What is the meaning of the prefix pr. Meanings of verb prefixes. Use in various countries

The adoption of foreign words into Russian ones has been going on for several centuries. This is due to the conquest and unification with new territories during the times of Kievan Rus, the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, etc. As a result of foreign borrowings, along with other words, we received foreign prefixes that have their own meaning. Foreign language prefixes in the Russian language are found as often as parts of Russian origin. Most often they come from Greek or Latin.

The following foreign prefixes are often used: extra-, ex-, ultra-, trans-, super-, sub-, proto-, post-, pan-, counter-, infra-, inter-, dis-, dis-, dis- , de-, hypo-, hyper-, archi-, anti-, a-.

For a simpler understanding of these components of the word, it is necessary to establish their scope and meaning.


Prefix extra- has a meaning similar to Russian out- And super- :

extra thin, extra ordinariness, extra polishing, extra sense, extra fashionable.

The psychic suggested that in this house there had previously been many ghosts that frightened the residents and instilled fear in them.

Prefix ex-

The prefix ex- indicates the predecessor, past tense:

ex-spouse, ex-continent, ex-chairman, ex-Prime Minister.

The ex-husband of the TV star made a very loud statement that he did not love his wife and married her for money.


Prefix ultra- means further, more, beyond:

ultra sound, ultra revolution, ultra centrifuge, ultra microscopic, ultra violet.

Ultrasound is used in an ultrasound machine, which allows you to examine different tissues in the human body and, based on what you see, make an accurate diagnosis.

Prefix trans-

Prefix trance - has two meanings. The first is to move in space, the second is to be located outside the boundaries of something:

trance agency, trance aggressive, trance probe, trance plantation, trance letter, trance arctic.

The Transatlantic Alliance is a trade association of Western countries led by the United States of America.

Super console

Prefix super- has the meaning above, above, and is used to denote the ultimate quality or parameter:

super position, super aviation, super giant, super fashionable, super quartermaster, super series.

The Super Series is a significant event in American football that is attended by a large number of people.


Foreign language prefixes sub- used as often as Russian sub-, they have the meaning of a non-predominant feature:

sub stratosphere, sub rent, sub ordination, sub marina.

Sublease is the operation of renting an object that is already rented.

Prefix re-

Prefix re- can be used in two meanings. The first is to reproduce, repeat an action:

re vaccination, re fast, re translator

The second is in contrast:

re adaptation, re gress, re master, re emigrant re organizational, re innovative.

Prefix proto-

Proto- indicates a predecessor, source, highest, major or senior degree:

proto star, proto type, proto story, proto plasma.

A prototype is a kind of mock-up of a future product, which, after careful development, will be put into mass production.


Fast- similar to the Russian part of the word after-:

fast volcanic, fast apocalyptic, fast qualification, fast position, fast modernism.

A post-volcanic island formed in the ocean, on which many trees, shrubs and some representatives of the animal world immediately appeared.

Prefix pro-

Pro- indicates commitment to a certain point of view, involvement in someone’s interests:

about Soviet, about American, about rector, about imperialist.

Prefix pan-

Pan- indicates comprehensiveness:

pan Americanism, pan Arabism, pan Germanist, pan psychism, pan theism, pan thehistorical.

Prefix counter-

Counter- has a synonymous meaning to the Russian particle against-:

counter offensive, counter intelligence, counter argument, counter-admiral, counter revolution.

A counteroffensive is a retaliatory offensive by troops that is designed to break the enemy’s offensive.

Prefix inter-

Prefix inter- used instead of the Russian part of speech between- , or used instead "inside" :

inter nationalism, inter prettified, inter puncture, inter No, inter face, inter position, inter granule.

Prefix dis-, dis-

Prefix dis- is used before consonants, and design - vice versa. They indicate the opposite and carry a negative meaning:

diz Uria, dis harmonious, dis skilled, dis proportional, dis functional.

Prefix de-

Prefix de- used before consonants, dez- placed before vowels. Indicates cancellation, destruction and negation:

de mobilization, de carbonation, de qualify, de ratification, de orientation, de information, de organization, de deactivation.

Infrastructure attachment

Infra- similar to the Russian part of speech under-:

infra structure, infra sound, infra microbiology.

Prefix hypo-

Hypo- is an antonym of a foreign language prefix hyper- , and denotes a decrease in the norm:

hypo vitaminosis, hypo kinesia, hypo tonia, hypo glossal.

Prefix hyper-

Prefix hyper- has the same meaning as the Russian prefix super- , which means excessive:

hyper function, hyper secretion, hyper market, hyper trophy

Hypersonic speed is a speed above the speed of sound, due to which an object can reach the desired point in much less time.

Arch prefix

Prefix arch- indicates the highest degree of an adjective or noun, has a qualitative meaning:

archi scammer, archi scientific, archi bishop, archi Mandrit.


Prefix anti- has a similar meaning to the Russian part of speech contra-, used to indicate the opposite meaning of a word:

Prefix a-

Prefix A- is intended to give a negative meaning to adjectives and nouns, it does not carry a qualitative meaning:

  • symmetrical - A symmetric;
  • moral - A moral;
  • normal - A normal.

Prefix over-

Along with foreign language prefixes, the Russian part is also used super- , which denotes the highest degree of qualitative assessment of an object, is used with adjectives and adverbs with a sign of action. It consists of two parts: attachments With- and adverbs top , is an analogue of a foreign language super- :

over smart, over long, over spicy, over private, over power, over exactly, over profit, over lesson.

Any word consists of parts, which in linguistics are called morphemes. The most important of them is the root. This is the main meaning. It is like a house on a foundation, to which various premises are attached in the form of suffixes (affixes) and prefixes (prefixes), adjusted when possible, and an ending. And each time after such construction work, the purpose of the house can change significantly. It is worth paying more attention to the façade, and for this you need to know: what kinds of prefixes there are, what new they add to the meaning of the word, and whether they are fraught with danger.

What are prefixes for?

What comes before the root, at the beginning of the word, is the prefix. The prefix belongs to significant morphemes, since its main function is formation. that a word can have more than one prefix (two, three), they are all written together. But you can do this without errors only if you know certain rules.

There are more than 70 prefixes in modern Russian. Of course, not every one of them has spelling governed by a rule. What types of prefixes there are based on these features can be found out by considering three main groups:

Uniform spelling. These are prefixes that do not have a consonant pair. For example, in- or o- (after all, there are no prefixes f- or a-). This also includes: for-, co-, pa-, po-, su-, y- and so on;

Peculiarities of writing prefixes ending in “z” or “s”. These are prefixes such as ras- (one-), nis- (low-), bes- (without-). If after the prefix there is a voiced consonant, then you need to write “z” at the end, if there is a voiceless consonant, then “s”;

The prefix is ​​pre- and its sister is pre-. The correct use of these prefixes depends on a correct understanding of the meaning they bring to the word.

What are the origins of prefixes?

Prefixes are divided into native Russian and foreign ones. The first include:

By-, in-, from-, on-, without-, above, with-, that is, prefixes that can also be prepositions;

Pa- and pra- are obsolete, but still found in words such as stepdaughter, flood, great-grandfather;

Between-, after-, outside-, near-, against-, these prefixes were once adverbial prepositions, but over time they became part of the word.

Foreigners by origin are:

Prefixes starting with the letter “a” (Greek): anti-national, immoral, archival;

Counter-, de-, dis-, re-, ultra-, ex-, trans-, extra- (Latin): counter-offensive, demobilization, disqualification, regression, ultrafilter, ex-champion;

Eu-, ev- (ev-) are prefixes of Greek origin with the meaning “real”. For example, eu-angelie (true message), eu-bacteria (correct bacteria);

Des- (French): disorganization, disinformation.

Both honey mushrooms and fragments have the prefix o-

Very often we don’t think about what prefixes there are in words. And how they help change the original meaning. For example, everyone knows what a “stump” is. Let's add the prefix o- and the suffix -ok. As a result, we get the word “honey mushroom”. Don't think that this is a mushroom growing on a stump. The real understanding of this word is given by the prefix o-, which denotes the spread of action around something. So honey mushrooms are located not on the stump, but around it.

If you remember an error, typo, typo or omission, you can immediately see that the prefix o- has another meaning - an indication of an incorrect, reckless action. And if you pay attention to the words: fragment, cigarette butt, cinder, stub, then a new meaning of the same prefix becomes obvious - a particle of an object resulting from some kind of influence on it.

What is the difference between pre- and pre-

To correctly write these prefixes, you need to clearly know the meaning of the words in which they are used. For comparison and better memorization, you need to make a table

Prefix pre-. Meaning:Prefix at-. Meaning:

The highest degree of quality. It is possible to replace the prefix with the words “very” or “very”: very unpleasant, wise;

Sign, action: extremely, joyfully;

Exceeding the measure: surpass, exalt;

Meaning close to block, transform.

Approaching, joining, adding or spatial proximity: school, arrive, stick, add;

Incompleteness of an action or its performance for a short period of time: sit down, stand up, lie down, sit down;

Bringing the plan to completion: nailing it down, attaching it, inventing it;

To do in someone’s interests: to hide, to save;

Additional action to the main one: sentence, jump, dance.

Similar in sound, but different in writing

There are words where the prefix pre- (pri-) carries the main semantic load, and here it is important not to make a mistake, otherwise the meaning will completely change. You can only arrive somewhere and on something, but to stay means to already be somewhere. For example, arriving by train at the station, but remaining carefree in the carriage.

There are many similar sounding pairs in the Russian language. You can figure out their correct spelling only by knowing the Russian language: which prefixes exist in such and such a meaning, and which have a different meaning. And then the verbs “to look after” (to shelter) and “to despise” (to neglect, ignore) will not get confused in your head.

It is worth remembering once and for all that a receiver is something that accepts, and a successor is someone who takes over someone’s experience or position. You can lean something against the wall, but you should only bow to that which is worthy of respect. If it is recommended to give the product a shape, then only a friend, dreams, ideals will be betrayed. You can only fake a window or a door, but dreams and ideas are brought to life.

A little more about spelling

In our language there are prefixes that are separated from a word by a hyphen. There are only three of them: po-, v- (vo-) and some-. In the adverbs in -ski, -tski, -i, -emu, -mu - this is a prefix in -: in a foolish way, in its own way, in a Volga way, in a hare way. Pronouns without a preposition are written with a hyphen: some, some, some. The introductory words are formatted as follows: “thirdly”, “secondly”, “apparently”.

There is one more rule related to prefixes and which is very often forgotten to apply in writing, guided only by pronunciation. This is the choice of vowels “and” or “s” following the prefix. In this case, spelling is not related to what prefixes there are, but to which letter the root begins. This applies to all words starting with “and”: play, search, history, integral, idea, etc.

If a prefix appears in them, at the end of which there is a consonant, then “y” is written after it. for example: play, find, background, unprincipled. There are exceptions to this rule:

Compound abbreviated words: sports equipment, pedagogical institute;


Prefixes super- and inter-: super-interesting, inter-institutional;

Foreign language prefixes: counterplay, subinspector, post-impressionism.

We tried to dwell on the main aspects of the life of prefixes regarding their meanings and spellings, because this small morpheme carries a lot of meaning.

Prefixes with z- and s- are mostly written as they are heard. But there is a rule: if a word begins with a voiced consonant, then the prefix must end in z-, if a voiceless consonant, then in -s.

A prefix or prefix is ​​a morpheme used for. There are 51 consoles, and there are both native Russian ones and those of foreign origin. Russian prefixes include the following: bez- (bes-), v- (vo-), voz- (vos-, vozo-), vz- (vs-), you-, do-, for-, iz- (is -, iso-), on-, nai-, under-, over- (necessary-), not-, bottom- (nis-, low-), o-, about- (both-), deprived- (provide- ), from- (oto-), by-, under- (podo-), pere-, pre-, pre- (predo-), at-, pro-, times- (ras-, times-), s- (co-), co-, through- (through-), through-, outside-, inter-, near-, over-, near-, anti-, and for foreign language prefixes: anti-, archi-, de-, dez-, dis-, in-, inter-, infra-, counter-, pro-, pan-, post-, proto-, re-, sub-, super-, trans-, ultra-, ex-. These prefixes are unchangeable; you just need to learn their correct spelling.

Spelling of prefixes

Difficulties in choosing a prefix arise when writing words starting with a- and o-. The prefix a- is used for something, for example: asymmetrical (i.e. asymmetrical). The prefix o- is used to indicate the direction of action, excessive action, etc., for example: (i.e., not just look, but perform this action more carefully and for a long time).

When writing the prefixes pro- and pra-, it is also necessary to analyze the meaning of the word. The prefix pra- means “ancient, old, distant relative, original”, for example: ancestor. In all other cases, it is necessary to use the prefix pro-, for example: to drop, to bite through.

There are exceptions to all rules. These are mostly words of foreign origin. You need to remember them or check their spelling in a spelling dictionary.

It is especially difficult for schoolchildren to find variable prefixes, pre- and pre-. The prefix pri- has a fairly wide range of meanings, including the following: “about” (Azov region); “adding, approximation, accession” (tighten); “incomplete action” (powder); “action completed” (recognize); “a little bit, for a little while” (lie down); “accompanying action” (whistle); “action in someone’s interests” (hide). The prefix is ​​used when the word means “very, very, excessively” (old) or “through, in a different way” (overcome).

b or b

If a word begins with a vowel letter E, Ё, Yu and Ya, then Ъ is necessary after the prefix. A hard sign should be written if the prefix ends in a consonant, for example: connector, entrance. In complex words, if the prefix is ​​a numeral, b is also written, for example: two-tier. The hard sign is also written after most foreign language prefixes: injection, adjutant. The soft sign is not written after the prefix.

Used in the form an-. Most linguists believe that the use of this prefix is ​​borrowed from the Greek language and is used only in borrowed words. Equivalent to the prefixes “without”, “not”.

For example:

  • "illogical" = "illogical"
  • "asymmetrical" = "asymmetrical"
  • "atypicality" = "atypicality"
  • "immorality" = "immorality"
  • "anarchy" = "anarchy"
  • "anaerobes" = "organisms that can live without atmospheric oxygen"

Not to be confused with:

  • the prefix "anti-", meaning "against" (for example, "anti-communism")
  • the prefix “ana-”, meaning “back”, “again” (for example, “anachronism”)


  1. Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. M., “Soviet Encyclopedia”, 1990.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “A (prefix)” is in other dictionaries:

    Extension, attachment, overlock; affix, prefix, attachment, attachment Dictionary of Russian synonyms. prefix noun prefix Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Context 5.0 Informatics. 2012… Dictionary of synonyms

    ATTACHMENT, consoles, women. 1. units only Action under Ch. put in 2 digits. to assign, instruction. Attachment of matter to sleeves (simple). 2. An attached, sewn piece of fabric (port.). Plaster up the attachment. 3. The part of the word that stands... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Same as prefix... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    PRESSURE, and, female. 1. see attach. 2. That which is attached is attached to something. Tape recorder (tape recorder without power amplifier and loudspeaker). 3. In grammar: a morpheme that comes before a root, a prefix. | adj. prefix, aya, oe (to... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Loudspeaker attachment, loudspeaker attachments... Spelling dictionary-reference book

    Prefix c-- The prefix c remains unchanged, regardless of whether it is placed before a voiceless or a voiced consonant, for example: cut down - knock down, cross - rake, cut down - make, sew - squeeze... A reference book on spelling and style

    Prefix- ATTACHMENT. The first part of complex verbs and verbal stems, which are prepositions in origin and indicate various changes in the place and method of manifestation of the verbal feature, as well as introducing known species differences in... ... Dictionary of literary terms

    prefix- - [V.A. Semenov. English-Russian dictionary of relay protection] Topics relay protection EN attachment ...

    prefix (in cryptography)- prefix - Topics information protection EN attachment ... Technical Translator's Guide

    attachment (to a device or apparatus)- - [Ya.N.Luginsky, M.S.Fezi Zhilinskaya, Yu.S.Kabirov. English-Russian dictionary of electrical engineering and power engineering, Moscow, 1999] Topics of electrical engineering, basic concepts EN attachment ... Technical Translator's Guide

    attachment for extruding core from double core tubes- - Topics oil and gas industry EN core pushing fixture ... Technical Translator's Guide

E.A. Makovey, Russian language teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1, Adygeisk,
A.I. Arkhipova, professor of Kuban State University

§ 2. Spelling of prefixes

Prefix, prefix (from lat. praefixus“attached in front”) is the part of the word before the root. In Russian words, there can be from 1 to 3 prefixes before the root: tremble, join, open. Most Russian prefixes coincide in form and partly in meaning with prepositions (bezdorozhny - without a road, verbal - from the verb, from below, from under the forehead - from under the forehead), particles (not appearing - not to appear). Among the prefixes of the Russian language there are a number of borrowed ones: A in the meaning of “not”, anti - “against”, archi - “very”, counter - “against”, pan - “all”, sub - “under”, trans - “through” etc.

2.1. Spelling of immutable prefixes
Most prefixes in Russian are unchangeable, i.e. Regardless of the sound in one position or another, they are written uniformly. The spelling of such prefixes should be remembered. For a list of unchangeable prefixes, see the table:

called out, stop, sediment, go numb

get there, get there, guess

belief, courtyard, cut, rely

boil, gap, trick, grow

In a special meaning: (meaning of kinship) great-grandmother, proto-language

attack, cover, overtake

wonder, prisoner, pick up, hammer


bite, crack, inscribe, tear


melt, sharpen, suggest, wait

OT- (OTO-)

give away, rest, move aside, open


trim, grind, wipe, go around

V- (VO-)

to your heart's content, to sew in, to cling to, to involve


chairman, predecessor, predetermine


humus, overflow, distortion

C- (CO-)

get lost
give up
make friends
bend over

There is no prefix in the words:
no way
and cognates.

2.2. Spelling of prefixes in ...z - ...s
In the Russian language there are prefixes in which letters alternate Z And WITH :

In..click; along the...walking; ..do; burn..burn.

The choice of consonant is carried out according to the following rule:

2.3. Spelling of prefixes PRE- and PRI-

Words starting with pre- And at-, have different origins in the Russian language.
Some came from Latin. In such words the Latin prefix prae- became part of the Russian root (president, presidium, presumption, predicate, bonus, claim, applicant, prefect, precedent, preparation, presentation). The Russian language also borrowed Latin words with a root beginning with pri (priority, privilege, private).
Others are of Old Slavonic origin. They are characterized by the Slavic prefix pre-, which is often included in the modern root (obstacle, resign, advantage, beautiful). In the language, these words retain their bookish character.
Finally, many words with pre- And at- are actually of Russian origin.

It is clear that it is impossible to draw up a clear rule for all cases. Therefore, the spelling rule proposed below is suitable mainly for words in which the meaning of the prefix is ​​clearly guessed.

Let's remember some cases:

give shape, shine
bride's dowry
chapel of the temple
close the window
arrive at the train
hold the door open with a stick
lean your head to your shoulder
bow at the door
look after the orphan
get down to business
impregnable bastion
visiting doctor
make an effort
downplay (reduce a little)
put a chair
stick to
inapplicable technique
tolerate difficulties
pester with questions
attend the meeting

betray a friend, dreams
old legend
limit of patience
successor manager
continuity of generations
misconception, vicissitudes of fate
bring ideas to life
be on vacation
bicker over trifles
bow your head in respect,
adamant person, old age,
bow to talent
despise cowards
break the law
has enduring significance
immutable law
downplay (reduce significantly)
repose (die)
stumbling block
an indispensable condition
undergo hardships, changes
unceasing, unceasing

2.4. Spelling of vowels in the prefixes NE- and NI- in
indefinite and negative pronouns,
pronominal negative adverbs.

Note.The rule applies to words of other parts of speech if they are formed from negative pronouns and adverbs: idleness, insignificant, worthless, worthless, draw.

2.5. Spelling of consonants at the junction of prefix and root.

Pere + skaz = retelling (-s-)
ras + skaz = story (-ss-)
race + quarrel = quarrel (-ss-)

Remember:calculation (calc + even), but: calculate (calc + count);
uncountable (bes + s + even).

In words to tear apart, to tear apart, to ruin one 3 is written.