Classic English courses and what is included. How to choose English courses to get results. How to choose language courses

Numerous English language courses today are ready to offer you a huge selection of programs: English for beginners, English for business and tourism, preparation for international exams in English, English for studying at a foreign university. However, despite all the variety of offers, it can be argued that you need English primarily for communication. The curricula "General English" and "Conversational English" are not the same thing. Conversational English does not involve the study of grammar or complex lexical structures, to which quite a lot of time is devoted in a general English course. In conversational English classes, you will practice basic grammar rules and expand your vocabulary. The main goal of such a course is to help you overcome the language barrier and make you speak English as your native language. Of course, you shouldn’t spend long months solely on memorizing complex rules that, most likely, you will never need, or memorizing special terms that you will forget two weeks after finishing the course. However, you should also be aware that learning a foreign language in 2 weeks is an unrealistic task even for unusually gifted people. Short-term courses are designed to strengthen and develop speaking skills and build on previously acquired knowledge. To speak English means not only to be able to read with a dictionary, but also to perceive fluent English speech by ear, to express your thoughts in English freely and with the correct accent. And if you do not experience psychological difficulties when communicating in a foreign language, if you have a sufficient vocabulary and master modern vocabulary, then you will not be confused in any situation, you will be able to communicate with a taxi driver, and with your work boss, and with a supervisor at the university .

Language Link training centers offer a variety of programs to meet the needs of students of all ages and backgrounds. At almost every level, students have the opportunity to take one of the tests in the Cambridge University examination line. Below is a table of their correspondence with the language levels of the European Council Language Competence Scale. The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) is a method for assessing language proficiency, recognized and recommended by the Council of Europe, one of the main legislative bodies of the European Union, for use in all language educational institutions. The scale includes six levels, from beginner to proficient.

English from scratch and at higher levels at Language Link schools is taught in accordance with the communicative methodology.

The communicative method of teaching foreign languages ​​is popular today and is actively used in educational institutions all over the world.

The basic principle of the communicative methodology is that the study of language systems, in contrast to the grammatical-translation method, is not an end in itself. The entire learning process is aimed at using language skills in communication. In other words, the main task is to overcome the “language barrier”.

A distinctive feature of such courses is also the refusal of an intermediary language: lessons are held exclusively in the target language. Translation of words is allowed only in isolated cases in order to save time. However, in general, drawing an analogy between the native language and the language being studied is not allowed. This puts you in a situation of “immersion” in the language environment and practically forces you to start talking.

In addition, the effectiveness of the technique is facilitated by the atmosphere in which the classes take place. Interesting topics are selected for discussion, free communication in the language is encouraged, and group assignments are completed.

Thus, the communicative technique makes language learning a natural and interesting process.

Regardless of what language we are talking about, everyone will agree that the best teacher is the one who understands the subtleties of the language and masters the teaching methods. That's why English for Beginners and other Language Link programs are taught by professional, native-speaking teachers.

The advantages of classes with a native speaker teacher are as follows:

  • Native teachers speak English from birth;
  • they have acquired the ability to pronounce words, phrases and sentences correctly, using the correct accent, stress and intonation to convey the desired meaning of what is being said;
  • Most importantly, they know which word or expression is appropriate in a particular situation, as they know the cultural traditions of their own country. They know when to use a formal or informal style of speech in order to convey the intended idea to the interlocutor as accurately as possible.

In other words, native-speaking teachers know exactly what, when and how to say. Thus, they bring with them to the classroom a special atmosphere of a “living” language, which makes classes not only effective, but also interesting.

So if you want to master modern colloquial vocabulary and avoid the language barrier when communicating with foreigners, then a native English speaker is the right teacher for you.

However, Russian teachers who are proficient in communicative methods, provided that their level of language proficiency is high, are not inferior to native speakers, and are especially effective in teaching children or adults who are not ready to learn with a native speaker due to an insufficient level of knowledge.

If you are a fan of traditional teaching methods, you should choose courses that use a grammar approach rather than a communicative approach. Such courses are usually taught only by Russian teachers and are taught in Russian.

In the modern education market, the cost of group English classes varies widely. However, a high price does not always guarantee equally high quality...

What is worth knowing about English language courses so as not to make a mistake in choosing and make a smart decision?

Language Link is an international organization with extensive experience and training centers in many countries. The first Language Link school opened in London in 1975. Currently, the Russian branch has the largest network of Language Link training centers. All Language Link training centers operate on the basis of licenses issued by local education departments.

The cost of training at Language Link depends on the location of the training center, the size of the group (regular or mini) and the start time of classes. We offer our clients to pay for training in stages, usually 6 weeks in advance. If you miss classes for a valid reason, you will be given the opportunity to make up for them free of charge. The training conditions provide for the return of unused prepayment in case of early termination of the contract. Our prices are competitive in all regions where Language Link centers operate, with the best price-quality ratio!

One of the most frequently asked questions about non-state educational institutions concerns graduation certificates.

No private English language courses issue state-issued certificates; however, certificates of completion of courses from well-known international companies are recognized by employers, and international Cambridge certificates are recognized by foreign and many Russian universities.

If you want to become the holder of an internationally recognized Cambridge certificate or diploma, you can take one of the international English language exams held in Moscow. See details in the “International Examinations” section or on the website.

Also, when choosing language courses, it will be useful to find out the impressions of students and read about schools.

To enroll in Language Link language courses, fill out.

In recent years, many English language schools and courses have appeared in Russia. And if you decide to start learning English from scratch, it’s not easy to find your way right away. How to distinguish professionals from scammers in a timely manner, how to choose the most suitable courses for you?

Before you start looking for suitable English courses, clearly formulate your goals and decide for yourself what kind of results you expect from the classes.

There are many English schools on the market now. In all this diversity, it is very difficult for people to decide and make a choice. Not everyone knows how to choose the right English courses and what to focus on in doing so. Some people choose the location of courses as the main criterion, others - cost. But many people understand that courses must first of all be effective! Therefore, many people often ask friends/acquaintances to recommend English language courses.

The purpose of the article: to help you find out what you need to pay attention to when choosing courses and how to make the right choice in order to get a good and high-quality result.

Initially, you need to decide on your purpose in English, that is, how you want to use the language.
1. If you want to communicate (orally and in writing) in English and use it in work, travel, and business, then you need to choose conversation courses.
2. If you will use the language only for reading and correspondence, then “classical” courses, where classes are taught using textbooks, are quite suitable for you. As in school, most of the time is devoted to studying theory.

Unfortunately, the classical method, where the theory of English is studied, has shown to be ineffective (after 10 years of schooling only a few can speak). We are interested in the result is practical application of English in life: English for communication, work, business and travel, so we will focus on conversation courses.

Below are the most important points to pay attention to and which will help you determine which English language courses to take.

1. What will be the result and how long will it take?

This is the most important thing to consider when choosing a course. Let me remind you that our the goal is to learn to speak, and not knowing all the grammar by heart.

First you need to know:

  • What success do students achieve on the course?
  • How long does it take;
  • What is the result of completing at least one (first) level.

The last point is very important! After allthe result should be visible already during training, in a couple of weeks. At the end of even the first level, you should already be able to speak English within the framework of the material. Naturally, the lower the level, the simpler your speech. But you should talk about yourself, your family, your apartment, your hobbies without experiencing difficulties after just one level. With each level, your spoken language should become more complex and mature. If they tell you that you will be able to speak only after completing the entire program and that for this you need to study grammar, know that such courses are unlikely to be effective for you!

2. What methodology is used and how are the classes conducted?

It will be a plus if this technique is international and is used in other countries of the world. This suggests that the technique produces results.
Find out how much time in class is devoted to speaking practice and how much time is devoted to studying theory. If you are promised that you will speak fluently at the end of the training, while most of the lesson is spent studying theory, then know that, most likely, you will not only waste money, but also not get this result. Why? The point is that studying theory will never give you skill. Even if you memorize all the grammar, you will never be able to use it in speech. To do this, you need to practice speaking English. Ideally, the ratio of practice to theory should be 80%:20%.

Effective courses are those where the emphasis is on developing speaking skills. The lesson should explain the theory, which is immediately practiced. When you practice the rules in a conversational form, you learn to think in English, develop speaking skills and learn to distinguish speech by ear!

3. Are classes conducted on computers or with a teacher?

If you have already decided to spend your money, then invest it usefully - ask for a live teacher, go to a group, communicate! This is the only way you will learn to speak and understand English. It is impossible to learn to speak by studying grammar on a computer...
Why take a course where you'll be sitting at a computer or watching a video? You can download video lessons and programs for teaching English for free from the Internet! Another thing is that if it were effective, no groups or courses would exist...

4. Is there a trial lesson?

Many courses now offer trial lessons. You should definitely go to them so as not to “buy a pig in a poke.” The technique should be demonstrated during the lesson. They should show you how you will be taught, and not just test your level. Don't be lazy, visit these lessons and form your opinion! No one will know better than you whether a course is right for you or not. It's like a test drive when buying a car. Until you drive it, you won’t understand whether the car is good or not, whether you like its interior or not.

5. How often are classes held?

Success in a language largely depends on the time you devote to it. If you want learn a language in less than a year, then you will need to devote time to it. How much to spend? More the better. But at least 7 hours a week for speaking practice and at least 2 hours for theory. Spoken English is a skill that needs constant training. By devoting only 3-4 hours a week to the language, you extend your learning time over many years.

6. What happens if I miss class or leave?

When filling out the contract, special attention should be paid to this issue. Typically you pay for a certain number of hours on a course. For unworked ANYONE reasons watch courses must either refund the money in full or provide individual lessons on the topic. And if you move to another city, etc., then the courses should return your money for hours not worked.
It often happens that the contract stipulates that money will not be returned for classes not completed. It's not fair to take your money and not compensate you for your classes, or take a % of your money if you suddenly decide to stop studying!

7. Is a certificate issued upon completion of the course?

Only schools that operate according to the state. standards and issue certificates. Courses using proprietary methods (even international ones) do not provide a certificate upon completion of the course. This is completely normal, since the courses use their own developed programs, and not government ones.
When choosing a school, you need to understand that your goal is to become fluent, not to get a certificate. The presence of a certificate does not at all indicate whether a person knows how to use his knowledge. For example, employers in good companies never hire people based on a certificate alone. The interview must be conducted in English.
Having completed a good course, you can easily pass an exam in Moscow, receive a certificate and confirm that you not only know the theory, but also know how to use it.

8. Are your teachers native speakers or not?

It makes sense to study with a native speaker if you speak English very well. Thanks to this, you will improve your pronunciation and enrich your vocabulary.
If you do not speak English fluently, you have problems with grammar, listening comprehension, with a Russian-speaking teacher, your progress will be much faster than with a native speaker, because he explains everything you don’t understand in Russian, and it will be easy for you to understand. Imagine that the English language and its structure are a dark forest for you because the English “think differently”. But Susanin knows perfectly how to walk along it. What about you? What is your task? To see how beautiful the forest looks or to learn how to walk through it? After all, if the teacher knows English and Russian perfectly well, then he will be able to explain English grammar to you using examples from the Russian language, and then you will understand how and where foreigners use grammar, and how they think.
And here there is one more point: not all native speakers are teachers, that is, people who can transfer their knowledge into your head. After all, we are all, for example, native speakers of Russian, but could we teach someone else Russian?

9. What is the price for the courses?

Although this is the most unimportant point, it is impossible not to talk about it. When choosing courses, you should focus not on the price per course (level), but on the price per academic hour. Some courses can cost 6 thousand rubles. for 15 ac. hours, and others 15 tr for 72 ac. hours. On the first, 1 ac/h = 400 rubles, and on the second, 208 rubles. The main thing to understand is that the more hours of study and practice, the faster your progress will be.

Study the reviews, find out the opinions of students who have already taken the courses. Look at how active the courses are on the Internet and social networks: if the site is regularly updated, and the pages contain interesting and relevant content and communicate with users, these courses can be trusted.

Start2Study pays attention to all students: both those already studying and those just planning to start studying. On our website you can also find reviews from real students who have achieved success with Start2Study.

Decide whether you want to study with a Russian-speaking teacher or a native speaker. Not all schools offer classes with a native speaker, and if they do, they often cost much more. At Start2Study courses we offer classes with both teachers at the best price.

Teachers must have specialized linguistic and pedagogical education or certificates confirming the right to teach English and high proficiency in the language itself. Language certificates include IELTS, TOEFL, CAE, CPE, BEC; for pedagogical ones – TKT, CELTA, DELTA, TESOL or similar. Trustworthy courses take pride in their teaching staff and are willing to provide data, for example on the website. You can also meet the teaching staff of the Start2Study courses. We are sure that after this you will want to get to know them personally in class!

The best option would be courses with a communicative methodology: it combines the development of all skills (reading, writing, listening and, most importantly, speaking), makes it possible to expand your vocabulary and learn grammar. Today, courses often offer “innovative techniques” like the 25th frame, hypnosis, various mnemonics and “learning a language in two weeks” - you shouldn’t trust them blindly. Learning a language is not a quick process; Of course, even in two weeks you can achieve results, but very limited ones, and “exotic” methods often come with poor quality training and an absurdly high price. Also, outdated methods, for example, the grammar-translation method, will also not be the best choice. Ask the administration what textbooks are used in the courses: it is best if these are modern textbooks from Cambridge, Oxford, Longman, and Pearson publishers. In the Start2Study courses we use exactly these textbooks: Face2Face, Business Result and many others.

Agree, no one wants to spend a lot of time on the road, so it would be optimal to choose courses either near home or near work. Start2Study courses offer two options: either in the Main Building of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (metro station Universitet), or at the Training Center on Myasnitskaya Street - in the very center of Moscow (metro station Kitay-Gorod, Lubyanka, Chistye Prudy).

Decide what time you want to take classes and whether the courses offer a convenient schedule. On good courses you will find classes at any time: morning, afternoon, evening or weekend. When registering for Start2Study courses, you will receive detailed advice and be able to choose the time that suits you.

Find out how testing works and whether it is free. At good courses, testing will be carried out free of charge at a convenient time. The test must consist of at least two parts: written and oral, where the testing teacher will tell you in detail what your current level is and which lesson program is best for you. This is exactly how testing is carried out in Start2Study courses. And most importantly: it's completely free!

Is it possible to pay in installments, make up missed classes or reschedule them, as well as refund if necessary? Isn’t a loan being imposed under the guise of installment payment?
At Start2Study courses, we are always ready to help students get the most out of their classes, even if they miss lessons.

Check: the certificate must include your first and last name, the level achieved and the level on the Council of Europe Scale (A1-C2), the number of hours of training, as well as the seal of the organization and the signature of the management. Please note: if you need an international certificate, you must take the exam to obtain it separately - language courses do not issue such documents. You can view a sample Start2Study certificate during free testing and consultation.

Find out if you can attend a trial class. Often, unscrupulous courses require you to pay the full fee first, and only then can you attend the classes. But what if something didn’t suit you or didn’t suit you? On Start2Study courses you have the opportunity to attend a free trial lesson to not only watch a real lesson, but also participate in it!

Therefore, the great demand for them generates numerous offers. The abundance of choice can cause some confusion in a person. But don't be upset. After all, thanks to this choice, you can always choose the most suitable option based on cost, goal, class schedule, etc.

I. What course programs are available?

Before you start looking for courses, think carefully about the purpose for which you are going there, and how well the services offered to you correspond to this purpose. For example, you want to learn a language for general development, for work, for traveling abroad, for entering college, etc. The form and program of study largely depend on why you are going to study English. Perhaps you need to pay special attention to spoken English if you are going on a tourist trip, or you were prompted to learn the language by the need to fluently translate documentation at work. In addition, you can choose courses on the topic you need, where you can gain relevant vocabulary (for example, in the field of tourism, business, art, etc.). You will only get results if you set the task correctly and select the appropriate program. The duration of training courses can vary: from 2 weeks to 5 years. Of course, the timing also largely depends on the purpose of the training. For example, if you just need to learn how to answer the phone in English, there is no point in lengthy training. In many other cases, it is better to choose a longer process of acquiring knowledge (at least 6 months, 2 times a week for 2 academic hours).

II. Which organization should you choose?

It is best to complete courses where there are unified methodological centers. As a rule, such centers exist at higher educational institutions and international language schools. Here, teachers rely on a unified proven teaching methodology and a balanced program. In addition, such courses have a good material and technical base (you will have all the resources of the educational institution at your disposal - library, computers, premises, etc.). Courses at universities and international language schools are stable, and you can be sure that you will complete them, and your studies will not be postponed indefinitely due to a shortage of a group (it is easier for large training centers to survive in the conditions of intense competition that exists among educational institutions) . If you decide to complete courses at a university, remember that the institute that provides you with foreign language teaching services must specialize in this type of activity (in your case, it is better to complete English courses or at organizations like).

Selection criteria for English language courses:

1. Teachers. One of the most important criteria for selecting courses is the qualifications of teachers. Let us immediately note that the presence of diplomas, certificates, etc. does not always determine the level of qualifications, although this should also be present. It’s good if the courses are taught by graduates of good linguistic universities, or specialists with international certificates - IHC, CELTA, DELTA, CEELT. In some places, native speakers teach directly, but it will be difficult for an ordinary person to immediately determine how strong the teachers in front of him are. Therefore, find out whether they constantly work on courses, or whether all teachers are visiting. It is best to complete courses where teachers work constantly and rely on a single proven teaching methodology. In this case, you can be insured against a situation when a new teacher comes from outside with his own teaching methods, which may not always be effective. 2. Teaching methods. Another important component when choosing English language courses is the teaching method, the choice of which is also determined by the purpose for which you are taking the course. In general, all methods can be divided into 2 types: traditional and non-traditional. You could see an example of traditional teaching methods at school. Here the main attention is paid to the study of grammar, translations, retellings, etc. are made. This method is indispensable if you need written translation skills. If you want to master spoken English, try some of the unconventional methods, but don’t get too carried away. NOT EVERYTHING IS GOOD THAT IS UNCONVENTIONAL. One of the methods that has already shown itself to be the most effective is the so-called communicative method, which is used by almost all Western schools existing in Russia. It lies in an integrated approach to teaching foreign languages. With its help, the skills of speaking, listening, writing, and reading are developed. There are a huge number of different teaching methods. It is hardly worth describing them all, because, as a rule, before enrolling in the courses you will definitely be told about the teaching methodology. We advise you to listen to everyone in detail and choose the most suitable option. 3. Groups. Pay attention to the size of the group. It is best if it does not exceed ten people. In this case, you will be able to receive sufficient attention from the teacher, and will always be under his control, which will eliminate the possibility of you misunderstanding the grammar, or not understanding it at all, incorrect pronunciation, etc. 4. License. Be sure to pay attention to the presence of a license, the address indicated in it, validity period, and permitted types of activities. Find out how long the courses have been running - the stability of your training depends on this. After all, any educational institution is not built in one day or even a year, and failures that may occur during the initial period of operation of any company will primarily affect your educational process. 5. Testing. Take the test and go to a free trial lesson, if such a service is included in the courses. By the way, by taking free classes, you will be able to get more closely in touch with the learning process in these courses, and you will have a real opportunity to compare.

III. Where can I find information about courses?

The most convenient way is to search on the Internet. You can enter a question into the search engine: for example, English language courses, and get information about the courses. Try this using a search engine by typing English courses. But the best place to look for course information is in online directories. One of the most successful directories is the course directory on Vsevede, where you can find out any information about the courses that interest you. Another option is print media, for example, the magazine /Where to go to study/, etc. True, in this case you will only receive contact information and, at best, a list of teaching subjects and tuition fees, in addition, you will spend a lot of time choosing courses. Another source of information can be exhibitions, information about which is easiest to find on the Internet. Having chosen the most suitable option for yourself, be careful when signing the contract, make sure that all the details of your training are stipulated in it (number of hours, cost of courses, start and end times, group size, conditions for termination of the contract, etc.).

VSEVED Travel offers numerous Study Abroad programs. With the help of our programs, you can overcome the language barrier, improve your level of foreign language proficiency, learn business English, prepare for exams for university admission and much more.

Today in Russia there are a huge number of schools and courses for studying English, which is why it is usually difficult for those interested in choosing them. This article will talk about how to choose English courses right about how to distinguish amateurs from professionals. Before you start looking for a school, you need to set a clear goal and decide what results you expect from these classes. Modern English language courses in St. Petersburg today offer several programs to choose from: English for tourism, for business, for studying in foreign educational institutions and for preparing for international English exams. However, despite the abundance of the most tempting offers, we all understand that, first of all, we need a foreign language for communication.

How to choose English courses?

When choosing courses for English classes, it is best to give preference to those that have common methodological centers. These, as a rule, exist at international language schools or at higher educational institutions. Here, each teacher is guided by a single, balanced program and proven teaching methodology. In addition, such courses most often have a good material and technical base (library, computer classes, classrooms). They are always stable and in any case you can be sure that you will complete them, besides, large training centers have more conditions for survival in the world of fierce competition.

How to choose English courses for communication

The most optimal solution for people who want to increase their vocabulary will be “Conversational English”; it does not require studying grammar and constructing complex lexical structures. The main objective of such a course is to help the student overcome the language barrier, which is why you will devote the bulk of your time in class to expanding your vocabulary and practicing the basic rules of grammar. Experts quite reasonably believe that you should not waste precious time memorizing complex rules and special terms that you will never need in life. In this regard, most likely you will need certain skills so that after some time you will be able to speak English as your native language. At the same time, keep in mind that learning a foreign language in two weeks is unrealistic even for a very gifted person. Short-term online courses for learning English are based on already acquired knowledge and are intended to develop and strengthen speaking skills.

Which English courses to choose?

Fluency in English is not only the ability to read with a dictionary, but the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts in English, as well as the ability to perceive fluent foreign speech by ear. In order to learn this, you need to study with a competent teacher, preferably one of the native English speakers. Pros know exactly what can be said and in what case, where to put the emphasis, and thus bring an atmosphere of a “living” language into the learning process, which makes classes interesting and effective.

It will take a non-professional a lot of time to understand the principles of operation of certain courses or English schools for children. In this situation, the easiest way would be to trust the assessment of experts or those people who know the service market well and have experience working with different language schools. Now you know how to choose English courses. This approach will allow you and your children to receive a highly qualified education and give you the joy of communicating with each other in English!