carried out by American scientists Austin and Baumgardner, showed that initially they should have moved apart at incredibly high speeds, up to several hundred meters per second. When the Indo-Australian and Eurasian plates collided at such speeds, the Himalayas reared up. Then the speed of the continents moving apart slowed down under the influence of friction, and now we are observing their damping oscillations in the form of a very slow drift. They don't even drift so much as oscillate slightly. And at the same time, the modern slow friction of tectonic plates against each other is accompanied by the release of heat, especially along the edges of the plates, which gives rise to volcanic phenomena, earthquakes and the illusion of slow drift. But all these processes are already fading.
Thanks to the well-established collection of information about modern earthquakes, we know a lot about them. In other years they make a huge number of victims. It was such a terrible year
1976 It was even called “the year of catastrophic earthquakes.” The number of earthquake victims then exceeded half a million people. About 30 thousand people were killed by earthquakes in 1980, and in 1988, during the Spitak earthquake in Armenia, 25 thousand people died. There are opinions that the number of victims and material losses associated with earthquakes is growing every year. In fact, the quality of information collection about these events is improving. In the past, people experienced more earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and they were of greater magnitude.
The Bible mentions frequent earthquakes in Palestine, where these disasters are quite rare today. During the powerful eruption of Vesuvius on August 24, 79 AD. The flourishing Roman cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii were buried under a layer of ash. After this, Naples, located nearby, quietly flourished. In Rome, in just one year of the Punic War (217 BC), 57 earthquakes occurred. During excavations of Troy, it was found that it was destroyed by an earthquake.

The entire earth's crust has cracked:
There was an abyss here, a mountain there.
There were a lot of revolutions here:
The top is the bottom, and the bottom has become the top -
And people do the same thing later
The theories were turned upside down.

J.W. Goethe. Faust

What could have been the initial cause of the split of the continents? Obviously, this was a huge tectonic catastrophe that broke the earth's crust into separate plates. Ustin Chashchikhin believes that it could have been caused by a large asteroid hitting the Earth. This is consistent with the views of other scientists. Thus, the German atlantologist O. Muk, studying the traces of the fall of the Caroline meteorite (diameter 10 km, mass 200 billion tons, speed 20 km/sec), came to the conclusion that it was the cause of the death of Atlantis. The force of the impact was equivalent to the explosion of 30 thousand hydrogen bombs. Polish atlantologist L. Seidler believed that Atlantis perished when the Earth collided with a comet.

S.I. Dubkova. History of astronomy. - M.: White City, 2002, 192 p.
G.U. Lindbergh. Large fluctuations in sea level during the Quaternary period. - L.: Nauka, 1972, p. 10-13, 69-72.