Department of Macromolecular Compounds, Moscow State University. From the history of the Department of Macromolecular Compounds. List of areas in which the department teaches


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Department of Chemistry and Technology of Macromolecular Compounds named after. S.S. Medvedev

Department of Chemistry and Technology of the Navy named after. S.S. Medvedeva carries out training of BACHELORES in the direction 550800 "CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY" (duration of study 4 years).

During the first two years of study at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, students study according to a common program for all, gaining fundamental knowledge in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and engineering disciplines. In addition, general education and humanitarian disciplines such as philosophy, history, law, and foreign languages ​​are taught.

At the next stage of education, professional training of students begins: a number of basic courses in the specialty are taught; the physical and chemical foundations of the synthesis of polymers, the principles of instrumental design of technological processes for the synthesis of high-molecular compounds are studied. Students acquire practical skills in the laboratories of the department, as well as in the laboratories of basic departments.

Students who have completed undergraduate studies in the direction 550800 "CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY" and have successfully defended their qualifying thesis receive the degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY. The bachelors graduated from the department are highly qualified to work successfully at chemical industry enterprises and in various research institutes.

Bachelors who decide to continue their education in a complete higher education program and improve their professional level in the field of chemistry and technology of macromolecular compounds can continue their studies at the third educational level - in a specialty (higher engineering school) or master's degree. The duration of training at this stage is 1.5-2 years. Bachelors have the right to enroll in master's and specialty programs not only at MITHT, but also at any other higher educational institution in the Russian Federation that provides training in the chosen field.

Department of Chemistry and Technology of the Navy named after. S.S. Medvedeva trains MASTERS in the master’s program 550810 “CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY OF HIGH MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS” (training period 2 years).

The most prepared students who have shown a penchant for research and teaching activities are accepted into the master's program. Master's studies involve active participation of students in scientific work.

The master's qualification work is carried out in the form of a dissertation, which can have both a theoretical and applied focus. It should be a generalization of the graduate’s independent scientific work and, in addition to the results of the author’s experimental research, may include the results of calculations of the abstract work performed by the student during his undergraduate studies.

The topics of master's theses are determined by the director of the master's program in accordance with the main directions of scientific work of the department. A master's student can propose his own topic for the department's scientific work and justify the feasibility of its development. The supervisor and topic of the master's thesis are approved by order of MITHT.

The modern technological and research equipment available at the department and the established team of scientists have made it possible over the years of the department’s existence to create scientific schools and carry out scientific research recognized both in Russia and abroad.

After successful completion of the master's program in the master's program 550810 "CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY OF HIGH MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS" within the framework of the direction 550800 "CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY", students are awarded the degree of MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY.

Masters have the right to enter graduate school at MITHT and any other higher educational institution in the Russian Federation and other countries in various specialties.

Until the early 1950s, V.A. Kargin, being one of the leading physical chemists in the country and a major specialist in the field of polymers, was not directly connected with higher education. In 1953, after V.A. Kargin was elected as a full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the head of the Department of Colloid Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University, Academician P.A. Rebinder, invited him to give a special course for graduate students. This marked the beginning of the activities of V.A. Kargin at Moscow University.

The next step (1955) was the decision of the rector of Moscow State University, Academician I.G. Petrovsky, to organize a new department at the Faculty of Chemistry to train researchers in the field of polymers with a broad university education. Until this time, in the technical universities of the country there were “polymer” departments, but only with a narrow technological focus (only rubbers or only fibers, or only plastics). Academician V.A. Kargin was invited to head the first university department of macromolecular compounds.

The first researchers and teachers at the department were prof. P.V. Kozlov and Art. scientific co-workers S.Ya.Mirlina; The first diploma students and graduates of 1956 were now academicians V.A. Kabanov, N.A. Plate, N.F. Bakeev and Ph.D. chem. Sciences M.B. Constantinople. Three of them, after graduating from the university, were assigned to scientific and teaching work at the Faculty of Chemistry. None of the three has left the pulpit to this day. N.A. Plate (Emeritus Professor of Moscow State University, now Chief Scientific Secretary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and N.F. Bakeev (now Director of the Institute of Synthetic Polymer Materials of the Russian Academy of Sciences) work here as professors (part-time).

From left to right: N.A. Plate, V.A. Kabanov, V.P. Shibaev and academician V.A. Kargin (1968)

The strategic concept integrating chemistry, physical chemistry and physics of polymer substances into a single scientific field was laid by V.A. Kargin as the basis for the construction of a new department. The same concept served as the basis for the first university educational program. V.A. Kargin believed that in order to train modern polymer specialists with a wide profile, it is necessary that the department present and develop research in all the main “growth points” that determine the scientific progress of the field as a whole. Therefore, each of the then still small scientific and pedagogical staff was assigned its own independent direction of research. V.A. Kabanov took up the structural and chemical aspects of controlling the growth reactions of polymer chains in polymerization processes, N.A. Plate - the structural and chemical modification of polymers, N.F. Bakeev - by studying the mechanisms of structure formation during the transition from isolated macromolecules to polymer bodies, S.Ya. Mirlina - by polyelectrolytes as models of biopolymers, P.V. Kozlov - structural and mechanical properties of polymer materials.

From left to right: Professor N.A. Plate, Professor K.V. Topchieva,
Professor S.A. Arzhakov, Professor P.V. Kozlov
on the day of the department's twentieth anniversary

Each of the five research cells was replenished annually with undergraduate and graduate students. Students were distributed among these cells, but the topics of their work necessarily included the need to, to one degree or another, master the entire experimental complex of the department and “absorb” the basics of the scientific strategy of each of the five areas.

The rapid receipt of the first significant results was largely facilitated by the concerted efforts and enthusiasm of well-selected, qualified scientific and support personnel: mechanics A.A. Sveshnikov, A.P. Istomin, G.I. Medovy and L.A. Kazarin, glass blower Lev Otdelnov, laboratory assistant V.K. Savelyeva (Khokhlova). K.N.Dulevich “pushed through” the purchase of “funded” devices using funds allocated to the department for a special purpose, and obtained the necessary consumables.

The main scientific result of the strategy proposed by V.A. Kargin was initially the establishment of a number of non-trivial phenomena and effects, perceived by many as exotic. In fact, these discoveries laid the foundation for several main directions in modern polymer science, which are actively being developed today not only at Moscow State University, but also in many other leading laboratories in the world.

The department developed principles and methods for the structural and physical modification of plastics and fibers, which made it possible to significantly change their mechanical properties without chemical intervention (N.F. Bakeev, A.L. Volynsky, V.I. Gerasimov and co-workers), and developed the fundamentals of the theory reactivity of functional groups of macromolecules, taking into account the influence of neighboring units, chain conformation and intermolecular interactions (N.A. Plate, L.B. Stroganov, O.V. Noa and co-workers).

Academician N.A. Plate (1980)

In 1960, the phenomenon of microphase separation in block and graft copolymers was first established, which, as it turned out, was of a general nature for these classes of polymer materials (N.A. Plate). An unobvious, but initiated by this discovery, turn to the study of the supramolecular structure of comb-shaped polymers ultimately led to the creation of a new class of thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers with mesogenic groups in the side chain (N.A. Plate, V.P. Shibaev, Ya.S. Freidzon , R.V. Talrose et al.). In 1985 N.A. Plate and V.P. Shibaev was awarded the State Prize for these studies, together with a group of other scientists who by that time had achieved significant results in the study of liquid crystalline polymers outside Moscow State University. The development of fundamentally new physiologically active compositions (N.A. Plate, L.I. Valuev, V.V. Chupov, L.D. Uzhinova and co-workers) was the result of V.A. Kargin’s deep initial interest in something that had not been studied by anyone before biological effect of functionalized synthetic polymers on a living organism.

In 1960, the phenomenon of anomalously fast low-temperature polymerization of solid monomers during phase transitions: glass-crystal was discovered and subsequently comprehensively explained (V.A. Kabanov, V.P. Zubov, I.M. Papisov and co-workers) In 1980 These works brought V.A. Kabanov the Lenin Prize, shared with V.I. Goldansky, N.S. Enikolopov (ICP AS USSR) and A.D. Abkin (NIFHI named after L.Ya. Karpov), each of whom made a complementary contribution to the creation of a general physicochemical picture of the anomalously rapid growth of polymer chains in the solid phase. The department was the first in the world to carry out non-biological synthesis of macromolecules on macromolecular matrices (V.A. Kabanov, O.V. Kargina and co-workers); principles of polymerization of monomers chemically activated by complexing agents were developed (V.A. Kabanov, V.P. Zubov, V.B. Golubev, M.B. Lachinov, E.S. Garina and co-workers); new interpolyelectrolyte and polymer colloidal complexes were synthesized and studied in detail, cooperative reactions of polyion exchange and substitution with their participation were discovered, which found important practical applications in a number of different fields (V.A. Kabanov, A.B. Zezin, V.B. Rogacheva, V. A. Kasaikin, V. A. Izumrudov and co-workers).

From left to right: K.N.Dulevich,
Head of the Department of Naval Forces, Academician V.A. Kabanov, Academician N.F. Bakeev (1994)

In the last few years, important results have been obtained in the field of modeling the interaction of polyelectrolytes (including DNA) with biological membranes. Specific modified latex particles and liposomes were used as models (V.A. Kabanov, A.A. Yaroslavov, et al.). A fundamentally new aspect in understanding the mechanism of DNA compaction is opening up thanks to studies of solutions of its complexes with micelle-forming surfactants in non-polar organic solvents (V.A. Kabanov, A.B. Zezin, V.G. Sergeev and co-workers, together with physicists St. -Petersburg University).

In the first year of its existence, the department had only two small rooms in the main building of the Faculty of Chemistry. A year later (1957), after the radiochemistry building was put into operation, the department received half of its first floor (10 modules, 20 m2 each). This was enough for a small team to conduct experimental work with the participation of undergraduate and graduate students. But under these conditions there could be no talk of launching a training workshop to support the general faculty lecture course.

The decisive role in the future fate of the department was played by the general political decision to accelerate the development of chemical science and industry in our country (May Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee in 1958). One of the points of the resolution adopted at that time provided for the construction of a laboratory and educational building for polymers on the territory of Moscow State University. Construction did not proceed quickly. However, by the end of 1965 the building was completed, and the department occupied the premises allocated to it with an area of ​​over 2000 m 2. It is located here (laboratory building "A") to this day.

The increase in the number of educational and scientific personnel of the department, necessary in connection with the expansion, was mainly carried out by hiring the best of its graduates (undergraduate and graduate students). The selection was very strict. V.A. Kargin dealt with it directly. This made it possible to avoid growing pains, which are not uncommon in such conditions - quantity at the expense of quality, and to maintain a high level of scientific research and training of young specialists.

In a short time, a general workshop was created, which for the first time was methodically planned in such a way that its implementation allowed the student to experimentally become familiar with the most important features of polymer substances introduced by their chain structure. The establishment of the workshop at one time required significant efforts on the part of all leading employees. However, Associate Professor A.V. played a special role in its organization. Ermolina. She became the first head of the workshop.

Authors of the “computer” section in the IUD workshop:
V.A. Efremov, B.A. Korolev, S.V. Korolev, A.N. Olonovsky, L.B. Stroganov (1989)

10-12 years have passed, and the Department of Macromolecular Compounds has turned into a large scientific and educational center, recognized throughout the world. Over 44 years, more than 700 young specialists have been trained here. Three of them became academicians, one became a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, more than 40 defended doctoral dissertations, and over 300 defended candidate dissertations. Among the graduates of the department are over 50 representatives from 20 foreign countries.

Over the years of its existence, the department has collaborated with a total of several dozen academic and industrial research institutes and participated in modern developments, the spectrum of which extends from polymers for modern technology to polymers for immunology and biotechnology. Over the years, cooperation with the Institute of Organochlorine Products and Acrylates in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region, has been of particular importance. (now Academician Kargin Research Institute of Polymers). V.A. From the moment of the creation of this institute until the end of his days, Kargin was its chief scientific consultant, and students of the first and many subsequent graduates of the department underwent practical training there. In the early 70s, on the initiative of the then director S.A. Arzhakov, scientific relations between the institute and the department were significantly expanded. In particular, joint working groups were created from employees of the department and research institutes, which were engaged in solving specific scientific and technical problems, coordinatedly using the experimental bases of both organizations. For university-educated researchers, this experience was extremely valuable. At the same time, direct contact between university students and technologists led to the rapid implementation of fundamental results into new technological solutions, primarily for the creation and improvement of polymer aviation materials.

In the 50-60s, the department was visited by famous foreign scientists: Nobel Prize laureate prof. G. Natta (Italy) and his students, prof. P. Corradini and prof. P. Pino, one of the “fathers” of polymer science, prof. G. Mark (USA), repeatedly coming to Moscow and meeting with scientists of the department, highly appreciated the research and educational work carried out within its walls. Guests of the department during this period were prof. T. Tsuruta and Prof. I. Sakurada from Japan, prof. Huggins (USA), prof. M. Maga, A. Benoit and A. Shapiro (France), prof. G. Ringsdorf and G. Heitz (Germany), prof. K. Bamford and A. Jenkins from Great Britain, prof. D. Smets from Belgium. The names of these scientists are associated with major achievements in polymer science. Communication with them at a time when our country’s international scientific relations were just beginning to develop played a significant role in broadening the horizons of young employees, strengthening their self-confidence. Actively attracting talented young people to the Department of Naval Forces, V.A. Kargin did his best to promote their participation in major International Scientific Conferences and Symposiums.

V.A. Kargin was the initiator of the IUPAC International Symposium on Macromolecular Chemistry in Moscow in 1960. Moscow University was chosen as the venue. This served as an important stimulus for the further development of polymer science not only at Moscow State University, but also in many republics of the former Soviet Union. Following the example and with the help of the Department of Naval Engineering of Moscow State University, departments of polymers were organized at the Universities of Tashkent, Almaty, Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod), as well as the Ural (Sverdlovsk) and St. Petersburg Universities.

*The article was written in 2000. Academician N.A. Plate was a professor at the department until his death in 2007. Academician N.F. Bakeev is currently not the director of the ISPM RAS, but is still actively involved in the scientific life of the department.

V.A. Kabanov, L.D. Uzhinova
Photo: V.B. Golubev