What formed the basis for the creation of umk perspective. Umk, or educational and methodological complexes for elementary school. List of textbooks of educational educational complex “Prospective Primary School”

Manufacturer: "Prosveshcheniye"

Series: "Academic school textbook"

The concept of the educational and methodological complex "Perspective" was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES NOO). The concept presents: features of implementation in the educational complex `Perspectives va`, the main conceptual idea and fundamental principles of the educational complex, completed subject lines of textbooks included in its composition. The features of the subject content and methodological support of the educational complex `Perspective' are reflected, aimed at achieving personal, meta-subject and subject results in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO. ISBN:978-5-09-028533-9

Publisher: "Prosveshcheniye" (2013)

Format: 60x90/16, 96 pages.

ISBN: 978-5-09-028533-9

Buy for 154 UAH (Ukraine only) V

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    (The “Perspective” textbook system successfully passed the federal examination for compliance with the 2009 Federal State Educational Standard, and received positive reviews from the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and the Russian Academy of Education (RAE).

    All textbooks of the “Perspective” system are included in the Federal lists of textbooks recommended or approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the educational process in general education institutions for the 2013/2014 academic year.)

    The educational complex of the “Perspective” program was created on a conceptual basis that reflects modern achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy, while maintaining a close connection with the best traditions of classical school education in Russia. When creating the educational complex, not only the modern requirements of society were taken into account, but also the cultural and historical perspective of its development. The Perspective program ensures accessibility of knowledge and high-quality assimilation of material, comprehensive development of the personality of a primary school student, taking into account his age characteristics, interests and needs. The educational and methodological complex of textbooks “Perspective” was created by a team of scientists and teachers of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Education, the Federal Institute for Educational Development in close cooperation with the publishing house “Prosveshchenie”.

    The uniqueness of the Perspective primary school kit is that it was created in parallel with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education. The first textbooks and teaching aids of the Perspective set began to be published in 2006. Scientists from the Russian Academy of Education, the Russian Academy of Sciences, methodologists and teachers are taking part in the work on the “Perspective” kit together with the publishing house “Prosveshcheniye”. The fundamental principles of the set are: humanistic, the principle of historicism, communicative and the principle of creative activity. This principled approach makes it possible to organize the learning process, on the one hand, for the purpose of obtaining knowledge in accordance with the requirements of the new standard, on the other hand, as a means of developing universal educational skills and personal qualities, i.e. child development and upbringing.

    Ideological basis textbook system "Perspective" is“The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia”, aimed at forming in the younger generation a system of values ​​of humanism, creativity, self-development, morality as the basis for a student’s successful self-realization in life and work and as a condition for the security and prosperity of the country.

    The didactic basis of the Perspective textbook system is didactic system of the activity method (L.G. Peterson), synthesizing, on the basis of the methodological system-activity approach, non-conflicting ideas from modern concepts of developmental education from the standpoint of continuity of scientific views with the traditional school (Conclusion of the Russian Academy of Education dated July 14, 2006, Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in field of education for 2002).

    The methodological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard is system-activity approach. It is the system-activity approach, which forms the basis of the “Perspective” set, that makes it possible to orient the teacher towards achieving personal and meta-subject learning outcomes for younger schoolchildren.

    The achievement of these results is facilitated by the thematic unity of all subject lines of the set, expressed in the following theses:

    - “I am in the world and the world is in me”: It is important that training contributes to the construction of the image of “I”, which includes self-knowledge, self-development and self-esteem, the formation of a person’s civil identity, the acceptance and understanding of moral and cultural values, and the rules of interaction with the outside world.

    - “I want to study!”: the child often asks the question “why?”, he is interested in knowing everything and about everything. Our task is to maintain this interest and at the same time teach the child to independently find answers, plan his activities and bring them to completion, evaluate the result, correct mistakes and set new goals.

    - “I communicate, which means I learn”: the learning process is impossible without communication. It seems to us extremely important to build the learning process as the improvement of subject-subject and subject-object communication, that is, firstly, to teach the child to freely conduct a constructive dialogue, to listen and hear the interlocutor, and secondly, to form an information culture - to find the necessary sources of knowledge learn to obtain information from various sources, analyze it, and, of course, work with a book.

    - “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”: It is important here to preserve the health of students during the learning process, and to teach children to take care of their health themselves, understanding that health is not only a physical, but also a spiritual value. In this regard, the concept of health includes not only the rules of hygiene and the rules of safe behavior, but also certain value systems: the ability to empathize, sympathize, take care of oneself, nature, the people around them, take care and honor what they have created.

    The authors of the “Perspective” set reveal their stated theses through thematic areas: “My family is my world”, “My country is my Fatherland”, “Nature and culture - the environment of our life”, “My planet - Earth”, which integrate educational material from different objects and allow the child to more effectively form a holistic picture of the world.

    Another advantage of learning using the Perspective educational complex is that the system for constructing educational material allows each student to maintain and develop interest in discovering and learning new things. In textbooks, tasks are offered in such a form that the child’s cognitive activity, cognitive interest and curiosity develop into the need to learn new things and learn independently. At each lesson, the student, as it were, reveals for himself the content of future topics. Training is built on a dialectical principle, when the introduction of new concepts and ideas, initially presented in a visual-figurative form or in the form of a problem situation, precedes their subsequent detailed study. Each textbook is equipped with a system of tasks aimed at developing both logical and figurative thinking of the child, his imagination, and intuition. The textbooks systematically build theoretical material, to which are offered practical, research and creative tasks that allow you to intensify the child’s activity, apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities, and create conditions for the realization of the student’s creative potential.

    The next feature of the educational complex “Perspective” in the context of its compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard is its great opportunities for solving educational problems. The implementation of the Concept of spiritual and moral development and upbringing of the personality of a citizen of Russia in the educational complex is aimed at the formation of a value worldview, education and formation of the moral position of the personality of a junior schoolchild. The teacher solves these problems in the process of discussing a system of issues, problematic and practical situations, texts aimed at nurturing the kindest feelings, love and interest in his family, small and large Motherland, traditions and customs of the peoples living in Russia, their cultural and historical heritage.

    The basis of the information and educational environment for primary schools is the completed subject lines of the “Perspective” textbook system. Textbooks effectively complement workbooks and creative notebooks, dictionaries, reading books, methodological recommendations for teachers, didactic materials, multimedia applications (DVD videos; DVDs with lesson scripts that implement the activity-based teaching method; CD-ROMs; presentation materials for multimedia projectors; software for interactive whiteboards, etc.), Internet support and other resources for all subject areas of the Federal State Educational Standards curriculum (Federal State Educational Standards, section III, clause 19.3.). All this makes it possible to organize various types of student activities and effectively use modern methods and technologies for organizing educational work.

    Another distinctive feature of the “Perspective” textbook system, which provides it with the status of the core of the information and educational environment for primary schools, is the developed special navigation system that allows the student to navigate both within the educational complex and to go beyond it in search of other sources of information. Thus, the “Perspective” textbook system is integrated into a single ideological, didactic and methodological system that helps the teacher meet the requirements of the modern educational process, determined by the Federal State Educational Standard.

    A new methodological support has been developed for the educational complex “Perspective” - “Technological maps”, which help the teacher to implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in the educational process. “Technological maps” are a new methodological toolkit that provides the teacher with high-quality teaching of a new educational course by moving from lesson planning to designing the study of a topic. The “Technological Maps” define tasks, planned results (personal and meta-subject), indicate possible interdisciplinary connections, propose an algorithm for completing the topic and diagnostic work (intermediate and final) to determine the level of mastery of the topic by students. The maps are posted on the Prosveshcheniye publishing house website in the “Perspective for Teachers” section. In addition, additional Internet resources have been developed for teachers and parents, including lesson plans, articles and comments, advisory support for teachers and parents (questions from parents and teachers are answered by psychologists, teachers, and authors).

    In order to ensure the effectiveness of using the “Perspective” textbook system in the practical activities of teachers, a multi-level system of advanced training for teachers of different categories (primary and secondary school teachers, teachers of preschool educational institutions, head teachers, directors, methodologists, teachers of pedagogical colleges and pedagogical universities, psychologists, etc.) has been built. .), creating conditions for their gradual development of pedagogical tools of activity-based learning both at the federal level (at the Center for System-Active Pedagogy “School 2000...” of the AIC and PPRO) and in the regions based on the principle of network interaction.

    The created mechanisms for improving the quality of work of teachers in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard on unified ideological, didactic and methodological grounds opens up prospects for a real transition of the school to the implementation of the new goals and values ​​of education and the construction of a unified educational space for the training, education and health of schoolchildren.

    (edited by L.F. Klimanova)

    Publishing house "Education".

    Website: http://www.prosv.ru/umk/perspektiva

    Educational and methodological complex " Perspective "produced since 2006. This educational complex includes a line of mathematics textbooks .

    The educational and methodological complex “Perspective” was created on a conceptual basis that reflects modern achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy, while maintaining a close connection with the best traditions of classical Russian school education.

    The educational complex ensures the availability of knowledge and high-quality assimilation of program material, the comprehensive development of the personality of a primary school student, taking into account his age characteristics, interests and needs. A special place in the educational complex “Perspective” is given to the formation of spiritual and moral values, acquaintance with the cultural and historical heritage of the world and Russia, with the traditions and customs of the peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation. The textbooks include tasks for independent, pair And group work, project activities, as well as materials that can be used in extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

    The educational complex uses a unified navigation system for teachers, students and parents, which helps to work with information, organize and structure educational material, plan student activities in the lesson, organize homework, and develop independent work skills.

    “Teaching not only mathematics, but also mathematics” is the leading idea of ​​the educational educational program in mathematics , aimed at strengthening the general cultural sound of mathematical education and increasing its significance for the formation of a child’s personality. The content of the material is focused on developing in younger schoolchildren the skills to observe, compare, generalize, and find the simplest patterns, which allows them to master heuristic methods of reasoning, their logic, develops divergent thinking as the most important component of mental activity, speech culture, and allows them to expand their ideas about the world around them by means of mathematics. Much attention is paid to the development of students' numerical literacy and the formation of computational skills based on rational methods of action.

    The textbooks have the same structure and consist of 3 sections: numbers and operations with them, geometric figures and their properties, quantities and their measurement.

    In the composition of the educational complex " Perspective» includes:

    · Textbooks on subjects (grades 1-4);

    · Workbooks;

    · Creative notebooks;

    · Didactic materials for the student: “Reader”, “The Magic Power of Words”, “ Mathematics and computer science", "Basics of life safety";

    · Methodological manuals for teachers: lesson developments in subjects, additional educational and methodological materials, calendar and thematic planning, technological maps;

    Calendar-thematic planning and technological maps, providing the teacher with effective and high-quality teaching by moving from lesson planning to designing the study of the topic, are posted on the pages Internet site UMK "Perspective".

    Educational and methodological complex “School 2000...”

    (scientific supervisor – L. G. Peterson)

    Publishing house "Iuventa"

    Website :www.sch2000.ru

    The didactic system of the activity method “School 2000...” offers solutions to current educational problems in the system of lifelong education (preschool educational institution - school - university). It is based continuous course in mathematics for preschoolers, primary and secondary schools, focused on the development of children’s thinking, creative powers, their interest in mathematics, the formation of strong mathematical knowledge and skills, and readiness for self-development. Program "Learn to Learn" takes into account the possibility of working on this program in the conditions of various options for the educational curriculum of the educational institution (4 hours or 5 hours per week).

    The main goal of the “School 2000...” program is comprehensive development child, the formation of his abilities for self-change and self-development, a picture of the world and moral qualities that create conditions for successful entry into culture and the creative life of society, self-determination and self-realization of the individual.

    The selection of content and the sequence of studying basic mathematical concepts was carried out in the “Learn to Learn” program based on a systematic approach. The multi-level system of initial mathematical concepts built by N. Ya. Vilenkin and his students made it possible to establish a procedure for introducing fundamental concepts in school mathematical education, ensuring successive connections between them and continuous development of all content and methodological lines of the mathematics course.

    The basis for organizing the educational process in the “Learn to Learn” program is the didactic system of the activity-based teaching method “School 2000...”, which can be used at two levels: basic And technological.

    Well mathematicians“Learning to learn” for elementary school can be shared with courses in other academic subjects included in the Federal Lists of Textbooks of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, based on the teachers’ own choice. In this case, the technology of the activity method can be used as a didactic basis that streamlines the work of teachers in conditions of variability in education.

    UMK in mathematics for primary school programs

    “Learning to learn” (“School 2000...”)

    1. Textbooks « Mathematics» – L. G. Peterson. Textbooks are equipped with teaching aids, didactic materials and a computer program for monitoring progress.

    Further reading:

    2. Peterson L. G., Kubysheva M. A., Mazurina S. E. What does it mean to be able to learn. Educational and methodological manual.-M.: UMC “School 2000...”, 2006.

    3. Peterson L.G. Activity-based teaching method: educational system “School 2000...” // Construction of a continuous sphere of education. - M.: APK and PPRO, UMC “School 2000...”, 2007.


    The educational and methodological complex (hereinafter referred to as the EMC) “Perspective” has been published by the publishing house “Prosveshcheniye” since 2006, annually updated with new textbooks. The educational complex “Perspective” includes lines of textbooks in the following subjects: “Teaching literacy”, “Russian language”, “Literary reading”, “Mathematics”, “The world around us”, “Technology”.

    The complex was created in parallel with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education, the requirements of which found their theoretical and practical embodiment in the textbooks of the educational educational complex “Perspective”.

    The conceptual basis of the educational complex reflects modern achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy, while maintaining a close connection with the best traditions of classical Russian school education. The educational complex “Perspective” was created within the walls of the Federal Institute for Educational Development of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which is headed by the head of the Department of Personality Psychology at Moscow State University, Academician A.G. Asmolov. Under his leadership, theoretical and methodological materials were developed, which are system-forming components of the Federal State Educational Standard and focused ondevelopment of the student’s personality based on the mastery of universal educational actions. The authors of the educational complex “Perspective” and, at the same time, the developers of the Federal State Educational Standard are such famous scientists, teachers and methodologists as L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Dorofeev, M.Yu. Novitskaya, A.A. Pleshakov, S.G. Makeeva, N.I. Rogovtseva and others.

    Methodological basis The new complex is a system-activity approach. In this regard, in the textbooks of the educational complex “Perspective”, tasks aimed at including children in activities are built into a system that allows the learning process to be built as a two-way one:

      learning as a means formation of universal educational actions and personal qualities of junior schoolchildren

      learning as a goal- obtaining knowledge in accordance with the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    The educational complex ensures the availability of knowledge and high-quality assimilation of program material, the comprehensive development of the personality of a primary school student, taking into account his age characteristics, interests and needs. A special place in the educational complex “Perspective” is given to the formation of spiritual and moral values, acquaintance with the cultural and historical heritage of the world and Russia, with the traditions and customs of the peoples inhabiting our homeland. The textbooks include tasks for independent, pair and group work, project activities, as well as materials that can be used in extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

    The quality of knowledge acquisition is determined by the variety and nature of the types of universal actions. That is why the planned results of the Federal State Educational Standard determine not only subject, but meta-subject and personal results. In this regard, all programs of the educational complex “Perspective” are focused on the planned results of primary general education and are a tool for achieving them. In subsequent chapters, specific examples will illustrate the capabilities of the Perspective educational complex in the context of the formation of UUD.

    The main goal of the educational complex "Perspective" is the comprehensive harmonious development of the individual (spiritual-moral, cognitive, aesthetic), realized in the process of mastering school subject disciplines.

    The main objectives of the educational complex “Perspective” are:

      general cultural development- formation of a holistic picture of the world (image of the world) based on the integration of cultural experience in the unity of scientific and figurative and artistic forms of knowledge of the world;

      personal development- formation of the identity of a Russian citizen in a multicultural, multinational society; the value and moral development of the student, which determines his attitude to the social world and the natural world, to himself; readiness to make personal choices and take responsibility for them; the ability to cooperate equally on the basis of respect for the personality of another person; tolerance to the opinions and positions of others;

      cognitive development- development of cognitive motives, initiative and interests of the student based on the connection of the content of the academic subject with the life experience and value system of the child; harmonious development of conceptual-logical and figurative-artistic thinking; formation of readiness to act in new, non-standard situations; development of the creative potential of the individual;

      formation of educational activities- formation of the ability to learn, independently acquire new knowledge and skills, organizing the process of assimilation; development of the ability for self-improvement;

      development of communicative competence- ability to organize and carry out joint activities; exchange information and interpersonal communication, including the ability to understand a partner.



    The program was developed on the basis of the federal state educational standard for primary general education, the Concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia, the author’s program of L.F. Klimanova, T.V. Babushkina, as well as the planned results of primary general education.

    In the system of subjects of primary general education schools, the subject “Russian Language” realizes two main goals:

    1) cognitive (familiarization with the basic principles of the science of language and the formation on this basis of sign-symbolic perception and logical thinking of students);

    2) sociocultural (formation of students’ communicative competence: development of oral and written speech, monologue and dialogic speech, as well as skills of competent, error-free writing as a demonstration_

      body of general human culture).

    Modern teaching of the Russian language is not limited to familiarizing students with the language system and its rules, and the formation of basic speech skills. This subject plays an important role in the formation of the foundations of civic identity and worldview, the formation of the foundations of the ability to learn and the ability to organize one’s activities, the spiritual and moral development and education of younger schoolchildren.

    A special feature of the subject is its close relationship with literary reading, ensuring the implementation of the main objectives of the content of the subject area “Philology”:

    ● formation of initial ideas about the unity and diversity of the linguistic and cultural space of Russia, about language as the basis of national identity;

    ● development of dialogic and monologue oral and written speech;

    ● development of communication skills;

    ● development of moral and aesthetic feelings;

    ● development of abilities for creative activity.

    General characteristics of the course

    A distinctive feature of the Russian language course is its communicative and cognitive basis, which is common to the literary reading course. The content of these two courses has a pronounced communicative-speech and cognitive orientation, covering three aspects of studying the native language: the language system, speech activity and literary text, which ensures the implementation of a system-activity approach in teaching.

    The course program ensures a holistic study of the native language in primary school through the implementation of three principles:

    1) communicative;

    2) cognitive;

    3) the principle of personal orientation of learning and creative activity of students.

    The communicative principle provides:

    ● comprehension and implementation of the main function of language - to be a means of communication;

    ● developing the ability to navigate communication situations (understand the purpose and result of communication between interlocutors, control and adjust your speech depending on the communication situation);

    ● familiarity with various communication systems (oral and written, speech and non-speech);

    ● formation of an idea of ​​the text as a result (product) of speech activity;

    ● development in students of the desire (need) to create their own texts of various stylistic orientations: business (note, letter, announcement, etc.), artistic (story, poem, fairy tale), scientific and educational;

    ● organization of educational (business) communication (communication as a dialogue between a teacher and children and with each other) using formulas of speech etiquette and a spiritual and moral style of communication based on respect, mutual understanding and the need for joint activities.

    The cognitive principle presupposes:

    ● mastering language as the most important tool of human cognitive activity and as a means of understanding the world through the word;

    ● development of thinking of younger schoolchildren based on the “two wings of knowledge”: figurative and abstract-logical thinking, development of intuition and imagination;

    ● step-by-step assimilation of the most important concepts of the course from the visual-practical and visual-figurative level to the assimilation of concepts in an abstract-logical, conceptual form;

    ● understanding the concept of “culture”, ensuring the integrity of the content of teaching the Russian language, helping to identify the ways of formation of the concept being studied (from its cultural and historical origins, where the subject of activity is connected with its function, to the final result of the activity, i.e. to the formation of this or that concepts);

    ● mastering the processes of analysis and synthesis in the structure of mental actions (comparison, classification, systematization and generalization) and in the general process of cognition;

    ● understanding of language as a special kind of sign system and its substitutive function;

    ● consideration of a word as a complex linguistic sign, as a two-way unit of language and speech;

    ● formation of semantic rather than verbal reading; the object of students' attention becomes both the sound side of the word and its meaning;

    ● gradual assimilation of language from the disclosure of its lexical-semantic side (the meaning of words) to the assimilation of its sound-letter and formal-grammatical (abstract) form.

    The principle of personal orientation of learning and creative activity ensures:

    ● awakening the child’s desire to learn and gain knowledge;

    ● formation of ideas about the book, native language and classical literature as cultural and historical value;

    ● development of interest in learning a language and creative activity due to the logic of its assimilation, built “from the child”, and not “from the science of language” (the latter provides students with only the final results of cognitive activity, recorded in the form of ready-made abstract concepts suitable for memorization, since the path of their formation is not revealed);

    ● acquaintance and mastery of basic values ​​based on the traditions of national culture and providing students with a spiritual and moral basis for behavior and communication with peers and adults;

    ● creative self-realization of the individual in the process of learning the Russian language and working with works of art through the creation of their own texts.

    The implementation of these principles makes it possible to most fully ensure not only the “instrumental basis of student competence” (a system of knowledge, abilities and skills), but also the spiritual and moral development of the individual and the acquisition of social experience.

    Studying the Russian language based on these principles creates real conditions for the implementation of an activity-based approach, thanks to which the subject content unfolds “from the child” and becomes accessible and interesting for students.

    The initial stage of learning the Russian language is learning to read and write. The main attention during this period is given to the study of written speech and the development of phonemic hearing in children. In parallel with the development of written forms of verbal communication (reading and writing skills), there is an improvement in oral forms of communication (listening and speaking skills). Therefore, the key concept in the content of literacy teaching is “communication,” which is not considered statically, but unfolds in the form of an activity that takes place in a cultural and historical context - from the origins of the process of communication among people (in its written form) to the development of writing at the modern level.

    After learning to read and write, separate study of the Russian language and literary reading begins.

    Studying a systematic course of the Russian language provides:

    ● conscious mastery (at a level accessible to children) of the native language as a means of communication and cognition for free use in various communication situations;

    ● development of communicative and speech skills (writing and speaking, listening and reading), functional literacy and intellectual abilities of students;

    ● formation of a caring attitude towards language, its richness, depth and expressiveness; developing interest in the native language and its study;

    ● formation of a style of verbal communication among students based on respect for the interlocutor and his opinion;

    ● introducing students to the spiritual and moral values ​​of the Russian language and national culture.

    The communicative-cognitive orientation of the course and the system-activity approach implemented in it aim junior schoolchildren at the joint study of the language system (phonetic, lexical, grammatical units) and understanding the ways in which these language units function in oral and written speech, in various communication situations and various texts.

    The course content covers a fairly wide range of information related to different aspects of the language. Students become familiar with the phonetic composition of a word, with the division of a word into syllables and meaningful parts, with the main parts of speech and their most important forms, with various types of sentences, with members of sentences, and learn spelling rules. The program involves familiarizing students with the lexical meaning of a word (without a term), the polysemy of words and synonymy.

    Teaching the Russian language on the basis of this Program is personality-oriented, since it is built taking into account the level of development of the child’s interests and his cognitive capabilities. That's why

    linguistic concepts are not given ready-made (or on an explanatory and illustrative basis), but unfold as a process of obtaining them, and subsequently as an activity for their assimilation.

    The cognitive orientation of the Program ensures the assimilation of language as the most important tool of human cognitive activity, as a means of understanding the world around us and developing verbal thinking.

    The Program attaches great importance to the study of language as a sign system, since it allows you to pay attention to the interaction of the semantic (content) and formal aspects of speech, which fundamentally changes the system of language learning. Turning to the semantic side of language creates conditions for the harmonious development of figurative and logical thinking. At the same time, the speech activity and functional literacy of children increases, interest arises and a caring attitude toward the native language, its richness and expressiveness appears, and students’ verbal thinking develops.

    The program provides not only for introducing children to sign-symbolic activities, but also for mastering the fundamentals of the thought process - analysis and synthesis, present in the most important mental operations (comparison, classification, systematization and generalization).

    The main content lines of the Program include:

    ● basics of linguistic knowledge: phonetics and spelling, graphics, word composition, morphemics), grammar (morphology and syntax);

    ● spelling and punctuation;

    ● speech development.

    Contents The programs and approaches to learning the Russian language have a number of features. Thus, the study of word composition is preceded by word formation exercises. Another feature of this Program is the approach to studying parts of speech, changing the attitude of students to the word. If when studying vocabulary, students deal with a single word and its meaning, then when mastering grammar they work with a whole group (class) of words that have common characteristics. What is important here is not so much the naming function as the generalization function, the mastery of which is necessary for the development of abstract logical thinking (the method of forming concepts).

    Spelling and punctuation rules are considered in parallel with the study of phonetics, morphology, morphemics and syntax.

    In order for the study of grammar to become the most important element in the development of students’ speech and thinking, and not for training their memory, the content includes the formation of the ability to classify (group) words on different grounds (semantic and formal grammatical). These learning skills help students distinguish between the features of working with a word with its specific meaning in vocabulary and with the abstract (generalized) meaning of words in grammar.

    This approach leads students to an independent conclusion about the presence of a whole class of words with common features (grammatical meaning, i.e., the meaning of objectivity, forms of gender, number and case in nouns, etc.).

    In this course, the study of parts of speech is built in stages: from vocabulary to grammar through various levels of classification and generalization of words.

    Awareness of the differences between the grammatical (generalized) and lexical (single) meaning of a word allows you to escape from the formal study of grammar.

    The course has changed the approach to studying proposals . The sentence is considered as the basic communicative unit of language. First, an idea of ​​the sentence as a whole is formed (semantic and intonation completeness, connections between words in the sentence). Then children learn to classify sentences by intonation (exclamatory - non-exclamatory) and by the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative, incentive). After they have gained experience observing sentences in various speech situations, definitions of concepts are introduced.

    The program focuses on creating conditions for the development of regulatory educational activities that bring order and consistency to any activity and form the basis of educational activities. The skills to set a goal, determine the sequence of actions, control, adjust and evaluate them are formed. The program provides for the development of penmanship skills - a kind of graphic “gymnastics”, where writing samples are used, the writing of generalized elements of letters, their connections in words, rhythmic and tempo writing of words and sentences is practiced, instructions are given for the calligraphic writing of letters and their connections, self-control and mutual testing are carried out.

    A separate, very important element of the Program is familiarity with the dictionary. It is expected that primary schoolchildren will become familiar with different dictionaries: spelling, explanatory, encyclopedic, and a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms.

    The section “Speech Development” provides not only for enriching the vocabulary, improving the grammatical structure of speech (orally and in writing), mastering various types of work with text, but also the formation of ideas about speech in general, about verbal communication, about means of communication (verbal and non-verbal ).The study of a systematic course of the Russian language begins with a generalization of the initial information about verbal communication and language as a means of communication obtained during the period of literacy training.

    The program focuses on developing the skills to accurately and clearly express one’s thoughts in speech, solve one or another speech problem in the process of communication (approve, explain, express surprise, confirm the interlocutor’s thought, etc.), keep the content of speech and its form in the field of attention expressions.

    In addition to general ideas about the text, students receive first information about various types of texts (narration, description, reasoning), begin to comprehend the role of the word in a literary text, work with the title and draw up a plan (with the help of the teacher), observe the stylistic features of artistic and scientific texts. educational texts.

    Considering language as a means of communication in specific communicative speech situations and texts (scientific, business, artistic) helps children imagine the language holistically, which increases motivation in learning their native language.

    Place of the course in the curriculum

    Only 675 hours are allocated for studying the Russian language in primary school.

    In first grade - 165 hours (5 hours per week, 33 school weeks), of which 115 hours

    (23 academic weeks) are allocated for teaching writing during the period of literacy training and 50 hours (10 academic weeks) for Russian language lessons.

    In grades 2-4, 170 hours are allocated for Russian language lessons (5 hours per week, 34 school weeks in each grade).

    Course results

    The program ensures that primary school graduates achieve the following personal, meta-subject and subject results.

    Personal results

    1. Formation of the foundations of Russian civic identity, a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia, awareness of one’s ethnicity and nationality. Formation of values ​​of multinational Russian society, formation of humanistic and democratic value orientations.

    2. Acceptance and mastery of the social role of the student, development of motives for educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning.

    3. Development of independence and personal responsibility for one’s actions based on ideas about moral standards.

    4. Development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people. Understanding the importance of a positive communication style based on peace, patience, restraint and goodwill.

    5. Formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings.

    6. Development of skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations.

    Meta-subject results

    1. The ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, to determine the most effective ways to achieve results.

    2. The ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, and find means of its implementation.

    3. The ability to engage in discussions of problems of a creative and exploratory nature, to learn ways to solve them.

    4. The ability to understand the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure.

    5. Mastering the initial forms of introspection in the process of cognitive activity.

    6. The ability to create and use sign-symbolic models to solve educational and practical problems.

    7. Using various methods of searching (in reference sources and open educational information space - the Internet), collecting, processing, analyzing, organizing, transmitting and interpreting information in accordance with communicative and cognitive tasks.

    8. Mastering the skills of semantic reading of texts of various styles and genres in accordance with goals and objectives. Conscious alignment of speech utterances in accordance with communication tasks, composing texts in oral and written form.

    9. Mastery of the following logical actions:

    ● comparison;

    ● analysis;

    ● synthesis;

    ● classification and generalization according to generic characteristics;

    ● establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships;

    ● constructing reasoning;

    ● reference to known concepts.

    10. Willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own. The ability to express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events. The ability to actively use dialogue and monologue as speech means to solve communicative and cognitive problems.